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Game sheet of Davina (file), Game of January 2, 2012 at 18:44

Word find
Word played
1 EOPSTVV             VOTES H4 24 24  
2 ADDINRS             ANDROIDS 5D 90 114  
3 ADFGILX             GALAX D4 42 156  
4 ?ABEIOT             BOATIE(S) C7 90 246  
5 EIKORUV             KIEVE 12A 34 280  
6 ?EIIIOT             O(U)TVOTES H1 30 310  
7 DEFIMRZ             FRIZED 11E 48 358  
8 AEEHIRU             ZAIRE H11 45 403  
9 AEIINRT             INERTIAE 15A 77 480  
10 EGHMORS             SHMEK A8 42 522  
11 ACEELSU             RECULES 14H 30 552  
12 AGIMNOO             GAMIN 15K 39 591  
13 ACGLNOW             LAW 13K 35 626  
14 ADENOQR QI F14 31   31 1/2       657 2/3
15 ALNORTT TALON 10I 14 -47 45 1/3 TETRONAL 7G 61 718 2/3
16 BDEFNRU EF 4K 12 -14 57 3/3 DERNFUL N1 26 744 3/3
17 BCENUWY BURY 3L 18 -21 75 1/2 BYDE 1L 39 783 3/3
18 AGHJOOW JAR 3L 20 -13 95 3/3 GAJO B4 33 816 3/4
19 EIOPUUW WIPE 10I 21   116 2/3 POW 8K   837 3/4
20 CEINOOP CO(U)PON 2F 17 -6 133 1/3 POONCE 10I 23 860 3/4

Total: 133/860 or -727 for 15.46%
Rank: 6424

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