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Game of January 3, 2012 at 14:00, 6 players
1. 706 pts PIThompson
2. 626 pts yab
3. 498 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adntuvw   H4    24    24   vaunt
 2. deillsy   5E    44    68   disally
 3. cdeorst   F1    65   133   cordites
 4. ?eefnst   2A    70   203   felstone
 5. ?bnoovz   8A    78   281   boozes
 6. aegjmry   1H    48   329   reamy
 7. aaeenru   D7    32   361   azurean
 8. cdiiort  13C    80   441   indictor
 9. aggnotu   2J    40   481   guango
10. aeiinpr  H10    33   514   nipter
11. abeghnw   O1    48   562   howbe
12. aaekrtu   1A    27   589   eta
13. aeiiloq   4C    31   620   qaid
14. eioorst  15H    77   697   rootsier
15. ailnovw  N10    34   731   valine
16. adeeefo  E11    32   763   faded
17. egjmopu   C7    50   813   jomo
18. eghilux  M11    51   864   hex
19. egiklpu   B8    39   903   ouk
20. egiilpw  15A    36   939   wiped

Remaining tiles: gil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7709 FilePIThompson  8 15:08  -233  706     1.7709 PIThompson  8 15:08  -233  706 
  2.7057 Fileyab         5 18:49  -313  626     2.7057 yab         5 18:49  -313  626 
  3.5486 Filetonikay     2 28:23  -441  498            Group: intermediate
  4.6327 Fileannelhynz   3 11:39  -614  325     1.6327 annelhynz   3 11:39  -614  325 
  5.5258 Filecailah      0  5:57  -766  173            Group: novice
  6.5276 Fileleobill     0  2:24  -906   33     1.5486 tonikay     2 28:23  -441  498 
                                             2.5258 cailah      0  5:57  -766  173 
                                             3.5276 leobill     0  2:24  -906   33 

On 1st draw, VAUNT H4 24 --- VAUNT to brag [v]
Other moves: VAUNT H8 18, VAW H6 18, VAW H7 18, VAW H8 18, DAUNT H4 16
VAUNT H4 24 PIThompson, yab, tonikay

On 2nd draw, DISALLY 5E 44 --- DISALLY to break an alliance [v]
Other tops: IDEALLY 5E 44
Other moves: SYED I6 27, VILDLY 4H 26, YIELDS I7 26, IDYLLS 9F 25, Y*DS I7 25
IDEALLY 5E 44 yab
SYED I6 27 PIThompson
YIELDS 9H 24 cailah
SILLY 9H 18 tonikay

On 3rd draw, CORDITES F1 65 --- CORDITE an explosive powder [n]
Other moves: COSTED 4A 30, CREDOS 4A 29, SCORED 6A 29, CORED 6B 28, COSED 6B 28
COSTED 4A 30 PIThompson
CORSET 4A 27 tonikay
STRODE 9H 18 yab
CREST 9E 18 cailah

On 4th draw, FE(L)STONE 2A 70 --- FELSTONE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: FELST(O)NE J3 64, ENFO(R)EST 2C 62, OFTENES(T) 2F 62, OF(T)ENEST 2F 62, SOFTENE(D) 2E 62
(R)EFECTS 1B 45 yab
(I)NFECTS 1B 45 PIThompson
FE(A)ST 4K 24 cailah
FEED 4C 19 tonikay

On 5th draw, BOOZ(E)S 8A 78 --- BOOZE to drink liquor excessively [v]
Other tops: BONZ(E)S 8A 78
Other moves: COBZ(A) 1F 65, B(A)ZOO 1H 60, BONZ(A) 1H 57, BONZ(E) 1H 57, BOOZ(E) 1H 57
BOOZ(E)S 8A 78 PIThompson
B(A)ZOO 1H 60 yab
BOOZ(E) 1H 57 cailah
COB 1F 35 tonikay

On 6th draw, REAMY 1H 48 --- REAMY creamy [adj]
Other moves: YAGER 1H 45, CAY 1F 41, MARGE 1H 39, MARY 1H 39, YAM 1H 39
YAGER 1H 45 yab
CAY 1F 41 PIThompson
CAME 1F 38 tonikay
JOEY C7 23 cailah

On 7th draw, AZUREAN D7 32 --- AZUREAN of the colour of azure [adj]
Other moves: AFEAR A1 27, ANEAR 9A 27, AREAE 9A 27, AURAE 9A 27, ENE 1A 27
ERA 1A 27 PIThompson, yab, cailah
REAN 2J 19 tonikay

On 8th draw, INDICTOR 13C 80 --- INDICTOR one who indicts [n]
Other moves: ID 1A 27, OD 1A 27, IODIC 2K 25, IODIC 6J 25, CRINOID 13A 24
ID 1A 27 PIThompson
OD 1A 27 yab
DOIT C12 17 tonikay

On 9th draw, GUANGO 2J 40 --- GUANGO the rain tree [n]
Other moves: GAUNT 2J 36, GUANO 2J 36, NOUGAT 2J 31, TAUON 2J 27, GAUN 2J 25
GAUNT 2J 36 PIThompson
GOAT 2J 25 annelhynz
TAUTOG H10 24 yab
GONG 12I 17 tonikay

On 10th draw, NIPTER H10 33 --- NIPTER ceremonial washing of the feet [n]
Other moves: APTER H11 30, PAIN 3L 29, PAIR 3L 29, PEIN 3L 29, AFIRE A1 27
PEIN 3L 29 PIThompson
PAIN 3L 29 annelhynz
PORE O1 21 yab
PE 3L 20 tonikay

On 11th draw, HOWBE O1 48 --- HOWBE yet [conj]
Other moves: EH 1A 35, AH 1N 33, AW 1N 33, BHANG 4K 33, BOHEA O1 33
EH 1A 35 PIThompson, tonikay, yab, annelhynz

On 12th draw, ETA 1A 27 --- ETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: AFEAR A1 27, AFTER A1 27, ERA 1A 27
Other moves: KA 3L 26, KSAR D1 26, AKA 4J 25, AKE 4J 25, AFAR A1 24
ERA 1A 27 PIThompson
KA 3L 26 tonikay, annelhynz
KO C7 22 yab

On 13th draw, QAID 4C 31 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QI G9 23, AIDOI E11 18, AIDE E11 16, LADE E11 16, LIAR 3C 16
QAID 4C 31 PIThompson
AGO N1 14 tonikay
QI 11G 11 annelhynz, leobill

On 14th draw, ROOTSIER 15H 77 --- ROOTSY reminiscent of folk styles [adj]
Other tops: ROOTSIER 15A 77, TORTOISE 8H 77
Other moves: OORIEST K8 76, ROOTIES K7 76, TOORIES K7 76, OORIEST N4 67, OORIEST N5 63
ROOTSIER 15H 27 PIThompson
TOROSE K9 24 yab
ROOTS K9 22 tonikay
TORSO K10 22 leobill
ROOST K10 22 annelhynz

On 15th draw, VALINE N10 34 --- VALINE an amino acid [n]
Other moves: INWOVE N10 28, AWDL E11 25, AVOW 6K 23, WO 3L 23, ALVINE N10 22
WO 3L 23 PIThompson, tonikay
WAIVE N11 22 annelhynz
WO 14N 22 yab

On 16th draw, FADED E11 32 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: ODEA 3J 30, EF 14E 29, OF 14E 29, FADE 3I 28, FADE E11 28
FADED E11 32 PIThompson
OF 14E 29 annelhynz
EF 14E 29 yab
DEE 3K 24 tonikay

On 17th draw, JOMO C7 50 --- JOMO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: JOG C7 43, JAPE 7C 41, JA 7C 34, JO C7 34, MEOW 3L 33
JAPE 7C 41 PIThompson
MOPED 15A 33 yab
JOG 3I 29 tonikay

On 18th draw, HEX M11 51 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: LEX M11 42, EX M12 38, HEX 3I 33, HIE 14J 32, HUE 14J 32
HEX M11 51 yab, PIThompson, tonikay, annelhynz

On 19th draw, OUK B8 39 --- OUK a week [n]
Other tops: PIKED 15A 39, PUKED 15A 39
Other moves: KEP B10 36, KIP B10 36, KEG B10 35, KUE B10 34, KI B10 33
PUKED 15A 39 PIThompson
PIKED 15A 39 annelhynz, yab
KI 5B 17 tonikay

On 20th draw, WIPED 15A 36 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: LIPIDE 15A 30, WIELD 15A 30, WILED 15A 30, LEPID 15A 27, LIPID 15A 27
WIPED 15A 36 annelhynz, yab, PIThompson
WE 3L 23 tonikay

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