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Game of December 29, 2011 at 11:32, 1 player
1. 637 pts dabbler

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcgjmu   H4    46    46   jambu
 2. aaeeinp   4H    28    74   japan
 3. deeioqw   5J    32   106   owed
 4. adnrsux   6H    56   162   max
 5. ?adeiot   9B    74   236   toadies
 6. abegnop   8A    36   272   peba
 7. aefnnst   8H    86   358   unfasten
 8. aaeikls   3K    31   389   kaies
 9. ahloruz  10A    42   431   zho
10. aioortt   2L    20   451   tori
11. eghlrtu   K7    74   525   laughter
12. ceimqrs  15K    49   574   scrim
13. aeirtuy  11A    31   605   aery
14. eilnoqu  12H    48   653   quote
15. gillnor   F7    63   716   grillion
16. acefilr   O1    42   758   fiscal
17. deinrvw  A10    51   809   zanied
18. dgiorst   1G    30   839   trigos
19. deeioty  M12    32   871   dyer
20. eiotuvw  H12    39   910   quit
21. eeinovw   2B    42   952   inwove

Remaining tiles: ev

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6487 Filedabbler     5 18:32  -315  637     1.6487 dabbler     5 18:32  -315  637 

On 1st draw, J(A)MBU H4 46 --- JAMBU the rose-apple tree [n]
Other tops: JUMB(O) H4 46, JUMB(Y) H4 46
Other moves: JUG(U)M H4 44, J(U)GUM H4 44, JUG(U)M H8 34, J(U)GUM H8 34, J(A)MBU H8 32
JUMB(O) H4 46 dabbler

On 2nd draw, JAPAN 4H 28 --- JAPAN to coat with a glossy, black lacquer [v]
Other moves: PANE I3 23, NEAP I5 21, NEEP I5 21, PEAN G5 21, AINEE I6 18
PANE I3 23 dabbler

On 3rd draw, OWED 5J 32 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: DE(A)WIE 5F 31, QADI I3 30, (A)WED 5H 29, EWE 5J 28, OWE 5J 28
WEED 5K 28 dabbler

On 4th draw, MAX 6H 56 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other tops: MUX 6H 56
Other moves: DURAS 3I 35, RAX 3K 29, SAX 3K 29, AX 6M 28, POX J4 28
MAX 6H 56 dabbler

On 5th draw, TOADIE(S) 9B 74 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other tops: IODATE(S) 9B 74
Other moves: O(X)IDATE G7 66, TOADIE(D) I8 61, TOADIE(S) I8 61, TOA(D)IED I8 61, O(P)IATED G8 60
MAXED 6H 25 dabbler

On 6th draw, PEBA 8A 36 --- PEBA a type of armadillo [n]
Other moves: GAPE 8A 33, PAGE 8A 32, NABE 8A 30, NAPE 8A 30, BANE 8A 28
PONG 3K 25 dabbler

On 7th draw, UNFASTEN 8H 86 --- UNFASTEN to release from a fastening [v]
Other moves: SAFE 10D 36, SAFT 10D 36, AFT 10E 32, EFS 10E 32, EFT 10E 32
FE 10F 28 dabbler

On 8th draw, KAIES 3K 31 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other tops: KAILS 3K 31, KALES 3K 31, KALIS 3K 31, LAKSA 10A 31
Other moves: KAAL 3K 29, KAAS 3K 29, KAES 3K 29, KAIE 3K 29, KAIL 3K 29
ALIKE F7 19 dabbler

On 9th draw, ZHO 10A 42 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: HALO 10B 40, ZAS O1 36, ZOEAL N6 36, ZORIL F6 36, ZOS O1 36
ZOS O1 36 dabbler

On 10th draw, TORI 2L 20 --- TORUS a large convex moulding [n]
Other tops: ARIOT 9J 20, TARO 2L 20, TORA 2L 20, TORO 2L 20
Other moves: ROSIT O1 18, ROSTI O1 18, TOOART 11C 18, ARTI 9J 17, RATIO 11C 16
TOOT 11C 14 dabbler

On 11th draw, LAUGHTER K7 74 --- LAUGHTER the act or sound of one that laughs [n]
Other moves: HUG 1M 42, EH 1N 36, HET 1M 36, HUT 1M 36, UH 1N 36
HUG 1M 42 dabbler

On 12th draw, SCRIM 15K 49 --- SCRIM a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: MIC 1M 44, CRIMES 15F 43, CREMS 15G 40, CRIMS 15G 40, MERCS 15G 40
QIS O1 36 dabbler

On 13th draw, AERY 11A 31 --- AERY airy [adj] --- AERY the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: YATTER 12H 26, BOOTERY C8 24, TARTY 12K 24, TEARY 12K 24, YURTA 12H 24
TRAY 11C 20 dabbler

On 14th draw, QUOTE 12H 48 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: QUEEN 13I 48, QUITE 12H 48
Other moves: QUETHE B6 38, QIS O1 36, QUEEN N6 36, QUOIN F6 36, QUINTE 12G 32
QUEEN N6 36 dabbler

On 15th draw, GRILLION F7 63 --- GRILLION an indefinitely large number [n]
Other tops: GRILLION F4 63
Other moves: GIRNEL 13G 28, LIGNE 13G 27, GIRL M10 25, GIRN M10 25, GIRO M10 25
GIS O1 12 dabbler

On 16th draw, FISCAL O1 42 --- FISCAL a public prosecutor [n]
Other moves: FARCER M10 37, FISC O1 36, FRIAR M11 31, FRIER M11 31, CAROLI 13C 29
FEEL 13J 21 dabbler

On 17th draw, ZANIED A10 51 --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other tops: ZANDER A10 51
Other moves: ZANIER A10 48, VIDE M10 32, WIDE M10 32, DERV M10 31, VERD M10 31
WIDE M10 32 dabbler

On 18th draw, TRIGOS 1G 30 --- TRIGO wheat [n]
Other tops: DROITS 1G 30, GIRDS 1H 30, GRIDS 1H 30, GRIOTS 1G 30
Other moves: GIDS M10 28, GODS M10 28, ROSIT 15D 28, ROSTI 15D 28, DIRTS 1H 27
GIST M10 25 dabbler

On 19th draw, DYER M12 32 --- DYER one that dyes [n]
Other tops: TEDY M10 32, TIDY M10 32, TODY M10 32, TYDE M10 32, YEDE M10 32, YODE M10 32
Other moves: TEDIER M10 30, DEER M12 26, DOER M12 26, EIDE M10 26, TIDE M10 26
TIDY M10 32 dabbler

On 20th draw, QUIT H12 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: OUTVIE 2B 24, YOWIE D11 24, OUTVIE 2C 21, WET G13 21, WOE G13 21
QUIT H12 39 dabbler

On 21th draw, INWOVE 2B 42 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other moves: YEVEN D11 24, YEWEN D11 24, YOWIE D11 24, WEEN 2F 21, NEWIE 2D 20
INWOVE 2B 42 dabbler

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