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Game of December 29, 2011 at 04:24, 5 players
1. 490 pts Zweep
2. 423 pts ayoba
3. 235 pts ELCEE

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeefino   H4    24    24   faine
 2. ?airsvy   5C    76   100   salivary
 3. ?celllr   D1    22   122   cellar
 4. ?aeeeir   9D    67   189   eaterie
 5. aeehmtu   8A    53   242   mutha
 6. efgoops  10J    30   272   fops
 7. bemnorw   M3    84   356   embrowns
 8. acgilot   4J    33   389   ogamic
 9. dioorsy   8J    49   438   drowsy
10. aiknops   2B    42   480   speak
11. aeinott   3B    32   512   talion
12. delrttu  10A    77   589   turtled
13. aeilouw   O1    30   619   wilco
14. abeijot  11I    46   665   jibe
15. dinotuv  12L    26   691   div
16. denootu  O11    30   721   tendu
17. aegiotx  A10    63   784   taxite
18. eeghnoo   N1    25   809   oh
19. aegnoqu  12D    45   854   quango

Remaining tiles: eegnz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6483 FileZweep       2 15:10  -364  490     1.6483 Zweep       2 15:10  -364  490 
  2.5926 Fileayoba       2 22:01  -431  423     2.6137 ELCEE       0 14:13  -619  235 
  3.6137 FileELCEE       0 14:13  -619  235            Group: novice
  4.5294 Filefatcat      0  6:26  -763   91     1.5926 ayoba       2 22:01  -431  423 
  5.5413 Filetonikay     0  1:46  -834   20     2.5294 fatcat      0  6:26  -763   91 
                                             3.5413 tonikay     0  1:46  -834   20 

On 1st draw, FAINE H4 24 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: FAINE H8 18, NEAFE H4 18, NEAFE H8 18, FAINE H5 16, FAINE H6 16
FINE H5 14 Zweep
FONE H5 14 ayoba

On 2nd draw, SA(L)IVARY 5C 76 --- SALIVA a fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth [adj] --- SALIVARY pertaining to saliva [adj]
Other tops: SA(L)IVARY 5G 76
Other moves: VARSI(T)Y 9E 73, VARSI(T)Y 9F 73, VARYIN(G)S 7C 68, (H)RYVNIAS 7D 68, VARNIS(H)Y 7E 65
SAV(O)RY 5G 22 Zweep
FAIRY 4H 22 ayoba
FAV(E)S 4H 20 tonikay

On 3rd draw, CELLAR D1 22 --- CELLAR to store in an underground room [v]
Other tops: CELLAR(S) D1 22, C(I)EL 4A 22
Other moves: CE(I)L 4A 21, CL(U)E 4A 21, CR(E)E 4A 21, CR(U)E 4A 21, CELLA D1 20
CELLAR(S) D1 22 ayoba
(S)CALER D3 16 Zweep

On 4th draw, EA(T)ERIE 9D 67 --- EATERIE a restaurant [n]
Other moves: EA(T)ERIE G7 63, EA(T)ERIE I7 63, EA(T)ERIE G8 60, EA(T)ERIE I8 60, CARIE(R)E 1D 24
FEARE(D) 4H 23 Zweep
FEARE 4H 23 ayoba

On 5th draw, MUTHA 8A 53 --- MUTHA (slang) a motherfucker [n]
Other moves: HEAME 8A 48, MATH 8A 48, METH 8A 48, THEMA 8A 48, THEME 8A 48
MATH 8A 48 Zweep
MATCH 1A 36 ayoba

On 6th draw, FOPS 10J 30 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other tops: COOFS 1D 30
Other moves: FEGS 10J 29, FOGS 10J 29, FOP 10J 29, FEG 10J 28, FOES 10J 28
COOPS 1D 27 Zweep
COPES 1D 27 ayoba

On 7th draw, EMBROWNS M3 84 --- EMBROWN to make brown [v]
Other moves: BEWORM 4J 39, COWMEN 1D 39, COMBER 1D 36, BOWMEN 4J 35, COMBE 1D 33
COMBER 1D 36 ayoba
CROWN 1D 30 Zweep

On 8th draw, OGAMIC 4J 33 --- OGAMIC written using ogam [adj]
Other tops: COWAL 8K 33
Other moves: ATOMIC 4J 31, ACCOIL 1C 30, CALICO 1D 30, OCICAT 1A 30, OCICAT 1C 30
TWIG 8L 27 Zweep, ELCEE
AWOL 8L 24 ayoba

On 9th draw, DROWSY 8J 49 --- DROWSY sleepy [adj]
Other moves: YWIS 8L 42, DOWRY 8K 39, ROWDY 8K 39, CORODY 1D 36, CORODY O4 36
CORDS 1D 24 Zweep

On 10th draw, SPEAK 2B 42 --- SPEAK to utter words [v]
Other moves: SP*CK 1A 39, SP*CK O1 39, SNEAK 2B 38, OKAPIS 11F 36, SKIP 11H 36
SP*CK 1A 39 ELCEE, Zweep
KIR 6B 19 ayoba

On 11th draw, TALION 3B 32 --- TALION a retaliation for a crime [n]
Other moves: ELAIN 3C 28, OLEIN 3C 28, TELIA 3B 28, ENTIA 11H 26, TATIE 11H 26
POINTE L10 18 ayoba
TIE N3 9 Zweep

On 12th draw, TURTLED 10A 77 --- TURTLE to catch turtles (tortoises) [v]
Other moves: DULCET O1 27, TRUCED O1 27, EDUCT O1 24, ELUTED 3I 22, LOUPED L7 22
TRUCED O1 27 ayoba, Zweep

On 13th draw, WILCO O1 30 --- WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj]
Other moves: WOOPIE L7 29, WE 11K 24, WO 11K 24, LEUCO O1 21, PILAW L10 20
WE 11K 24 Zweep
WE 1A 18 ayoba

On 14th draw, JIBE 11I 46 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JIB 11I 40, JATO 11H 34, JOR 6B 28, OBJET K10 28, JEU B6 26
JA 3J 25 Zweep, ELCEE
JOT 11H 18 ayoba

On 15th draw, DIV 12L 26 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: DINO 12L 24, DINT 12L 24, DOIT 12L 24, DOUN 12L 24, DOUT 12L 24
DIV 12L 26 Zweep
TID 12L 18 ayoba
JOINT I11 13 fatcat

On 16th draw, TENDU O11 30 --- TENDU a position in ballet [n]
Other moves: TOOTED A10 24, TOUTED A10 24, UNTROD 6A 23, TENUTO A10 21, ETUDE 3I 19
TEND O11 15 Zweep, fatcat
TOO 12G 13 ayoba

On 17th draw, TAXITE A10 63 --- TAXITE a volcanic rock [n]
Other moves: AX N1 41, OX N1 41, AX N14 33, EX N14 33, OX N14 33
AX N1 41 Zweep, ayoba
TAXI A10 19 fatcat

On 18th draw, OH N1 25 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: EVOE N11 24, NOH B13 23, OOH B13 23, VEE N12 20, VOE N12 20
OH N1 25 Zweep, ayoba
HOOD 14L 16 fatcat

On 19th draw, QUANGO 12D 45 --- QUANGO a public administrative board [n]
Other moves: QUOAD 14K 30, QUAD 14L 28, QUOD 14L 28, ROQUE C10 28, TOQUE 14A 28
QUAD 14L 28 ELCEE, fatcat
TOQUE 14A 28 Zweep
QUA 12G 22 ayoba

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