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Game of December 28, 2011 at 20:41, 5 players
1. 613 pts PIThompson
2. 583 pts musdrive
3. 235 pts mazscot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cegorst   H3    22    22   scrote
 2. deglosu   5E    36    58   gourdes
 3. aacgnor   4A    25    83   conga
 4. eeilmss   7H    62   145   timeless
 5. ?eefior   O3    83   228   foreside
 6. aaiknou   3B    33   261   koan
 7. ?defnqt  N10    45   306   fends
 8. aeglptu   N2    49   355   getups
 9. aeiillu   A4    24   379   caille
10. adeotuw   6C    34   413   deaw
11. ainorty   J7    73   486   minatory
12. abiortv  13C    80   566   vibrator
13. bilnrux  K10    35   601   nix
14. deelrtu   M1    25   626   rud
15. aeiimqy  L12    42   668   yam
16. ahhirtt  D11    30   698   haith
17. aeoqrtw  15C    36   734   throwe
18. abeilnz   1H    54   788   blazer
19. ijnpquv  E10    32   820   qi
20. iijnpuv   F9    31   851   jin

Remaining tiles: ipuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7618 FilePIThompson 10 14:08  -238  613     1.7618 PIThompson 10 14:08  -238  613 
  2.7215 Filemusdrive    7 20:40  -268  583     2.7215 musdrive    7 20:40  -268  583 
  3.5796 Filemazscot     1 11:54  -616  235            Group: intermediate
  4.6288 Fileraggedy01   0 10:35  -676  175     1.6288 raggedy01   0 10:35  -676  175 
  5.5753 Filejimbo       1  1:27  -813   38            Group: novice
                                             1.5796 mazscot     1 11:54  -616  235 
                                             2.5753 jimbo       1  1:27  -813   38 

On 1st draw, SCROTE H3 22 --- SCROTE a worthless person [n]
Other tops: CORSET H4 22, COSTER H4 22, CROGS H4 22, SCOTER H3 22
Other moves: CEROS H4 20, CERTS H4 20, CORES H4 20, CORSE H4 20, COSET H4 20
CORSET H4 22 PIThompson
COSTER H4 22 musdrive
SCROTE H3 22 jimbo

On 2nd draw, GOURDES 5E 36 --- GOURDE a monetary unit of Haiti [n]
Other moves: CUDGELS 4H 22, GODLESS 3C 22, SCOUGED 4G 22, CUDGEL 4H 20, GODLESS 3B 20
CUDGELS 4H 22 PIThompson, musdrive
GLUES 9D 16 jimbo

On 3rd draw, CONGA 4A 25 --- CONGA to perform a conga (Latin American dance) [v]
Other moves: GARCONS 3B 22, CARGOS 3C 20, CONGAS 3C 20, CONGO 6D 20, CRAG 4C 20
CONGA 4A 25 PIThompson
CARE J2 12 musdrive

On 4th draw, TIMELESS 7H 62 --- TIMELESS having no beginning or end [adj]
Other tops: IMAGELESS E2 62
Other moves: CLIMES A4 30, SCLIMS A3 30, SEISM 6B 29, MISSEE 6J 28, MISSEL 6J 28
CLIMES A4 30 PIThompson, musdrive

On 5th draw, FORESI(D)E O3 83 --- FORESIDE the front side [n]
Other moves: FORE(L)IE G8 66, FORESI(D)E N3 64, FOIS(T)ER O4 39, FRES(H)IE O4 39, FRISEE O4 39
FRISE O4 36 PIThompson
REF 6D 31 musdrive

On 6th draw, KOAN 3B 33 --- KOAN a paradox meditated on by Buddhist monks [n]
Other moves: AIKONA N10 28, IKANS N3 28, IKONS N3 28, KOA 3B 27, NAIK N1 27
KOAN 3B 33 PIThompson
KINO N2 25 musdrive

On 7th draw, FEND(S) N10 45 --- FEND to ward off [v]
Other tops: FEND(Y) N10 45, FET(E)D N10 45, FET(I)D N10 45, F(A)TED N10 45, F(E)TED N10 45, F(I)END N10 45, F(I)NED N10 45
Other moves: FENT(S) N10 43, FE(I)NT N10 43, F(I)ENT N10 43, DE(A)F 6C 32, F(R)OE 6F 32
F(A)TED N10 45 musdrive
F(R)OE 6F 32 PIThompson

On 8th draw, GETUPS N2 49 --- GETUP a costume [n]
Other moves: LETUPS N2 47, TEGUAS N2 32, CAPLET A4 30, CULPAE A4 30, GAPS N4 28
GAPS N4 28 PIThompson, musdrive

On 9th draw, CAILLE A4 24 --- CAILLE a quail [n]
Other moves: CEILI A4 21, CELLA A4 21, CELLI A4 21, CILIA A4 21, LEA 6J 17
CILIA A4 21 PIThompson
ALLIED 13I 16 mazscot, musdrive

On 10th draw, DEAW 6C 34 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: DAW 6D 33, CAWED 4H 32, COWED 4H 32, TAW 6D 32, AW 6E 31
DAW 6D 33 PIThompson, musdrive
WOUND 12K 22 mazscot

On 11th draw, MINATORY J7 73 --- MINATORY threatening [adj]
Other moves: YAR M1 27, TRANNY 12J 26, AROYNT B9 24, ATONY 12K 24, IRONY 12K 24
YAR M1 27 PIThompson
TRANNY 12J 26 musdrive

On 12th draw, VIBRATOR 13C 80 --- VIBRATOR something that vibrates [n]
Other moves: OBVIATOR 12D 78, VIBRATO 11E 48, COBIA 4H 27, VAR M1 27, VAT M1 27
BAR M1 25 PIThompson, musdrive
TRAVE 11J 16 mazscot
ABORT B9 15 raggedy01

On 13th draw, NIX K10 35 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: XI K10 31, TIX H13 30, TUX H13 30, NIXY 14G 27, BUN M1 25
NIX K10 35 PIThompson
XI K10 31 musdrive
TUX H13 30 mazscot
BUR 4J 16 raggedy01

On 14th draw, RUD M1 25 --- RUD to redden [v]
Other tops: LUD M1 25
Other moves: CEDER 4H 24, ELUTED H10 24, LETTED H10 24, RETTED H10 24, RUTTED H10 24
RUD M1 25 musdrive
LUD M1 25 PIThompson
RUTTED H10 24 mazscot
DEER 14D 20 raggedy01

On 15th draw, YAM L12 42 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other moves: YAE L12 38, YEA L12 38, YA L12 36, YE L12 36, MATEY H11 33
YAM L12 42 PIThompson, musdrive
MATEY H11 33 mazscot
MAYBE E10 24 raggedy01

On 16th draw, HAITH D11 30 --- HAITH by my faith [interj]
Other moves: AHI O13 25, HAH 4J 25, HA 12D 24, RAH M13 24, HAH I1 22
HAITH D11 30 PIThompson
HAH 4J 25 musdrive
HABIT E11 20 mazscot

On 17th draw, THROWE 15C 36 --- THROWE a spasm [n]
Other tops: THAWER 15C 36
Other moves: HOWRE 15D 33, COWER 4H 30, WARB E10 30, WATTER H10 30, WATER H11 27
THAWER 15C 36 musdrive
WATTER H10 30 PIThompson
HEART 15D 24 raggedy01
WHAT 11C 20 mazscot

On 18th draw, BLAZER 1H 54 --- BLAZER a lightweight jacket [n]
Other moves: LAZIER 1H 48, ZANIER 1H 48, BIZE E8 40, ZETA 14B 37, LAZE E8 36
BLAZER 1H 54 musdrive, PIThompson, mazscot
HAZEL 11D 34 raggedy01

On 19th draw, QI E10 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUAG D1 24, QUINA G9 24, QUINE 8D 24, NIP M13 22, DJIN C6 21
QI E10 32 PIThompson
QUINE 8D 24 musdrive
PO I12 20 raggedy01

On 20th draw, JIN F9 31 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: NIP F9 28, VIN F9 27, PIN F9 26, IN F10 23, NIP M13 22
JIN F9 31 PIThompson, musdrive
NIP M13 22 raggedy01

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