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Game of January 4, 2012 at 12:04, 2 players
1. 376 pts churchill
2. 324 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dilmos   H4    74    74   midsole
 2. ?adoopt   5B    70   144   parotoid
 3. eeirtwy   B1    44   188   twerpy
 4. aaeeltu   D2    66   254   laureate
 5. aciorsz   A6    53   307   azoic
 6. emnnors   A1    39   346   some
 7. eiioost  11D    22   368   otiose
 8. adfirrt  12A    30   398   fard
 9. aaehlno   B8    33   431   noh
10. egiijnt   F2    33   464   jetting
11. acenpru  10F    27   491   apercu
12. aegintx   G1    44   535   tax
13. deegils  L10    30   565   sieged
14. agiinnr   1G    80   645   training
15. eeknrvw  14J    44   689   keeve
16. aellnru  15G    29   718   enlard
17. bfhinvy   2J    34   752   fy
18. bhilruw   K9    30   782   buhr
19. eilnquw   N9    35   817   equine

Remaining tiles: biluvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5771 Filechurchill   3 16:34  -441  376     1.5771 churchill   3 16:34  -441  376 
  2.5255 Filecailah      1 18:35  -493  324     2.5255 cailah      1 18:35  -493  324 

On 1st draw, MIDSOL(E) H4 74 --- MIDSOLE the middle layer of the sole of a shoe [n]
Other tops: IDOL(I)SM H6 74, MILO(R)DS H4 74, MIS(T)OLD H4 74, M(E)LOIDS H4 74, OD(Y)LISM H6 74, SMOIL(E)D H3 74, SOLID(U)M H6 74, (A)MIDOLS H3 74, (I)DOLISM H6 74
Other moves: IDOL(I)SM H3 72, MIDSOL(E) H2 72, MILO(R)DS H7 72, MIS(T)OLD H6 72, M(E)LOIDS H7 72

On 2nd draw, PA(R)OTOID 5B 70 --- PAROTOID a gland of certain toads and frogs [n]
Other tops: ADOPTIO(N) 5C 70
Other moves: (H)OPTOADS 7A 65, (F)OOTPADS 7A 63, ADOPT(S) 11C 25, POOT(E)D G5 24, PO(T)ATO I3 24

On 3rd draw, TWERPY B1 44 --- TWERPY like a twerp [adj]
Other tops: TWIRPY B1 44
Other moves: WEEPY B2 42, TRIPY B2 36, WEARY C3 30, YEW 4C 30, WRYE(R) D1 28

On 4th draw, LAU(R)EATE D2 66 --- LAUREATE to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves [v]
Other moves: EAT A1 22, MALEATE 4H 21, ALATE A6 20, MALATE 4H 19, MEATAL 4H 19
EAT A1 22 cailah

On 5th draw, AZOIC A6 53 --- AZOIC pertaining to geologic time before the appearance of life [adj]
Other moves: AZOTIC 8A 51, CZARS J1 47, IZARS J1 45, ZA C7 44, CZARS 11D 42
COATS 8A 21 churchill
Z(E)AS 10G 14 cailah

On 6th draw, SOME A1 39 --- SOME being an unspecified number or part [adj]
Other moves: SONE A1 31, SORE A1 31, SOM A1 30, MORNES C9 29, MESON C9 27
SOME 11H 22 churchill
SNORE 11H 20 cailah

On 7th draw, OTIOSE 11D 22 --- OTIOSE lazy [adj]
Other moves: OTIOSE J1 21, IODISE 6F 20, SOOTE 11H 20, TOISE 11E 20, TOISE J2 20
TOES 11E 18 churchill
SITE 11H 18 cailah

On 8th draw, FARD 12A 30 --- FARD to paint with cosmetics [v]
Other tops: DAFT C7 30
Other moves: DIF C7 29, FAD 12D 29, FAD C7 29, FID 12D 29, FID C7 29
ADRIFT 12I 22 cailah
FAD I3 15 churchill

On 9th draw, NOH B8 33 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other moves: FOHN A12 30, HEAL B10 30, OH B9 30, HOA B10 29, AH 10E 28
FOAL A12 21 churchill
FEAL A12 21 cailah

On 10th draw, JETTING F2 33 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: (E)EJIT 10H 29, JEDI I3 27, JIG F10 27, JETON G8 26, JIN F10 26
JIG F10 27 churchill
JIN F10 26 cailah

On 11th draw, AP(E)RCU 10F 27 --- APERCU a brief outline [n]
Other tops: FACE A12 27, FRAP A12 27
Other moves: MENACER 3A 24, APERCU 12I 22, NEAP 13B 22, REAP 13B 22, UP 10E 22
FACE A12 27 churchill
FERN A12 21 cailah

On 12th draw, TAX G1 44 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: AX G2 43, FAIX A12 42, FIXT A12 42, AXE 13A 38, MAXING 4H 35
TAX G1 44 churchill, cailah

On 13th draw, SIEGED L10 30 --- SIEGE to attempt to capture or gain [v]
Other moves: LEDGES 13B 29, SEILED L10 28, SLEDGE L10 28, SEDILE 13B 27, DIESEL L7 26
SLEDGE L10 28 churchill
SLIDE L10 22 cailah

On 14th draw, TRAINING 1G 80 --- TRAINING systematic instruction [n]
Other moves: AIRNING 13D 64, ARGININE 14E 63, GRAINING 13E 62, GRADINI 15I 27, NARDING 15I 27
TRAINING 1G 30 cailah, churchill

On 15th draw, KEEVE 14J 44 --- KEEVE a tub or vat [n]
Other tops: KREWE 14J 44
Other moves: KERVED 15G 42, KEENER 14J 40, WEEKE 14J 40, WEEVER 14J 40, EWKED 15H 39
KNEED 15H 30 cailah
REWED 15H 27 churchill

On 16th draw, ENLARD 15G 29 --- ENLARD to grease [v]
Other tops: RELAND 15G 29
Other moves: ELAND 15H 26, FALL A12 21, FANE A12 21, FARE A12 21, FARL A12 21
FUEL A12 21 churchill
LARD 15I 13 cailah

On 17th draw, FY 2J 34 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FY 15N 29, IF 2I 28, FUB K9 24, HUB K9 24, YIN 2M 23
UH K10 20 churchill

On 18th draw, BUHR K9 30 --- BUHR a heavy stone [n]
Other moves: FLUB A12 27, FRIB A12 27, HILI 11K 24, HUB K9 24, ARB C5 22
FLIR A12 21 cailah
UH K10 20 churchill

On 19th draw, EQUINE N9 35 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: QUINE N10 34, FLEW A12 30, INDEW 6F 22, FENI A12 21, FILE A12 21
EQUINE N9 35 churchill

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