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Game of January 1, 2012 at 02:12, 2 players
1. 285 pts Biddy
2. 30 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fginsuz   H4    50    50   zings
 2. ?ceeein   8A    86   136   epicenes
 3. aabinrt   A1    89   225   atabrine
 4. aeegory   H1    57   282   grazings
 5. eeiotwy   B1    42   324   yowie
 6. ?ghiptt   F2    71   395   phutting
 7. eelnnot   C3    90   485   nonelite
 8. aeflltu  B10    47   532   fluate
 9. abemuwx  C13    47   579   wax
10. adeijpu  A13    82   661   jud
11. adfimor   4H    32   693   ziram
12. adeloos  D10    31   724   daes
13. bilnost   M2    31   755   bison
14. deillor  11D    86   841   arillode
15. adostuy   D1    42   883   doys
16. aikootu   3H    25   908   aka
17. aefhotu  12K    35   943   fouth
18. eioruvv  N10    40   983   votive
19. acemqru  15I    84  1067   marquee

Remaining tiles: ceopr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4994 FileBiddy       0 14:50  -782  285     1.5474 tonikay     0  0:15 -1037   30 
  2.5474 Filetonikay     0  0:15 -1037   30            Group: not rated
                                             1.4994 Biddy       0 14:50  -782  285 

On 1st draw, ZINGS H4 50 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: FUZING H4 46, FUZING H7 42, FUZING H3 40, FUZING H8 40, FUZING H5 38
FIZ H6 30 tonikay

On 2nd draw, E(P)ICENES 8A 86 --- EPICENE one having both male and female characteristics [n]
Other moves: E(G)ENCIES 8A 80, E(S)NECIES 8A 80, SC(R)EENIE 8H 80, E(M)CEEING 7A 64, EGENCIE(S) 7G 63

On 3rd draw, ATABRINE A1 89 --- ATABRINE a drug to treat malaria [n]
Other moves: BARTIZAN 4C 88, RABATINE A1 83, ATABRINE E1 70, RABATINE E1 70, ZARIBA 4H 34
BANG 7E 17 Biddy

On 4th draw, GRAZINGS H1 57 --- GRAZING land used for the feeding of animals [n]
Other moves: AGRYZE 4D 38, YOGEE B1 36, GOEY B1 32, GORY B1 32, YOGA B1 32
GRAZE 4E 15 Biddy

On 5th draw, YOWIE B1 42 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: TOWY B1 38, YOWE B1 38, EYOT I2 35, ZOWIE 4H 34, TOWIE B1 33

On 6th draw, PH(U)TTING F2 71 --- PHUT to land with a thud [v]
Other moves: (U)PTIGHT 5E 48, P(E)GH C2 45, P(A)TH C2 42, G(A)TH C2 39, T(A)TH C2 36
HITTI(N)G C7 30 Biddy

On 7th draw, NONELITE C3 90 --- NONELITE not belonging to an elite group [adj]
Other moves: CENTONEL D8 72, NONELECT D2 70, ETEN C1 34, TENNE C2 33, TENNO C2 33

On 8th draw, FLUATE B10 47 --- FLUATE a fluoride [n]
Other moves: FAULT B10 45, FELLA B10 45, FETAL B10 45, FLUTE B10 45, ZEALFUL 4H 38
(P)ATE B8 11 Biddy

On 9th draw, WAX C13 47 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WEX C13 47
Other moves: BEAUX 15A 45, MAW A13 45, MEW A13 45, WEAMB 15A 45, WEXE 15A 45
BEAUX 15A 45 Biddy

On 10th draw, JUD A13 82 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: PED A13 62, PUD A13 62, ED A14 45, ID A14 45, DEXIE 15A 42
JAWED 13A 16 Biddy

On 11th draw, ZIRAM 4H 32 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: DOF I3 30, MAD I3 30, MOD I3 30, AFRAID 3H 28, CIMAR D8 28

On 12th draw, DAES D10 31 --- DAE to do [v]
Other tops: DALS D10 31, DELS D10 31, DOES D10 31, DOLS D10 31, DOOS D10 31, LOOSED M1 31
Other moves: ELDS D10 30, LASED M2 29, LOSED M2 29, ADOS M1 27, DAES M1 27
SOLOED M4 27 Biddy

On 13th draw, BISON M2 31 --- BISON an ox-like animal [n]
Other tops: BLIST M1 31
Other moves: RIBSTON 2H 30, BINS M1 29, BIOS M1 29, BIST M2 29, BITS M1 29

On 14th draw, ARILLODE 11D 86 --- ARILLODE a type of aril [n]
Other tops: ARILLODE K4 86
Other moves: DOLLIER N5 69, LORDLIER J2 63, DOOLE 5K 22, DIOL 5K 20, DOOL 5K 20
ADORE 11D 12 Biddy

On 15th draw, DOYS D1 42 --- DOY dear, a loved one (Scots) [n]
Other tops: DAYS D1 42
Other moves: TAYS D1 38, TOYS D1 38, STUDY L11 36, AYS D2 34, OYS D2 34
STUDY L11 36 Biddy

On 16th draw, AKA 3H 25 --- AKA a New Zealand vine [n]
Other moves: KAT N1 24, KIT N1 24, TOOK 5K 24, KATI 10I 23, KOTO 10I 23
TONKA 6K 19 Biddy

On 17th draw, FOUTH 12K 35 --- FOUTH abundance [n]
Other moves: HOOF 5K 34, HAFT 12I 33, HEFT 12I 33, FLUATE H10 30, HOOT 5K 28
LOATH H11 27 Biddy

On 18th draw, VOTIVE N10 40 --- VOTIVE a small squat candle [n] --- VOTIVE performed in fulfillment of a vow [adj]
Other moves: VOTER N10 32, VERB 2J 31, HIVE O12 30, HOVE O12 30, OLIVER H10 30
HOVE O12 30 Biddy

On 19th draw, MARQUEE 15I 84 --- MARQUEE a rooflike structure projecting over an entrance [n]
Other moves: MARQUEE 15H 57, CLAQUE H10 54, CAMBER 2J 47, CEMBRA 2J 47, CUMBER 2J 47

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