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Game of January 2, 2012 at 12:35, 3 players
1. 498 pts raggedy01
2. 183 pts Oasthouse1
3. 74 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adepqrz   H4    50    50   zerda
 2. aalnost   7B    62   112   saltando
 3. ceinstw   E5    40   152   entwist
 4. aensstu  12C    77   229   nasutes
 5. deeinoo   4G    34   263   ozonide
 6. abdefin   5K    33   296   fined
 7. ?acegir   O2    86   382   birdcage
 8. adgirtv   3B    31   413   gravid
 9. abfikmt   6C    44   457   fank
10. ?eegmrt   2F    75   532   gumtree
11. ceilrtu   N8    77   609   utricle
12. aaprtvy  H11    39   648   peavy
13. eehiluw   1H    43   691   hie
14. abbooru   8A    31   722   bob
15. eioouxy  O13    50   772   oxy
16. aelmnow  15F    67   839   laywomen
17. ehiopru  14J    37   876   hup
18. iijortu   D1    38   914   jiao
19. eloqrtu  14A    38   952   torque

Remaining tiles: il

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6213 Fileraggedy01   3 21:01  -454  498     1.6213 raggedy01   3 21:01  -454  498 
  2.5249 FileOasthouse1  0  5:38  -769  183            Group: novice
  3.5222 Filecailah      1  3:44  -878   74     1.5249 Oasthouse1  0  5:38  -769  183 
                                             2.5222 cailah      1  3:44  -878   74 

On 1st draw, ZERDA H4 50 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: DAZER H4 34, RAZED H8 34, DAZER H8 32, RAZED H4 32, ZERDA H8 32
DAZER H4 34 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, SALTANDO 7B 62 --- SALTANDO from pa p Italian to jump, skip [adv]
Other moves: AZLONS 4G 30, AZONAL 4G 30, STANZA 4D 30, STANZO 4D 30, ZONAL 4H 28
ASLANT 9G 24 raggedy01
SALT 9H 21 Oasthouse1

On 3rd draw, ENTWIST E5 40 --- ENTWIST to twist together [v]
Other moves: SINEWS B2 34, WINCES 9C 32, ZINCS 4H 32, SCIENT 9H 28, SWINE 9H 28
ZINCS 4H 32 Oasthouse1
WINCES 9C 32 raggedy01

On 4th draw, NASUTES 12C 77 --- NASUTE a type of white ant [n]
Other tops: UNSEATS 12C 77
Other moves: TAUTNESS 11E 66, TAUTNESS 11B 58, UNSTATES 11B 58, ZANTES 4H 30, ZANTE 4H 28
ZESTS 4H 28 Oasthouse1, raggedy01

On 5th draw, OZONIDE 4G 34 --- OZONIDE a compound of ozone [n]
Other moves: ZONOID 4H 32, ZOONED 4H 32, ZONED 4H 30, ZOOID 4H 30, ENDERON 6D 27
ZONED 4H 30 Oasthouse1
DON 8A 16 raggedy01

On 6th draw, FINED 5K 33 --- FINE to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) [v]
Other tops: FIEND 5K 33
Other moves: DEFI 3K 32, FADE 5K 32, ABIDE 3J 31, FAND 5K 31, FEND 5K 31
FIB 8A 30 raggedy01

On 7th draw, (B)IRDCAGE O2 86 --- BIRDCAGE a cage for birds [n]
Other tops: DI(S)GRACE O5 86
Other moves: DECIGRA(M) O5 83, GENERICA(L) M3 80, RI(B)CAGE 13H 75, GRAECIS(E) B1 74, GRA(E)CISE B1 74
CAGED O1 30 Oasthouse1
DA(G)GIER O5 24 raggedy01

On 8th draw, GRAVID 3B 31 --- GRAVID pregnant [adj]
Other moves: VIRGA D1 28, VIAND C9 26, VID 8A 26, VIG 8A 26, DAVIT D1 24
VID 8A 26 raggedy01

On 9th draw, FANK 6C 44 --- FANK a coil [n]
Other moves: BANK 6C 42, BATIK 2F 41, KAIF 2F 41, KAF 2F 40, KAIM 2F 40
BEFIT H11 30 Oasthouse1
MAKI 11H 26 raggedy01

On 10th draw, G(U)MTREE 2F 75 --- GUMTREE a tree that yields gum [n]
Other moves: G(A)MESTER 10A 62, (S)TREW 8A 36, T(H)REW 8A 35, EMERG(E) N9 30, EM(E)RGE N9 30
EMERGE H10 27 raggedy01
GREEN M1 12 Oasthouse1

On 11th draw, UTRICLE N8 77 --- UTRICLE a saclike cavity in the inner ear [n]
Other moves: UTRICLE 11I 70, CIEL 4A 27, LEI 1G 27, LEU 1G 27, LUETIC H10 24

On 12th draw, PEAVY H11 39 --- PEAVY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: PACY 12L 30, PEATY H11 30, REPAY H11 30, PYA 13B 28, APAY 13A 27
PEAVY H11 39 raggedy01

On 13th draw, HIE 1H 43 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: HUE 1H 43
Other moves: HE 1H 38, HI 1H 38, WELCH 12K 34, WICH 12L 32, WIEL 4A 31
WHEELY 15C 19 raggedy01

On 14th draw, BOB 8A 31 --- BOB to move quickly up and down [v]
Other moves: ROB 8A 25, BARBAL D2 24, BOAB 13A 24, BOOB 13A 24, BOA 8A 23
BOB 8A 31 raggedy01

On 15th draw, OXY O13 50 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: OXO O13 41, YEX 13B 39, EPOXY 11G 38, EX 4C 38, OXY 13A 36
OXY O13 50 raggedy01

On 16th draw, LAYWOMEN 15F 67 --- LAYWOMAN a female member of the laity [n]
Other moves: MEOW 13A 27, MAW 13B 25, MEW 13B 25, MOW 13B 25, WAI 3M 24
WOMANLY 15B 18 raggedy01

On 17th draw, HUP 14J 37 --- HUP to go faster (by shouting hup to a horse) [v] --- HUP used to mark a marching cadence [interj]
Other tops: HEP 14J 37, HOP 14J 37
Other moves: HER 14J 33, HOE 14J 33, HUE 14J 33, PEH 14J 33, PHO 14J 33
HOP 14J 37 cailah
UP M7 11 raggedy01

On 18th draw, JIAO D1 38 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JOIST 10B 30, JOUST 10B 30, JOIST I9 28, JORUM K11 28, JOUR 13A 28
JOTS 10B 27 raggedy01
JOT 13B 26 cailah

On 19th draw, TORQUE 14A 38 --- TORQUE to cause to twist [v]
Other moves: QUEST 10B 36, QUOTE 14B 36, ROQUE 14B 36, TOQUE 14B 36, QUORUM K10 34
QUEST 10B 36 raggedy01
QI 9D 11 cailah

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