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Game of January 3, 2012 at 23:09, 2 players
1. 437 pts tonikay
2. 195 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dginoss   H6    72    72   dossing
 2. ?acerwx   I3    45   117   carex
 3. eeilnoz  12C    34   151   lozenge
 4. adefjlq  13I    49   200   fjeld
 5. adiotuu  E11    30   230   azido
 6. beegrtt   K7    72   302   begetter
 7. ?belnrt   8A    80   382   brantles
 8. ?cemtuu   L2    79   461   cumulet
 9. aafghis   D3    80   541   afghanis
10. iklnorv  14B    44   585   lordkin
11. adimopu  15G    36   621   damp
12. aaeiinp   2J    32   653   picine
13. aeeirvy   O1    42   695   very
14. aeiioty   J8    33   728   tay
15. ainoruv   G3    35   763   unrove
16. eiostww  N10    37   800   towse
17. aahiiow   C2    38   838   whoa
18. aeeioqu   O8    43   881   quai

Remaining tiles: aeeiio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5506 Filetonikay     0 18:49  -444  437     1.5506 tonikay     0 18:49  -444  437 
  2.5686 FileAndy1990    1  6:03  -686  195     2.5686 Andy1990    1  6:03  -686  195 

On 1st draw, DOSSING H6 72 --- DOSS to sleep in any convenient place [v]
Other tops: DOSSING H4 72
Other moves: DOSSING H2 70, DOSSING H3 70, DOSSING H7 70, DOSSING H8 70, DOSSING H5 68
DINGS H4 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, CAREX I3 45 --- CAREX a marsh plant [n]
Other moves: CA(R)EX I3 44, C(A)REX I3 44, REWAX I3 44, CAR(E)X I3 43, EARW(A)X I2 43
WAX I5 41 tonikay

On 3rd draw, LOZENGE 12C 34 --- LOZENGE a small, often medicated candy [n]
Other tops: LOZEN J6 34
Other moves: ZEIN 10F 33, CLOZE 3I 32, COZEN 3I 32, COZIE 3I 32, ZINE G5 31
ZONE G5 31 tonikay

On 4th draw, FJELD 13I 49 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other moves: JADE J10 47, FJELD C9 40, FALAJ 4H 38, FJELD J8 37, FAZED E10 36
JAIL 10F 27 tonikay

On 5th draw, AZIDO E11 30 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other tops: DIAZO E9 30
Other moves: DIOTA 14F 29, DITZ E9 28, ADO 13C 26, ADZ E10 26, DZO E11 26
DOT 13D 20 tonikay

On 6th draw, BEGETTER K7 72 --- BEGETTER one who produces [n]
Other moves: BEET G7 32, BOREE 15D 30, BOTTE 15D 30, BEE G7 29, BETTOR 15A 27
GREED M9 9 tonikay

On 7th draw, BR(A)NTLES 8A 80 --- BRANTLE an old French dance [n]
Other moves: BR(A)NTLE L1 76, BL(U)NTER L2 75, BRANTLE(S) 4G 70, RENTABL(E) 4E 70, R(E)NTABLE 4E 70

On 8th draw, CUMU(L)ET L2 79 --- CUMULET a variety of domestic fancy pigeon [n]
Other moves: CUMU(L)ATE 4D 72, CUMU(L)(A)TE C3 72, MUCU(L)ENT D2 72, COM(M)UTE 15D 39, COM(P)UTE 15D 39

On 9th draw, AFGHANIS D3 80 --- AFGHANI a monetary unit of Afghanistan [n]
Other moves: FOGASH 15D 51, HAAFS 15G 45, FAHS 15H 42, FAHS J8 42, FEASING G7 42
HE G7 26 tonikay

On 10th draw, LORDKIN 14B 44 --- LORDKIN a little lord [n]
Other moves: IROKO 15A 42, KOORI 15D 42, KNIVE G4 37, VEIL G7 34, KROONI 15C 33
KI C3 29 tonikay

On 11th draw, DAMP 15G 36 --- DAMP moist [adj] --- DAMP to lessen in intensity [v]
Other tops: DUMP 15G 36
Other moves: MUCOID 2J 34, PUMA J8 34, PIMA M3 33, PUMA M3 33, AROID 14J 32
MAP 15A 27 tonikay

On 12th draw, PICINE 2J 32 --- PICINE of the woodpecker family [adj]
Other moves: NAPA J8 30, NAPE J8 30, PECAN 2J 30, NAP J8 27, PEA G7 27
PEA G7 27 tonikay

On 13th draw, VERY O1 42 --- VERY absolute [adj]
Other moves: REAVE O1 36, REEVE O1 36, REIVE O1 36, VEERY O1 36, VIREO 15A 34
VERY O1 42 Andy1990
AY 1N 32 tonikay

On 14th draw, TAY J8 33 --- TAY tea [n]
Other tops: ARIOT 14J 33
Other moves: AYE J9 32, YEA C3 30, AY J9 29, YA J10 28, YE J10 28
YAE M7 26 tonikay
TOY 15A 25 Andy1990

On 15th draw, UNROVE G3 35 --- UNREEVE to withdraw a rope from an opening [v]
Other moves: NAIVE G4 33, RIVE G5 32, ROVE G5 32, VIRINO M1 29, NAOI E3 26
VAN 15A 22 Andy1990, tonikay

On 16th draw, TOWSE N10 37 --- TOWSE to haul [v]
Other moves: WOWS N10 35, TOWIES N8 34, WOW 15A 34, WETS N10 32, WITS N10 32
WOWS N10 35 tonikay
WOW 15A 34 Andy1990

On 17th draw, WHOA C2 38 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other moves: WHOA 1H 36, HAW 15A 34, HOW 15A 34, WHIO 1G 34, WHIO O8 34
HOW 15A 34 Andy1990
WHO O8 29 tonikay

On 18th draw, QUAI O8 43 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUAI O7 41, QUA O8 38, QI 15A 35, QUOAD M9 34, QIS 10B 32
QUA O8 38 tonikay, Andy1990

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