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Game of December 28, 2011 at 23:02, 4 players
1. 643 pts musdrive
2. 614 pts yab
3. 350 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beginno   H4    24    24   biogen
 2. dellort   5C    68    92   trollied
 3. abeefru   4A    28   120   frau
 4. ?aimosu   A2    86   206   infamous
 5. ?ghiirv   9A    69   275   shivering
 6. eeinswy   J9    44   319   sweeny
 7. aefinpt  K10    29   348   eft
 8. aehnprz  L12    46   394   haze
 9. ailotuw  M13    35   429   wat
10. ceilnos   N8   102   531   cineols
11. cenopsy   L4    86   617   syncope
12. aegiirt   E8    66   683   aegirite
13. loortuv  15D    39   722   velour
14. aaijnot   M3    31   753   jiao
15. admnotx   N2    43   796   max
16. eeknprt   O1    43   839   kep
17. adeenqr   N2    33   872   maxed
18. denoqrt   B8    28   900   throned
19. aadnqtu  12D    48   948   tranq

Remaining tiles: abdiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7218 Filemusdrive    8 16:29  -305  643     1.7218 musdrive    8 16:29  -305  643 
  2.7013 Fileyab         6 19:51  -334  614     2.7013 yab         6 19:51  -334  614 
  3.6470 Filern.roselle  3 13:30  -598  350            Group: intermediate
  4.6254 FileFaeythe     1  9:06  -662  286     1.6470 rn.roselle  3 13:30  -598  350 
                                             2.6254 Faeythe     1  9:06  -662  286 

On 1st draw, BIOGEN H4 24 --- BIOGEN a hypothetical unit of protoplasm [n]
Other tops: BENIGN H4 24, BONING H4 24
Other moves: BEGIN H4 22, BEING H4 22, BENIGN H8 22, BINGE H4 22, BINGO H4 22
BENIGN H4 24 rn.roselle, yab
BONING H4 24 musdrive

On 2nd draw, TROLLIED 5C 68 --- TROLLY to travel by streetcar [v]
Other moves: DROLE I5 22, TRODE I5 22, BEDROLL 4H 20, DOTER I6 20, DOLE I6 19
BOLDER 4H 18 musdrive, rn.roselle
TROLLIED 5C 18 yab

On 3rd draw, FRAU 4A 28 --- FRAU a married woman [n]
Other tops: FEEB 4B 28, FRAE 4A 28, FREE 4A 28, FUBAR D1 28
Other moves: FEEB 6B 25, BEAU 4A 24, BEEF 6B 24, BRAE 4A 24, BREE 4A 24
FREE 4A 28 musdrive, rn.roselle
BEEF 6B 24 yab

On 4th draw, I(N)FAMOUS A2 86 --- INFAMOUS having a vile reputation [adj]
Other moves: (H)ALOUMIS G3 78, ALO(D)IUMS F4 67, SOLA(R)IUM F3 67, SOLA(T)IUM F3 67, A(L)ODIUMS J2 64
I(N)FAMOUS A2 36 yab, musdrive
FAMOUS A4 33 rn.roselle, Faeythe

On 5th draw, SHIV(E)RING 9A 69 --- SHIVER to tremble with fear or cold [v]
Other tops: SHRI(E)VING 9A 69
Other moves: HIVI(N)G B9 33, BRIGH(T) 4H 27, HIRI(N)G B9 27, HIVI(N)G B8 27, H(O)G 3C 26
HIVI(N)G B9 33 musdrive
BRIGH(T) 4H 27 yab, Faeythe
H(O)G 3C 26 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, SWEENY J9 44 --- SWEENY atrophy of the shoulder muscles in horses [n]
Other moves: SINEWY J9 38, (N)EWSY 3A 37, SWEY J9 34, DYNES J5 33, ENSEW 3C 33
SWEENY J9 44 yab, musdrive
YE B6 30 rn.roselle
SHY B8 19 Faeythe

On 7th draw, EFT K10 29 --- EFT a newt [n]
Other moves: FAE K11 26, HAPTEN B9 26, HATPIN B9 26, PINNATE 13G 26, EF K10 25
EFT K10 29 musdrive
EF K10 25 rn.roselle
FA K11 22 yab
FE K11 22 Faeythe

On 8th draw, HAZE L12 46 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: ZEPHYR 14F 43, BRAZEN 4H 39, ZANDER J2 38, BRAZE 4H 37, ZERDA J2 37
HAZE L12 46 musdrive
ZEPHYR 14F 43 Faeythe
BRAZEN 4H 39 yab
ZEE I3 26 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, WAT M13 35 --- WAT a hare [n] --- WAT wet [adj]
Other tops: WOT M13 35
Other moves: WO M13 31, OUTLAW 4J 29, (N)OWL 3A 29, WOT 3C 27, ZATI 14L 26
WAT M13 35 musdrive
WOT M13 35 yab, rn.roselle, Faeythe

On 10th draw, CINEOLS N8 102 --- CINEOL a liquid used as an antiseptic [n]
Other moves: INCLOSE L4 76, ISOCLINE 2A 74, SILICONE C8 70, CONSEIL N7 67, INCLOSE N7 67
CONES N10 56 musdrive, yab
CINES N10 56 Faeythe
COLES N10 56 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, SYNCOPE L4 86 --- SYNCOPE the contraction of a word by omitting one or more sounds from the middle [n]
Other moves: COPSY 3C 45, PONCY 3C 45, CONEY 3C 41, COSEY 3C 41, POESY 3C 41
COPY 3C 35 musdrive
PECS 8L 33 Faeythe
SECCO 8K 30 yab
YE B6 30 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, A(E)GIRITE E8 66 --- AEGIRITE a green mineral [n]
Other moves: IRRIGATE F7 63, IRRIGATE F8 63, GART I9 25, EIGHT B6 24, HEGARI B9 24
GRATE M1 19 yab, rn.roselle
ORCA 8L 18 Faeythe
VEGA D9 16 musdrive

On 13th draw, VELOUR 15D 39 --- VELOUR a fabric resembling velvet [n]
Other tops: LOUVER 15A 39
Other moves: LURVE 15A 36, TROVE 15A 36, VERTU 15D 36, REVOLT 15D 30, VOLT 3C 29
VELOUR 15D 39 yab
LURVE 15A 36 musdrive

On 14th draw, JIAO M3 31 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JATO M2 29, JOTA M2 29, JARINA 12C 28, JAIL F2 27, JOINT 13C 26
JAIL F2 27 musdrive
JOINT 13C 26 yab

On 15th draw, MAX N2 43 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: MAX D11 41, MOXA 3C 39, NOX N2 39, TAX N2 39, AX O11 36
MAX N2 43 musdrive, yab

On 16th draw, KEP O1 43 --- KEP to catch [v]
Other moves: EEK O1 39, NEK O1 39, KNEE 3C 33, KEP D11 32, PRINK 13C 32
KEP O1 43 musdrive, yab

On 17th draw, MAXED N2 33 --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other tops: EVADE D8 33
Other moves: QINDAR C8 32, QADI 13B 28, QAID 13C 28, QANAT C1 28, VADE D9 26
QAID 13C 28 musdrive
QAT C3 24 yab

On 18th draw, THRONED B8 28 --- THRONE to place on a throne (a royal chair) [v]
Other tops: THONDER B8 28, THORNED B8 28
Other moves: NOTED 3C 25, ROTED 3C 25, TONED 3C 25, HORNED B9 24, QAT C3 24
ROTED 3C 25 musdrive
QAT C3 24 yab

On 19th draw, TRANQ 12D 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QAT D11 41, QUA D11 41, QUAD J2 34, EQUID 13B 30, QANAT C1 28
QUA D11 41 musdrive, yab

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