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Game of January 1, 2012 at 01:28, 2 players
1. 347 pts Biddy
2. 97 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiiuuz   H4    28    28   ulzie
 2. dgilrsu   8C    61    89   guilders
 3. afhilos   5E    36   125   hilloas
 4. aehimop   6J    35   160   homie
 5. ?adenru   O4    88   248   duramen
 6. allnotw   N9    28   276   tallow
 7. bdeijtv   6B    48   324   jived
 8. adeenrx  O12    56   380   axed
 9. ainoqty  M13    38   418   nay
10. eikostt   4A    34   452   kites
11. acenrrt  15G    45   497   errancy
12. cinostt   M1    72   569   stiction
13. abefity  14A   101   670   beatify
14. afgmnor   1G    48   718   fograms
15. eeopqru  11H    36   754   prequel
16. aennopt  13C    44   798   netop
17. beginow   A1    36   834   gowk
18. abeinov  A12    39   873   vibe

Remaining tiles: abno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4967 FileBiddy       2 16:41  -526  347     1.5469 tonikay     0  4:38  -776   97 
  2.5469 Filetonikay     0  4:38  -776   97            Group: not rated
                                             1.4967 Biddy       2 16:41  -526  347 

On 1st draw, U(L)ZIE H4 28 --- ULZIE ulyie [n]
Other tops: U(L)ZIE H8 28
Other moves: U(L)ZIE H5 26, U(L)ZIE H6 26, U(L)ZIE H7 26, ZEI(N) H5 24, ZEI(N) H6 24
ZU(L)U H6 24 Biddy

On 2nd draw, GUILDERS 8C 61 --- GUILDER a monetary unit of the Netherlands [n]
Other tops: SLUDGIER 8B 61
Other moves: GUILDS 9C 26, DRUGS 9D 23, GILDS 9D 23, GIRDS 9D 23, GRIDS 9D 23
GRIDS 9D 23 Biddy

On 3rd draw, HIL(L)OAS 5E 36 --- HILLOA to shout out a greeting [v]
Other moves: AFROS I6 33, AFRO I6 32, HAFIZ 6D 28, FROSH I7 25, OHIA I3 25
GALOSH C8 22 Biddy

On 4th draw, HOMIE 6J 35 --- HOMIE a member of a youth gang [n]
Other moves: HOMIE 4A 33, HOMA 6J 32, HOME 6J 32, HOPE 6J 32, HIM 6J 31

On 5th draw, DURA(M)EN O4 88 --- DURAMEN the central wood of a tree [n]
Other tops: DURAN(C)E O4 88, RAUN(G)ED O6 88
Other moves: DAUNER(S) O1 85, EN(G)UARD O1 85, RUNDA(L)E O6 85, R(O)NDEAU O6 85, UNAR(M)ED O3 85

On 6th draw, TALLOW N9 28 --- TALLOW to smear with tallow (a mixture of animal fats) [v]
Other moves: ALLOW N10 24, GALLOW C8 22, GOWLAN C8 22, AWOL 4C 21, LOWAN 6B 21
LAT 4D 13 Biddy

On 7th draw, JIVED 6B 48 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JIBED 6B 47, JIVED 4B 40, JIBED 4B 38, JIVE 6B 35, JIBE 6B 34
JIVED E7 32 Biddy

On 8th draw, AXED O12 56 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: RADIX M3 42, DEX O13 41, REX O13 37, EX O14 32, INDEXER E8 30
AXED O12 56 Biddy

On 9th draw, NAY M13 38 --- NAY a negative vote [n]
Other tops: NOY M13 38
Other moves: NAT M13 32, NOT M13 32, NA M13 30, NO M13 30, QAT 4C 30
DAINTY G8 15 Biddy

On 10th draw, KITES 4A 34 --- KITE to obtain money or credit fraudulently [v]
Other moves: TOISE 9E 32, SEIK 9H 28, TSK 4D 28, TIES 9E 27, TOES 9E 27

On 11th draw, ERRANCY 15G 45 --- ERRANCY an instance of erring [n]
Other moves: ENCRATY 15G 39, NECTARY 15G 39, TRACERY 15G 39, CARNEY 15H 36, CENTRY 15H 36
RACK A1 30 Biddy

On 12th draw, STICTION M1 72 --- STICTION the force required to begin to move a body that is in contact with another body [n]
Other moves: CONKS A1 33, NICKS A1 33, NOCKS A1 33, SICKO A1 33, TICKS A1 33

On 13th draw, BEATIFY 14A 101 --- BEATIFY to make blessed [v]
Other moves: TABEFY 14B 49, BEAKY A1 42, ABSEY 1K 39, FEISTY 1J 39, FATTY 2J 38

On 14th draw, FOGRAMS 1G 48 --- FOGRAM a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: AFRO 15A 46, ARGON 15A 43, ORGAN 15A 43, FORAMS 1H 42, GANOFS 1H 42
MANGOS 1H 30 Biddy

On 15th draw, PREQUEL 11H 36 --- PREQUEL a book whose story precedes that of an earlier work [n]
Other moves: POUKE A1 33, PROKE A1 33, PUBE A12 33, EQUIP E11 32, ROQUE 13G 32
PROBE A11 30 tonikay

On 16th draw, NETOP 13C 44 --- NETOP friend; companion [n]
Other moves: PATEN 13C 40, OATEN 15A 39, TAPEN 13C 38, ANNO 15A 34, ANTE 15A 34
PEAK A1 30 Biddy
TAP 13C 20 tonikay

On 17th draw, GOWK A1 36 --- GOWK a fool [n]
Other moves: GOBBI A11 33, WINK A1 33, WONK A1 33, BINK A1 30, BONK A1 30
WINK A1 33 tonikay, Biddy

On 18th draw, VIBE A12 39 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: BABE A12 33, BOBA A12 33, ABBE A12 27, BEAN 12A 27, ANE 15A 26
VIBE A12 39 Biddy
VINE 2D 14 tonikay

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