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Game of January 2, 2012 at 13:21, 2 players
1. 457 pts cailah
2. 73 pts churchill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cehiuu   H7    28    28   eunuch
 2. agnrwyz  11H    38    66   crazy
 3. aeiorst  13C    79   145   oariest
 4. ?eiittw   E6    70   215   twistier
 5. aadefiy  D12    40   255   fady
 6. deenprs   B7    70   325   spender
 7. cefilor   A8    32   357   of
 8. deglost   C1    73   430   goldest
 9. abilstx   2B    60   490   bolix
10. aceinor   3C    77   567   lonicera
11. ablopqs  12J    37   604   boas
12. aelnotu  13K    30   634   aeon
13. aemotvw   H1    39   673   voema
14. aeeprtu   2J    36   709   petar
15. ehlrtuu  15A    33   742   ethyl
16. eimnoqr   D8    43   785   qi
17. gimnorv   7G    69   854   removing
18. adeiilu   8L    31   885   deil
19. aegjnnw   1M    50   935   jaw
20. aegknnu   3L    47   982   ake

Remaining tiles: ginnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5222 Filecailah      2 18:28  -525  457     1.5222 cailah      2 18:28  -525  457 
  2.5753 Filechurchill   1  4:08  -909   73     2.5753 churchill   1  4:08  -909   73 

On 1st draw, EU(N)UCH H7 28 --- EUNUCH a castrated man [n]
Other tops: (Q)UICHE H8 28
Other moves: CUI(S)H H8 26, CU(S)HIE H4 26, ECHIU(M) H3 26, EU(N)UCH H8 26, HEUC(H) H4 26
CHI(M)E H4 24 cailah
CHU(T)E H7 18 churchill

On 2nd draw, CRAZY 11H 38 --- CRAZY a crazy person [n] --- CRAZY insane [adj]
Other moves: ZYGA G6 36, ZANY I6 34, AGRYZE 7C 30, CZAR 11H 30, GAUZY 10F 30
CRAZY 11H 38 churchill
ZEA 7G 23 cailah

On 3rd draw, OARIEST 13C 79 --- OARY like oars [adj]
Other moves: OTARIES 13B 77, OARIEST I2 64, OTARIES I2 64, OARIEST G1 62, OARIEST I1 62
STORE 13H 17 cailah
STARE 13H 17 churchill

On 4th draw, TWI(S)TIER E6 70 --- TWISTY full of curves [adj]
Other moves: WITTIE(R) B7 68, WITTIE(R) I2 65, TWI(N)IE(S)T 9E 61, WITTIE(R) G1 61, WITTIE(R) I1 61
WET 14D 19 cailah

On 5th draw, FADY D12 40 --- FADY wearing away [adj]
Other moves: YAE 12J 38, DAE 12J 32, DEFY 14A 32, DEIFY G4 30, EDIFY G4 30
FAY 10L 25 cailah

On 6th draw, SPENDER B7 70 --- SPENDER one that spends [n]
Other moves: SPENDER I2 69, SPENDER G1 65, SPENDER I1 65, PREYED 15A 36, PYRENES 15C 36
SPENDER I1 15 cailah

On 7th draw, OF A8 32 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: CLOYE 15A 30, COIF C6 30, FLEY 15A 30, ROE 12J 29, ERIC 12L 28
ORE A8 25 cailah

On 8th draw, GOLDEST C1 73 --- GOLD of the colour of gold [adj]
Other moves: GOLDEST I2 66, GOLDEST G1 64, GOLDEST I1 64, DOEST 12J 36, GOELS 12J 36
SLEY 15A 21 cailah

On 9th draw, BOLIX 2B 60 --- BOLIX to make a mess of [v]
Other moves: AXIS D7 46, AX D7 41, SALIX I3 38, XIS D8 38, LAX I5 35
AX D7 41 cailah

On 10th draw, LONICERA 3C 77 --- LONICERA the honeysuckle [n]
Other moves: AEONIC 1E 35, AEONIC 1F 33, CRAYON 15A 33, EARCON 1F 33, ORCEIN 1F 33
ACER 1F 27 cailah

On 11th draw, BOAS 12J 37 --- BOA a large snake [n]
Other moves: BOEPS H1 36, BOLAS 2J 36, PLEBS H1 36, BOA 12J 35, SOAP 12J 35
PALS 2J 22 cailah

On 12th draw, AEON 13K 30 --- AEON a vast age [n]
Other moves: LET 13K 28, YENTA 15D 24, YULAN 15D 24, LA 10J 23, NA 10J 23
NOTE 2J 10 cailah

On 13th draw, VOEMA H1 39 --- VOEMA (South Africa) vigour [n]
Other tops: WAVY 15A 39
Other moves: WEEM H1 36, WAME 2H 32, WEM 2H 31, TOWY 15A 30, TWAY 15A 30
MAG 1A 22 cailah

On 14th draw, PETAR 2J 36 --- PETAR an explosive device [n]
Other tops: PAREU 2J 36, PATER 2J 36, PEARE 2J 36, PEART 2J 36, PEREA 2J 36, PETER 2J 36, PETRE 2J 36, PRATE 2J 36, PRUTA 2J 36, PUREE 2J 36
Other moves: RETYPE 15A 33, YAUPER 15D 33, YRAPT 15D 30, OUTPEER 2H 28, REAP D5 28
PREY 15A 27 cailah

On 15th draw, ETHYL 15A 33 --- ETHYL a univalent chemical radical [n]
Other moves: HERY 15A 30, THEY 15A 30, HUE C9 28, HURTLE 4J 28, EH D7 25
HUT 1M 25 cailah

On 16th draw, QI D8 43 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NIQAB J8 36, MINER 1K 35, MINOR 1K 35, LOONIE D2 30, MEMOIR 4H 29
QI D8 43 cailah

On 17th draw, REMOVING 7G 69 --- REMOVE to transfer to another place [v]
Other moves: MINOR 1K 35, MOVING 4J 35, ROVING 4J 29, AMOVING M2 28, AMOVING 5H 26
ROVING N2 12 cailah

On 18th draw, DEIL 8L 31 --- DEIL the devil [n]
Other moves: ADIEU O1 30, AILED 1K 30, IDEAL O1 30, LAID O1 29, LAUD O1 29
PETARD 2J 9 cailah

On 19th draw, JAW 1M 50 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: J*W 1M 50
Other moves: JAW O1 47, JAG 1M 44, JANE O1 44, JANN O1 44, JAG O1 41
JAW 1M 50 cailah

On 20th draw, AKE 3L 47 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other tops: KEG 3M 47
Other moves: KEA 3M 45, KEN 3M 45, AGEN 3L 37, AGE 3L 35, GEN 3M 33

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