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Game sheet of cailah (file), Game of January 2, 2012 at 17:12

Word find
Word played
1 ?ABCOQS             SQ(U)AB H8 36 36  
2 AENORTT             BETATRON 12H 72 108  
3 HIIKNTW             WITHIN O7 36 144  
4 EKOPRSV             POKERS 13C 42 186  
5 AEEGGRU             REGAUGES 8A 83 269  
6 BCEFLOT             CLOTE N10 41 310  
7 AAEEOST OAST 15L 23 -7 23 3/3 TOEAS 14B 30 340 3/3
8 AAGINRY             ARRAYING A6 63 403 3/3
9 DMNOPUZ ZO 15A 35 -23 58 2/3 MOZ 15A 58 461 3/3
10 ?DDELLU             U(N)D(U)LLED 10E 60 521 3/3
11 CDEFIOR COIFED B1 39   97 2/3       560 3/3
12 BELNORU BREW 7L 10 -18 107 3/3 ROB 12D 28 588 3/3
13 AIILMNR             CRIMINAL 1B 89 677 3/3
14 AEEFNVY LEAVEN I1 10 -30 117 3/3 RYFE C1 40 717 3/3
15 ADEHIPW HAWED 2H 27 -9 144 2/3 HEW D4 36 753 3/3
16 ENNOPSV SONE J1 19 -16 163 2/3 POSE 15L 35 788 3/3
17 DEINOUV DIVE 2H 21 -48 184 1/3 INVOLUTED J6 69 857 2/3
18 AIJNNTX TAX 15F 36 -3 220 2/2 TAXI 15F 39 896 2/3
19 AIJNNUV JA N6 30 -3 250 2/2 NINJA N3 33 929 2/3

Total: 250/929 or -679 for 26.91%
Rank: 6405

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