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Game of December 28, 2011 at 13:03, 7 players
1. 657 pts yab
2. 464 pts kellybelly
3. 362 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiklux   H4    30    30   kidel
 2. aginotv   I8    68    98   ovating
 3. aelnprt   4D    78   176   plankter
 4. beeijno  H10    36   212   jibe
 5. enpttuy   K1    76   288   unpretty
 6. ?imnort  13G    76   364   mentioner
 7. adeiimy   O7    42   406   midyear
 8. ?aefqrr   1I    57   463   aquafer
 9. alnoosx   2M    41   504   ax
10. abehilr  14A    82   586   hirable
11. denotwz   A8    63   649   dozenth
12. eforsuw  15A    71   720   so
13. eilnosw   M7    63   783   snowline
14. cdeiisu   B2    77   860   suicide
15. aegoruv   3M    38   898   gov
16. aefoors   L4    40   938   sae
17. acegoru   A1    26   964   ruga
18. cefhoru   F3    70  1034   farouche

Remaining tiles: aow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7001 Fileyab         5 20:58  -377  657     1.7001 yab         5 20:58  -377  657 
  2.7240 Filekellybelly  2 11:40  -570  464     2.7240 kellybelly  2 11:40  -570  464 
  3.6288 Fileraggedy01   2 15:23  -672  362            Group: intermediate
  4.5716 Filejimbo       0 11:41  -743  291     1.6288 raggedy01   2 15:23  -672  362 
  5.5215 Filecailah      0  9:40  -804  230            Group: novice
  6.5002 Filestrykyster  0  2:38  -959   75     1.5716 jimbo       0 11:41  -743  291 
  7.5252 Fileleobill     0  0:56 -1013   21     2.5215 cailah      0  9:40  -804  230 
                                             3.5002 strykyster  0  2:38  -959   75 
                                             4.5252 leobill     0  0:56 -1013   21 

On 1st draw, KIDEL H4 30 --- KIDEL a stake fence for catching fish [n]
Other moves: KEX H6 28, KEX H7 28, KEX H8 28, LIKED H8 24, DEX H6 22
KEX H7 28 yab
LUX H6 20 jimbo

On 2nd draw, OVATING I8 68 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: GITANO I3 26, GONIA I3 23, OVATING 5D 22, VINA I3 22, VINO I3 22
VITA I3 22 yab
VADING 6F 21 leobill
VETOING 7G 18 jimbo

On 3rd draw, PLANKTER 4D 78 --- PLANKTER any organism that is an element of plankton [n]
Other moves: TRAPLINE 12D 72, TRIPLANE 12G 72, INTERLAP 5H 70, PANTLER J2 70, PLANTER J2 70
PANTLER J2 70 jimbo
PEAT H12 39 yab

On 4th draw, JIBE H10 36 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JIB H10 33, JIB J6 33, JOB J6 33, BENJ 3J 32, JEON 5C 32
JINGO 14F 31 jimbo
JEAN F2 27 yab

On 5th draw, UNPRETTY K1 76 --- PRETTY pleasing to the eye [adj] --- UNPRETTY not pretty [adj]
Other moves: PETTY 3J 26, PUNTY 3J 26, PUTTY 3J 26, PEATY F2 24, PUNY 3J 24
PUTTY 3J 26 jimbo
YEP G13 22 yab

On 6th draw, MENTION(E)R 13G 76 --- MENTIONER [n]
Other tops: MENTORIN(G) 13G 76
Other moves: (P)ROMINENT 13B 72, INTROMIT(S) 11B 70, MIRL(I)TON E1 68, M(I)RLITON E1 68, NATI(F)ORM F3 67
MOI(S)T L1 61 kellybelly
T(U)MOUR 1G 24 jimbo
UNIO(N) 1K 15 yab

On 7th draw, MIDYEAR O7 42 --- MIDYEAR in the middle of the year [n]
Other moves: MADGE 14F 40, MIDGE 14F 40, YA J10 37, AYRIE O11 36, MARDY O11 36
MIDYEAR O7 42 yab
MARDY O11 36 raggedy01
YAM 12L 31 kellybelly
MIRED O11 27 jimbo

On 8th draw, (A)QUAFER 1I 57 --- AQUAFER a water-bearing rock formation [n]
Other moves: AQU(A)FER 1I 54, AQU(I)FER 1I 54, AFRE(E)(T) N9 53, AF(F)E(E)R N9 52, FAQU(I)R 1H 51
(S)QUARER 1I 48 kellybelly, yab
QUAR(T)E 1J 45 jimbo

On 9th draw, AX 2M 41 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: NOX 14L 40, SAX 14L 40, SOX 14L 40, XOANA 12K 40, AS L3 38
AX 2M 41 kellybelly
SOX 14L 40 raggedy01
SAX 14L 40 yab
OXO N5 30 jimbo

On 10th draw, HIRABLE 14A 82 --- HIRABLE available for hire [adj]
Other moves: HIRABLE 2C 65, HIREABLE 7A 65, HIBERNAL M8 64, REHAB N6 43, BAL(E)R N10 41
HIRABLE 14A 32 yab
BA J10 31 kellybelly
FAH M1 18 raggedy01

On 11th draw, DOZENTH A8 63 --- DOZENTH twelfth [n]
Other moves: DZHO A12 57, WOOTZ L11 54, DZO 12K 53, ZETA 12L 51, ZOEA 12L 51
DOZENTH A8 63 yab
ZO 12L 46 raggedy01
WON 3M 40 kellybelly
ZONED N4 24 cailah

On 12th draw, SO 15A 71 --- SO the fifth tone of the scale [n]
Other moves: DOZENTHS A8 63, FRE(E)S N10 50, WOFS 14L 49, WOF 3M 46, OSE L3 42
SO 15A 71 raggedy01, yab
FROES 14K 41 kellybelly
WOE 3M 40 cailah

On 13th draw, SNOWLINE M7 63 --- SNOWLINE an area which defines permanent snow [n]
Other moves: WEILS 15D 56, ISLE L3 46, SLOE L4 44, OSE L3 42, SEI L4 40
WON 3M 40 kellybelly
IS L3 38 yab
WOES 14L 37 cailah
NOW 3M 34 raggedy01

On 14th draw, SUICIDE B2 77 --- SUICIDE to kill oneself intentionally [v]
Other moves: SUICIDED 6A 68, SUICIDE 2C 67, SEI L4 40, DISCI 15K 39, ES L3 38
IS L3 38 yab
USED 15L 30 kellybelly
PLANKTERS 4D 30 cailah
FACED M1 22 raggedy01

On 15th draw, GOV 3M 38 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: VEGA A1 35, VEGO A1 35, PRAO 3K 34, GOA 3M 32, GOE 3M 32
GOV 3M 38 yab, kellybelly, raggedy01
GRAVE F2 15 cailah

On 16th draw, SAE L4 40 --- SAE so [adv]
Other tops: SEA L4 40
Other moves: FEERS 14K 39, FREES 14K 39, REFS 14L 38, FEES 14L 35, EFS 14M 34
SEA L4 40 yab
REFS 14L 38 cailah
OF B10 25 strykyster
SER 15M 21 kellybelly
SEA 15M 21 raggedy01

On 17th draw, RUGA A1 26 --- RUGA an anatomical fold or wrinkle [n]
Other tops: REGO A1 26
Other moves: COUGAR C9 24, CAG A1 23, COG A1 23, URE N9 23, ARE B10 22
CAG A1 23 kellybelly
COG A1 23 yab
ORE B10 22 strykyster
RAG A1 17 cailah
CAGER C10 16 raggedy01

On 18th draw, FAROUCHE F3 70 --- FAROUCHE shy or ill at ease [adj]
Other moves: HOOF L12 40, UH N9 37, HE N10 36, FUHRER C9 32, FEH 14L 31
FEH 14L 31 yab
CHAUFER F2 29 cailah
HORE L12 28 strykyster
HOE C5 20 raggedy01
EF 13C 19 kellybelly

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