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Game of January 1, 2012 at 05:16, 2 players
1. 309 pts fatcat
2. 144 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eehilrv   H4    30    30   helve
 2. ilqrstu   5C    84   114   quilters
 3. adeimty   9H    80   194   daytime
 4. aekrstu   8K    61   255   skate
 5. ??alnos   3C    76   331   enolase
 6. acdoptz   2A    48   379   topaz
 7. eeiorrs   2I    69   448   rosiere
 8. glnotuv   1L    36   484   gout
 9. affgino   1D    61   545   fagin
10. aadeeit  10L    29   574   tide
11. cdemouw  11I    37   611   mowed
12. afilnor  12L    48   659   rolf
13. behnvwy   6J    31   690   hewn
14. adinouy  O12    33   723   fady
15. einooru  14I    20   743   neuroid
16. abeinpx  15G    50   793   ibex
17. abcenou  12D    30   823   bounce
18. acginrv  14A    83   906   craving

Remaining tiles: aaijp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5336 Filefatcat      1 13:57  -597  309     1.5336 fatcat      1 13:57  -597  309 
  2.5426 Filepaulineasb  0  8:06  -762  144     2.5426 paulineasb  0  8:06  -762  144 

On 1st draw, HELVE H4 30 --- HELVE to provide with a handle [v]
Other tops: HIVER H4 30
Other moves: EVILER H3 26, RELIVE H8 26, VEILER H4 26, HELVE H8 24, HIREE H4 24

On 2nd draw, QUILTERS 5C 84 --- QUILTER one that quilts [n]
Other moves: QUILTERS 8C 68, SQUIRT 3H 62, QUILTS 3C 44, QUIRTS 3C 44, QUILTS 9C 38

On 3rd draw, DAYTIME 9H 80 --- DAYTIME day [n]
Other moves: DAYTIME G8 70, DAYTIME I8 70, HEADY 4H 28, EMYD 9E 27, ADYTUM D1 26
MAYED 9D 25 paulineasb

On 4th draw, SKATE 8K 61 --- SKATE to glide over ice or the ground on skates (shoes fitted with runners or wheels) [v]
Other tops: SKART 8K 61, SKEAR 8K 61
Other moves: KRAUTS O4 59, KURTAS O4 59, KAES 8L 56, KART 8L 56, KATS 8L 56
TAKERS O4 47 paulineasb

On 5th draw, (E)NOLAS(E) 3C 76 --- ENOLASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: ALN(I)(C)OS 3B 76, AL(B)(I)NOS 3B 76, AL(I)(S)ONS 3B 76, LAN(U)(G)OS 3B 76, LA(D)(I)NOS 3B 76, LA(D)(R)ONS 3B 76, LA(G)O(O)NS 3B 76, LA(G)(O)ONS 3B 76, LA(R)(D)ONS 3B 76, LA(T)(I)NOS 3B 76, LA(T)(R)ONS 3B 76, LOA(D)(E)NS 3B 76, LO(C)(H)ANS 3B 76, LO(N)(G)ANS 3B 76, NO(R)(M)ALS 3B 76, ON(F)A(L)LS 3B 76, O(I)L(C)ANS 3B 76, O(R)L(E)ANS 3B 76, SALO(O)N(S) 3H 76, SAL(A)(M)ON 3H 76, SAL(M)ON(S) 3H 76, SAL(O)ON(S) 3H 76, SAN(D)LO(T) 3H 76, SAN(T)OL(S) 3H 76, SLO(G)AN(S) 3H 76, SOLAN(D)(S) 3H 76, SOLAN(I)(N) 3H 76, SOLAN(O)(S) 3H 76, SOLAN(U)(M) 3H 76, SOLA(N)(I)N 3H 76, SOL(D)AN(S) 3H 76, SOL(U)NA(R) 3H 76, SO(M)N(I)AL 3H 76, SO(U)L(D)AN 3H 76, (B)AL(L)ONS 3B 76, (B)A(L)LONS 3B 76, (B)LAN(C)OS 3B 76, (B)LA(Z)ONS 3B 76, (C)LA(X)ONS 3B 76, (C)OL(T)ANS 3B 76, (C)(A)NOLAS 3B 76, (D)AL(T)ONS 3B 76, (D)OL(I)NAS 3B 76, (D)OL(M)ANS 3B 76, (D)O(O)LANS 3B 76, (D)(O)OLANS 3B 76, (E)N(G)AOLS 3B 76, (E)N(H)ALOS 3B 76, (E)(T)ALONS 3B 76, (F)AL(C)ONS 3B 76, (F)LA(C)ONS 3B 76, (F)LA(G)ONS 3B 76, (G)AL(L)ONS 3B 76, (G)A(L)LONS 3B 76, (G)OL(L)ANS 3B 76, (G)O(L)LANS 3B 76, (G)O(W)LANS 3B 76, (K)AOL(I)NS 3B 76, (K)LA(X)ONS 3B 76, (K)O(U)LANS 3B 76, (M)ONA(U)LS 3B 76, (M)ON(I)ALS 3B 76, (M)(E)LANOS 3B 76, (P)OL(L)ANS 3B 76, (P)O(L)LANS 3B 76, (P)(R)OLANS 3B 76, (R)(E)LOANS 3B 76, (S)ALO(O)NS 3B 76, (S)AL(M)ONS 3B 76, (S)AL(O)ONS 3B 76, (S)AN(T)OLS 3B 76, (S)LO(G)ANS 3B 76, (S)OL(D)ANS 3B 76, (S)(I)ALONS 3B 76, (S)(O)LANOS 3B 76, (S)(T)ANOLS 3B 76, (T)AL(I)ONS 3B 76, (Z)ON(U)LAS 3B 76
Other moves: AL(I)SON(S) 3B 75, SALO(O)N(S) 3B 75, SAL(M)ON(S) 3B 75, SAL(O)ON(S) 3B 75, SAN(T)OL(S) 3B 75
NOES O6 18 paulineasb

On 6th draw, TOPAZ 2A 48 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other moves: TOPAZ 6J 42, AZOTED N5 40, TOPAZ 2C 40, PACO 10L 39, PACT 10L 39
ZAP 2E 35 fatcat
ZOA G1 12 paulineasb

On 7th draw, ROSIERE 2I 69 --- ROSIERE a rose bush [n]
Other moves: ETRIERS A1 24, TERRIES A2 24, RISE 10L 23, KIERIES L8 22, ETRIER A1 21
STORER A1 21 fatcat
ROES O6 18 paulineasb

On 8th draw, GOUT 1L 36 --- GOUT a metabolic disease [n]
Other moves: GOV 1B 28, LOUN 1L 28, LOUT 1L 28, TOUN 1L 28, TUG 10L 28
VETO O1 24 fatcat
VENT O1 24 paulineasb

On 9th draw, FAGIN 1D 61 --- FAGIN a person who instructs others in crime [n]
Other tops: FANGO 1D 61
Other moves: GANOF 1D 51, NAFF 10L 44, NIFF 10L 44, AFF 10M 36, IFF 10M 36
STAFFING K8 30 fatcat

On 10th draw, TIDE 10L 29 --- TIDE to flow like the tide (the rise and fall of the ocean's waters) [v]
Other moves: TAD 10L 28, TID 10L 28, DATA 10L 25, DATE 10L 25, DIET 10L 25
KITED L8 20 fatcat

On 11th draw, MOWED 11I 37 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other tops: COWED 11I 37
Other moves: OWED 11J 31, COED 11J 29, CUED 11J 29, WED 11K 29, MED 11K 27
MOVED 7F 13 fatcat

On 12th draw, ROLF 12L 48 --- ROLF to practice a system of muscle massage [v]
Other moves: FOR 12J 40, ROAN 12L 36, ROIL 12L 36, ROIN 12L 36, INFO 6C 31
RIFLE 8D 9 fatcat

On 13th draw, HEWN 6J 31 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other tops: HYEN 6J 31
Other moves: HEW 6J 30, HEY 6J 30, HYE 6J 30, HEN 6J 27, EH 1A 26
HEW 12H 22 fatcat

On 14th draw, FADY O12 33 --- FADY wearing away [adj]
Other moves: AYIN 6A 28, ATONY A1 27, YIN 6B 27, AY 1A 26, DINO 6B 24
FIND O12 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, NEUROID 14I 20 --- NEUROID resembling a nerve [adj]
Other tops: AMIDONE M8 20
Other moves: NOIR 6A 19, REIN 6A 19, ROIN 6A 19, RUIN 6A 19, INURED 14J 18
ROUND 14K 12 fatcat

On 16th draw, IBEX 15G 50 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other tops: APEX 15G 50
Other moves: PAX 15H 47, XENIA 15E 38, XI 6B 36, NIXE 15F 35, APEX 15J 32
IBEX 15G 50 fatcat

On 17th draw, BOUNCE 12D 30 --- BOUNCE to spring back [v]
Other moves: ATOC A1 27, CUBANE 12D 26, AB 1A 22, ABUNE 4J 20, BEACON 12E 19
BOW L4 16 fatcat

On 18th draw, CRAVING 14A 83 --- CRAVING a great desire [n]
Other tops: CARVING 14A 83
Other moves: CAVING 13A 33, TRACING A2 33, VIRGA 13C 32, CAVING 14B 31, RAVING 13A 29
CRAVING 14A 33 fatcat

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