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Game sheet of yab (file), Game of December 28, 2011 at 16:05

Word find
Word played
1 AGNRTTY             GYRANT H3 28 28  
2 ?AEEEPT             (R)EPARTEE 5D 86 114  
3 ?ALMOOP             PLA(Y)(R)OOM D1 82 196  
4 ACIKLSZ             ZACKS L1 70 266  
5 EILLORS SLOPE 1A 21 -56 21 6/7 TRILLOES 8H 77 343 7/7
6 EFIRTTY FRITZ 1H 51 -19 72 2/6 PRETTIFY F5 70 413 7/7
7 AENRTVW NERTZ 1H 42 -9 114 1/6 WAREZ 1H 51 464 6/7
8 INNOSVW SWIM 8A 27 -5 141 2/7 WAVINGS 3C 32 496 6/8
9 AABEIOQ QI 2F 64   205 2/7       560 4/8
10 EEINOTU TONE E10 25 -2 230 2/4 TENUE E10 27 587 4/8
11 GIJNOSU JONGS 15A 51   281 1/6       638 3/8
12 AABBINR RAN D11 26 -2 307 2/7 BRAINY 12A 28 666 3/8
13 CDEIMNN             DEMAIN 2I 34 700 3/8
14 ABDEHNX AXE 9L 39 -22 346 2/6 HEXAD O1 61 761 3/8
15 ACDELOR CRAPE 1A 27 -49 373 3/6 RECOALED N7 76 837 3/8
16 ABHINOO BAH M11 32 -7 405 2/6 HABOOB A7 39 876 3/8
17 DEIOTUV DEV O13 27 -12 432 3/5 VOTED B6 39 915 3/8
18 FGIINUU FIG O13 29   461 1/6       944 3/8

Total: 461/944 or -483 for 48.83%
Rank: 7714

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