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Game of December 29, 2011 at 02:52, 6 players
1. 647 pts musdrive
2. 639 pts jonb5
3. 529 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdfirt   H4    82    82   fatbird
 2. aaeklor   4B    28   110   oakleaf
 3. aehlorw   E1    78   188   hallower
 4. eimoopt   1A    45   233   oomph
 5. ainrrsy   F2    29   262   yae
 6. bdeeiin   8A    27   289   bider
 7. ?cenorv   C6    80   369   codriven
 8. einstuu  11F    25   394   unsuit
 9. eeiorsw   A8    92   486   boweries
10. aegilsu  E10    26   512   usage
11. eenqtux  10J    69   581   queen
12. adfghot   F9    32   613   thug
13. addeiim   M9    26   639   mediad
14. egilnos   O4    92   731   eloigns
15. ainrtxz   N6    64   795   za
16. acelrty  15D    96   891   treacly
17. aeijnop   3B    31   922   ja
18. eiiprtv   G1    23   945   tepa
19. fiinotv  14J    32   977   find
20. inortvx  B13    39  1016   ox

Remaining tiles: iinrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7224 Filemusdrive    4 19:51  -369  647     1.7224 musdrive    4 19:51  -369  647 
  2.6021 Filejonb5       5 15:38  -377  639            Group: intermediate
  3.5418 Filepaulineasb  2 21:30  -487  529     1.6021 jonb5       5 15:38  -377  639 
  4.5417 Filetonikay     2 24:21  -521  495            Group: novice
  5.4960 FileBiddy       1 22:03  -813  203     1.5418 paulineasb  2 21:30  -487  529 
  6.  -  FileCannzuk     0  1:19  -990   26     2.5417 tonikay     2 24:21  -521  495 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4960 Biddy       1 22:03  -813  203 
                                             2.  -  Cannzuk     0  1:19  -990   26 

On 1st draw, F(A)TBIRD H4 82 --- FATBIRD a wading bird [n]
Other moves: F(A)TBIRD H6 78, F(A)TBIRD H2 76, F(A)TBIRD H7 76, F(A)TBIRD H8 76, F(A)TBIRD H3 74
FIBR(E)D H4 30 musdrive
BRI(E)F H8 26 jonb5
F(L)IRT H4 22 paulineasb
RIFT(E)D H7 22 tonikay

On 2nd draw, OAKLEAF 4B 28 --- OAKLEAF an oak fungus [n]
Other moves: FLAKER 4H 26, FAKER 4H 24, FLAKE 4H 24, FREAK 4H 24, KRAALED 10B 24
FLAKER 4H 26 paulineasb, musdrive
FAKER 4H 24 jonb5
ROKE G3 21 tonikay

On 3rd draw, HALLOWER E1 78 --- HALLOWER one that hallows [n]
Other tops: HALLOWER E2 78
Other moves: WHOA 5B 40, HOAR 5C 31, HAO 5C 27, HOA 5C 27, WHA 3A 27
HAO 5C 27 musdrive
WHOLE B2 26 paulineasb
WHEEL F2 21 jonb5
HALE G3 14 tonikay

On 4th draw, OOMPH 1A 45 --- OOMPH spirited vigor [n]
Other moves: OPHITE 1C 42, PHOTO 1D 39, HEMP 1E 33, IMPORT 8A 33, MEITH 1A 33
PHOTO 1D 39 jonb5, paulineasb
HEMP 1E 33 musdrive, tonikay

On 5th draw, YAE F2 29 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other tops: AYINS 11D 29, SNARY 11H 29, YARNS 11D 29, YARRS 11D 29, YIRRS 11D 29
Other moves: MISARRAY C1 28, RYA 2A 28, SNARY 9E 28, NAYS 11E 27, NAYS I5 27
YAE F2 29 jonb5, tonikay
YARNS 11D 29 musdrive
RAYS 9B 23 paulineasb
WRITS 6E 10 Biddy

On 6th draw, BIDER 8A 27 --- BIDER one that bides [n]
Other moves: BINER 8A 24, BADE G3 22, BEE 2A 22, DIB 3A 22, DIENE I5 22
BIDER 8A 27 paulineasb, jonb5, Biddy
DIB 3A 22 musdrive
BEND D7 15 tonikay

On 7th draw, CODR(I)VEN C6 80 --- CODRIVE to work as a co-driver [v]
Other moves: RECONVE(Y) D7 76, CODR(I)VEN 10F 69, INVO(I)CE B8 38, INC(U)RVE B8 34, INVO(K)ER B8 34
COVER(S) 11C 32 jonb5
CARVED C3 26 musdrive
VOICE B6 20 paulineasb
VIC(T)OR B7 10 Biddy
TENOR 6H 7 tonikay

On 8th draw, UNSUIT 11F 25 --- UNSUIT to make unsuitable [v]
Other moves: ENS F6 23, INUST 11E 23, NEIST 11E 23, SENTI 11H 23, SIENT 11H 23
SUITE 11H 23 musdrive
STEIN 11H 23 jonb5
TINS 11E 21 tonikay
STIR 9E 20 paulineasb
BUTES A8 8 Biddy

On 9th draw, BOWERIES A8 92 --- BOWERY a colonial Dutch farm [n]
Other moves: BOWERIES 7H 65, SEROW L11 31, WEISE L8 31, WORSE L8 31, SEROW E11 30
WORSE L8 31 jonb5
OWE 2A 28 musdrive
SWORE 9E 25 paulineasb
ORES 9B 23 tonikay
ROSIER 9H 8 Biddy

On 10th draw, USAGE E10 26 --- USAGE a firmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure [n]
Other tops: GALEAS G3 26, SIGLA E11 26
Other moves: AGUISE L7 25, SAGUIN G6 25, SALUING G6 25, SAGE E11 24, SALUE E11 24
GUISE L8 23 jonb5, musdrive
SAGE D12 18 tonikay
SAGE L11 17 paulineasb
SLAG L11 17 Biddy

On 11th draw, QUEEN 10J 69 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: XU 10J 52, XU F14 50, XU 2B 40, EX 2A 38, EXEUNT 14E 31
QUEEN 10J 69 tonikay, jonb5, musdrive, paulineasb

On 12th draw, THUG F9 32 --- THUG a brutal ruffian or assassin [n]
Other tops: THUD F9 32
Other moves: HUG F10 31, FOH 3A 30, OFT F13 30, HUT F10 29, OF F13 29
OFT F13 30 musdrive
HA F14 26 jonb5
HAD G3 23 tonikay
HEFT 14D 18 paulineasb

On 13th draw, MEDIAD M9 26 --- MEDIAD toward the middle of a body or part [adv]
Other moves: DIM 2A 25, MADID 9K 25, DIAMIDE L4 24, MEDIA 9K 24, MEDIAE M9 24
MEDIAE M9 24 musdrive
MADE G3 22 tonikay
MEDIA M9 22 jonb5
DEMAND N6 14 Biddy
DEAD M9 8 paulineasb

On 14th draw, ELOIGNS O4 92 --- ELOIGN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other tops: LEGIONS O4 92, LINGOES O4 92, LONGIES O4 92
Other moves: LIGNOSE O5 89, GLENOIDS 14G 74, G(A)SOLINE 5G 69, LOSING O8 39, SINGLE O10 39
LINGOES O4 42 musdrive
LONGES O5 36 paulineasb
LINGS O6 33 jonb5
GOELS O6 33 tonikay
SLING 12K 19 Biddy

On 15th draw, ZA N6 64 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: XI F14 50, RIZ 3A 48, RITZ 12L 46, RITZ 15E 46, RIZA 15E 46
ZA N6 64 jonb5, musdrive
XI F14 50 tonikay
ZEX 14D 35 paulineasb
TEX 14D 26 Biddy

On 16th draw, TREACLY 15D 96 --- TREACLE molasses [adj] --- TREACLY cloyingly sweet and sentimental [adj]
Other moves: ACRYLATE 13H 66, LYRATE 15C 46, CRATE 15D 37, ALTEZA N2 34, CARDY 14J 34
TREACLY 15D 46 jonb5
RACY 15E 34 paulineasb
CARDY 14J 34 musdrive
CELERY 14D 13 Biddy
AY F14 11 tonikay

On 17th draw, JA 3B 31 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JAP N2 28, JAPE N1 28, APODE 14J 27, JAP L13 27, PAIN L12 27
JAP N2 28 tonikay, jonb5
JAP L13 27 musdrive
JADE 14K 24 paulineasb
JUT K9 10 Biddy

On 18th draw, TEPA G1 23 --- TEPA a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: NITRE N10 23
Other moves: PRIEVE 4J 22, TRIP N12 22, VAE G3 21, VAT G3 21, PATE G3 20
PRIEVE 4J 22 musdrive
PATE G3 20 tonikay
RIVE N1 16 jonb5
TRIPE 6H 9 Biddy
PUTTER K9 8 paulineasb

On 19th draw, FIND 14J 32 --- FIND to come upon after a search [v]
Other tops: FOID 14J 32, FOND 14J 32
Other moves: EFT 14E 29, OFT B13 27, EF 14E 26, FE F14 26, OF B13 23
FOND 14J 32 musdrive
TIFT 1G 21 jonb5
INVITE 4J 18 Biddy
VINO N1 16 tonikay
VOTE 4L 14 paulineasb

On 20th draw, OX B13 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: XI B14 38, TOXIN 1G 36, TIX 1G 30, TOXIN 6H 28, OX F6 27
OX B13 39 jonb5
XI B14 38 paulineasb
TOXIN 1G 36 musdrive
TIX 6H 26 Cannzuk
OX N12 20 tonikay
VITE 4L 14 Biddy

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