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Game of December 31, 2011 at 02:27, 5 players
1. 518 pts dragons11
2. 457 pts tonikay
3. 208 pts Biddy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabcert   H7    78    78   abreact
 2. aclnotu   9C    65   143   calutron
 3. degimrw   H7    42   185   abreacted
 4. ?adegip   E5    94   279   pedaling
 5. ?djloqr   D6    42   321   rojak
 6. aelopru  15B    62   383   poularde
 7. aeeglmt   F1    82   465   meltage
 8. efinruy   I1    77   542   reunify
 9. dehiost   K6    83   625   hoisted
10. amnooss   1F    36   661   moorman
11. aeirsux   8K    60   721   ixias
12. beiosyz  14C    76   797   oyez
13. abdlnor   O1    89   886   bandrols
14. efintvw  L11    31   917   five
15. eghintw  14J    38   955   wheen
16. eikrttu   N4    38   993   euk
17. iiqsstw  O12    45  1038   wist
18. giinqst   3H    30  1068   quints

Remaining tiles: giirv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6484 Filedragons11   2 18:59  -550  518     1.6484 dragons11   2 18:59  -550  518 
  2.5486 Filetonikay     0 19:47  -611  457     2.6164 ELCEE       0  3:48 -1019   49 
  3.4952 FileBiddy       1 12:06  -860  208            Group: novice
  4.  -  FileCannzuk     0 10:34  -889  179     1.5486 tonikay     0 19:47  -611  457 
  5.6164 FileELCEE       0  3:48 -1019   49            Group: not rated
                                             1.4952 Biddy       1 12:06  -860  208 
                                             2.  -  Cannzuk     0 10:34  -889  179 

On 1st draw, ABREACT H7 78 --- ABREACT to release repressed emotions by reliving the original traumatic experience [v]
Other tops: ABREACT H3 78, BEARCAT H4 78, BEARCAT H8 78, CABARET H2 78, CABARET H4 78
Other moves: ABREACT H2 74, ABREACT H4 74, ABREACT H6 74, ABREACT H8 74, BEARCAT H2 74
BRACE H4 24 tonikay
CABER H4 24 dragons11

On 2nd draw, CALUTRON 9C 65 --- CALUTRON a device used for separating isotopes [n]
Other moves: ACCOUNT 12F 22, ACCOUNT 12G 22, OUTACT 13C 22, CLAUT G6 21, CLOUT G6 21
CLAN I4 10 tonikay
ACT I13 9 dragons11

On 3rd draw, ABREACTED H7 42 --- ABREACT to release repressed emotions by reliving the original traumatic experience [v]
Other moves: WARMED D8 32, MAWGER D8 30, WAMED D8 30, MAWED D8 28, MEED 10F 28
MEED 10F 28 dragons11
WAMED 7G 18 tonikay

On 4th draw, PEDALI(N)G E5 94 --- PEDAL to operate by means of foot levers [v]
Other moves: DIPLEG(I)A E6 72, D(I)PLEGIA E6 72, PIL(L)AGED E7 72, PI(L)LAGED E6 72, PLEADI(N)G E8 72
PATED G7 27 tonikay
GAP 10D 27 dragons11

On 5th draw, ROJA(K) D6 42 --- ROJAK (Malay) a salad dish served in chilli sauce [n]
Other tops: JOL(E)D F2 42
Other moves: JOT(A) G7 40, J(A)TO G7 40, JAD(E) D8 39, JOT G7 39, R(A)JA D6 39
JOT G7 39 dragons11, tonikay

On 6th draw, POULARDE 15B 62 --- POULARDE a spayed hen [n]
Other moves: LOPE F4 31, RAPE F4 31, ROPE F4 31, APE F5 30, OPE F5 30
PURE F8 25 dragons11, tonikay

On 7th draw, MELTAGE F1 82 --- MELTAGE the process of melting [n]
Other moves: MELTAGE G1 65, MELTAGE I1 65, GAMUT F6 42, METAGE F2 35, GLEAM C3 34
GAME F4 32 dragons11
MUTE F8 25 tonikay

On 8th draw, REUNIFY I1 77 --- REUNIFY to unify again [v] --- UNIFY to make into a coherent whole [v]
Other moves: FUMIER 1D 45, FEMUR 1D 42, FUMER 1D 42, MUNIFY 1F 42, FEERIN 14F 36
MINY 1F 27 tonikay, dragons11

On 9th draw, HOISTED K6 83 --- HOIST to haul up by some mechanical means [v]
Other moves: DISHOME 1A 51, HOMIER 1D 45, RHODIES 1I 39, HEEDS 14F 37, THEISM 1A 36
HOISTED K6 33 dragons11
OH H1 26 tonikay

On 10th draw, MOORMAN 1F 36 --- MOORMAN an inhabitant of a moor [n]
Other moves: RAMSONS 1I 30, RANSOMS 1I 30, ROMANOS 1I 30, MANOS J11 28, MASONS L3 28
MOONS J11 28 tonikay
MOORS 1F 21 Biddy, Cannzuk
MOS J13 19 dragons11

On 11th draw, IXIAS 8K 60 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: ADIEUX 12J 44, EAUX L12 44, XERUS L11 41, AXES L10 39, AXIS L10 39
AXIS L10 39 dragons11
AXES J12 28 tonikay
AXELS 3C 26 Biddy
AXES 2L 24 Cannzuk

On 12th draw, OYEZ 14C 76 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: ZEE 14F 65, OYEZ L12 58, SIZY L11 40, BEYS 2H 38, OYEZES 2B 38
ZOS 14A 34 tonikay
ZOA N6 32 dragons11
DOZES 12K 32 Cannzuk
BOZO C12 30 Biddy

On 13th draw, BANDROLS O1 89 --- BANDROL a streamer [n]
Other moves: BOLAR C3 27, BORAL C3 27, DOBLA L11 27, DOBRA L11 27, DORBA L11 27
ADO J4 22 dragons11
BAD 13A 20 tonikay
BRAND N6 18 Biddy
DRAB 12K 14 Cannzuk

On 14th draw, FIVE L11 31 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FEW 13A 30, WEAN N6 30, FEINT L11 29, FEW L11 29, FIENT L11 29
FIVE L11 31 dragons11
FEW 13A 30 tonikay
DEFT 12K 16 Cannzuk
VIEW M7 15 Biddy

On 15th draw, WHEEN 14J 38 --- WHEEN a fairly large amount [n]
Other moves: HEATING N6 36, WEEING 14J 36, WHINGE 12A 34, HEAT N6 30, HEW 13A 30
HEW 13A 30 tonikay
EH N5 28 dragons11
WEIGH 14K 24 Biddy
NIGHT L1 18 Cannzuk

On 16th draw, EUK N4 38 --- EUK to itch [v]
Other moves: KEA N6 35, TURK 13A 32, KUE N2 31, ERK 13B 30, IRK 13B 30
KEA N6 35 dragons11
IRE 15K 23 Biddy
KIT 13A 20 tonikay
KA 2N 12 Cannzuk

On 17th draw, WIST O12 45 --- WIST to know [v]
Other tops: WISS O12 45
Other moves: QIS O12 34, QUISTS 3H 30, QIS M2 28, SIST O12 27, IWIS O11 23
WIST O12 45 dragons11
QIS M7 23 tonikay
QI M7 21 Cannzuk, Biddy

On 18th draw, QUINTS 3H 30 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: QIS M2 28, QIS M7 23, QI M7 21, IS 15K 20, GINN 3L 18
QUINTS 3H 30 Biddy
QIS M7 23 dragons11, tonikay
QI M7 21 Cannzuk

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