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Game of December 30, 2011 at 11:21, 4 players
1. 533 pts peter24
2. 315 pts yab
3. 128 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeeips   H4    24    24   pesade
 2. aeflnor   8A    89   113   foreland
 3. ?ellpvw   G7    25   138   enwall
 4. agiknoo   E5    48   186   oakling
 5. abeinss  13G    86   272   sabines
 6. ceortuy   M7    67   339   courtesy
 7. degrsux   F2    58   397   redux
 8. abhmnor   8K    48   445   rhomb
 9. gioprst  12A    35   480   prigs
10. adilnoo   2C    61   541   doornail
11. aeginov   K5    44   585   overing
12. ?adeeoz   1A    98   683   diazo
13. eimotuy   D1    40   723   zooty
14. aefiitw  14H    42   765   wife
15. aeeintu  15C    39   804   auntie
16. eimrtuv   1J    38   842   eruvim
17. acejqtt  14A    29   871   taj
18. acehitt   4H   101   972   pathetic

Remaining tile: q

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7071 Filepeter24     0  8:31  -439  533     1.7071 peter24     0  8:31  -439  533 
  2.7045 Fileyab         2 11:33  -657  315     2.7045 yab         2 11:33  -657  315 
  3.4671 Fileremij       0 10:01  -844  128            Group: intermediate
  4.6549 Filecharmz      0  2:16  -913   59     1.6549 charmz      0  2:16  -913   59 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4671 remij       0 10:01  -844  128 

On 1st draw, PESADE H4 24 --- PESADE the position of a horse when rearing [n]
Other tops: PEASED H4 24, PEISED H4 24
Other moves: ESPIED H7 22, PADIS H4 22, PEASED H7 22, PEDES H4 22, PEISED H7 22
PESADE H4 24 yab

On 2nd draw, FORELAND 8A 89 --- FORELAND a projecting mass of land [n]
Other moves: FLAPERON 4E 76, FOREPLAN 4D 76, FARNESOL 6C 65, AFORE G6 30, ALEF G6 29
FERAL G7 28 yab
FANE 5E 14 remij

On 3rd draw, ENW(A)LL G7 25 --- ENWALL to enclose within a wall [v]
Other moves: WEEV(I)L 9F 24, W(O)LVER C3 24, PL(O)VER C3 22, PL(O)WER C3 22, P(U)LVER C3 22
WEEV(I)L 5G 22 yab
LE(A)VE 5G 14 remij

On 4th draw, OAKLING E5 48 --- OAKLING a young oak [n]
Other moves: KA F10 33, AKIN H12 30, IKAN H12 30, IKON H12 30, OINK H12 30
KA F10 33 peter24, yab
LOOKING E8 24 remij

On 5th draw, SABINES 13G 86 --- SABINE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SABINES 13A 80, ALBINESS 12F 76, LESBIANS 12G 72, LESBIANS 11G 70, BASINS I3 37
BANES 12A 33 peter24
SABINES 13A 30 yab
BINES 13C 26 remij

On 6th draw, COURTESY M7 67 --- COURTESY to curtsy [v]
Other moves: COREY F2 39, CUTEY F2 39, OUTCRY F1 36, OUTCRY D10 35, RECTORY C3 34
TOYER 12J 32 peter24
TROY F3 30 yab
PORTY 4H 20 remij

On 7th draw, REDUX F2 58 --- REDUX brought back [adj]
Other moves: GREX F3 55, DEX F4 54, DUX F4 54, REX F4 53, SEX F4 53
REDUX F2 58 yab
GREX F3 55 peter24
AXE H13 30 remij

On 8th draw, RHOMB 8K 48 --- RHOMB a type of geometric figure [n]
Other moves: ABOHM 8K 45, HOBO 8L 39, HOMA 8L 39, HOMO 8L 39, OBEAH 12K 38
ABOHM 8K 45 yab
BOOH 8L 36 peter24

On 9th draw, PRIGS 12A 35 --- PRIG to steal [v]
Other tops: PROGS 12A 35
Other moves: GORPS 12A 33, GRIPS 12A 33, PORTS 12A 33, RIPOST D1 31, TOPERS 12J 30
PEGS 12L 24 yab
PERT 12L 22 peter24

On 10th draw, DOORNAIL 2C 61 --- DOORNAIL a large headed nail [n]
Other moves: DIPLON A10 27, IDEAL L11 27, ALINED 12I 26, LIDO 14H 24, DEAL L12 23
LOD 14H 21 peter24
POOD A12 21 yab

On 11th draw, OVERING K5 44 --- OVER to leap above and to the other side of [v]
Other moves: NAEVI 1H 37, VIRAGO B10 36, AVION 1A 35, VIRGA B10 34, VIRGE B10 34
VEIN 1A 30 peter24

On 12th draw, D(I)AZO 1A 98 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: O(Y)EZ 1A 90, (G)EEZ 1A 90, (J)EEZ 1A 90, ZOEAE 1H 82, ZO(A)EAE 1H 81
ZOEAE 1H 82 peter24

On 13th draw, ZOOTY D1 40 --- ZOOTY flashy in manner or style [adj]
Other tops: ZOOEY D1 40
Other moves: PUMY A12 33, OY 1G 32, YO 1H 32, EMO 1G 31, MOE 1H 31
YO 1H 32 peter24

On 14th draw, WIFE 14H 42 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WEFT L12 40, AFT 1G 37, EFT 1G 37, FAE 1H 37, TEF 14H 33
FAE 1H 37 peter24

On 15th draw, AUNTIE 15C 39 --- AUNTIE an aunt [n]
Other tops: TENIAE 15C 39
Other moves: EATEN 15E 38, AINEE 15D 36, EATEN 15D 36, ENATE 15D 36, ENTIA 15D 36
TEEN 15F 35 peter24

On 16th draw, ERUVIM 1J 38 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: VERTU B10 32, VIRTU B10 32, IMPURE A10 30, IMPUTE A10 30, UMPIRE A10 30
EM 1G 26 peter24

On 17th draw, TAJ 14A 29 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: EPACT A11 27, JA H1 27, JEAN 10B 27, CARET B10 26, CARTE B10 26
JA H1 27 peter24, charmz

On 18th draw, PATHETIC 4H 101 --- PATHETIC a style which excites the emotions [n] --- PATHETIC arousing pity [adj]
Other moves: BATHETIC O8 98, THETIC 4J 43, PATHIC 4H 41, CHATTI 4J 39, PATCH 4H 38
AH 1G 32 charmz
EH 1G 32 peter24

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