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Game of January 4, 2012 at 13:36, 5 players
1. 602 pts kellybelly
2. 399 pts dabbler
3. 391 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einosuv   H2    78    78   niveous
 2. ?glootu   8A    80   158   outglows
 3. abdelpu   3G    36   194   bipedal
 4. ddelmos   2J    48   242   models
 5. eehlort   O2    33   275   shelter
 6. aegimop   4J    37   312   map
 7. aeehivz   C7    48   360   atheize
 8. ?adenox  14C   101   461   dioxane
 9. aegintu  15H    85   546   unitage
10. acdiqsy  O11    75   621   qadis
11. aefikrr   5B    80   701   freakier
12. aefgtuy   B2    44   745   taffy
13. abeiory   A1    43   788   baye
14. egjnnot   D1    42   830   jennet
15. ciiortw  D11    44   874   toric
16. giiorsv  E10    24   898   iso
17. cgiorvw  13J    24   922   corvid
18. iinruww  F12    23   945   nix

Remaining tiles: giruww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7256 Filekellybelly  4 12:24  -343  602     1.7256 kellybelly  4 12:24  -343  602 
  2.6497 Filedabbler     0 14:34  -546  399            Group: intermediate
  3.5285 Filecailah      1 14:51  -554  391     1.6497 dabbler     0 14:34  -546  399 
  4.5021 Filestrykyster  0  6:14  -881   64            Group: novice
  5.5280 Fileleobill     0  3:06  -913   32     1.5285 cailah      1 14:51  -554  391 
                                             2.5021 strykyster  0  6:14  -881   64 
                                             3.5280 leobill     0  3:06  -913   32 

On 1st draw, NIVEOUS H2 78 --- NIVEOUS resembling snow [adj]
Other tops: ENVIOUS H2 78, VEINOUS H4 78
Other moves: ENVIOUS H3 72, ENVIOUS H4 72, ENVIOUS H6 72, ENVIOUS H7 72, ENVIOUS H8 72
VEINS H4 24 kellybelly
VINES H4 24 cailah
VISE H5 14 strykyster

On 2nd draw, OUTGLO(W)S 8A 80 --- OUTGLOW to surpass in glowing [v]
Other moves: LOGOUT(S) I5 71, OUTGLO(W) G7 64, OUTGLO(W) G8 61, OUTGLO(W) I8 61, GLUE(P)OT 5E 28
GLOUTE(D) 5C 14 kellybelly
GLUT(T)ON 2B 14 cailah
V(E)TO 4H 6 strykyster

On 3rd draw, BIPEDAL 3G 36 --- BIPED an animal with two feet [adj] --- BIPEDAL having two feet [adj]
Other moves: PIEBALD 3G 32, DUPABLE 5B 24, DUPABLE E3 24, UPBEAT C3 22, DUP I5 21
PUB G1 19 kellybelly
PEALED 5G 18 strykyster
PAVED 4F 11 leobill

On 4th draw, MODELS 2J 48 --- MODEL to plan or form after a pattern [v]
Other moves: MODEL 2J 46, MODES 2J 46, MODELED 5E 44, MOLES 2J 43, DOMED 2J 42
MODELS 2J 48 kellybelly
MODE 4L 26 cailah
MODS 4L 26 strykyster
MOULDED B6 21 leobill

On 5th draw, SHELTER O2 33 --- SHELTER to provide cover or protection for [v]
Other moves: THROVE 4D 32, EH 4K 28, LEET 4J 28, TEEL 4J 28, THEREON 2B 28
SHELTER O2 33 kellybelly
EH 4K 28 dabbler

On 6th draw, MAP 4J 37 --- MAP to delineate on a map (a representation of a region) [v]
Other moves: GAM 4J 34, GAP 4J 34, GEM 4J 34, IMPAVE 4D 34, MAG 4J 33
GEM 4J 34 kellybelly, dabbler
PEAG N7 17 cailah

On 7th draw, ATHEIZE C7 48 --- ATHEIZE to talk as an atheist [v]
Other moves: GEEZAH D8 38, GHAZI D8 36, HEEZIE 5C 36, ZHO 6F 35, ZHO F6 35
HAZE 5E 32 kellybelly
HEAVE N7 26 dabbler
ZEA 5G 12 cailah

On 8th draw, D(I)OXANE 14C 101 --- DIOXANE a toxic flammable solvent [n]
Other moves: DIOXANE(S) 11B 80, (K)LAXONED E7 80, ADNEX(A) 14B 79, (A)DNEXA 14B 79, (H)OAXED D10 64
(T)AXED D11 60 cailah
NOX D11 53 kellybelly

On 9th draw, UNITAGE 15H 85 --- UNITAGE amount in units [n]
Other moves: UNITAGE 13H 73, UNITAGE N8 72, NUGAE 15E 40, TUINA 15D 39, EATING 15G 37
GAZE 12A 32 dabbler, kellybelly
TAN 13E 18 cailah

On 10th draw, QADIS O11 75 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAIDS O11 75
Other moves: CAYS O12 63, QIS O13 63, YADS O12 63, Y*DS O12 63, ACIDS O11 60
QAIDS O11 75 kellybelly
QIS O13 63 cailah
ACIDS O11 60 dabbler

On 11th draw, FREAKIER 5B 80 --- FREAKY quirkily unusual [adj]
Other moves: FREAKIER 10A 69, KAFIR 13I 46, KEFIR 13I 46, KAZI 12A 44, FAKE N12 42
FAKER 13I 42 dabbler
FAZE 12A 40 kellybelly
FAKE N7 20 cailah

On 12th draw, TAFFY B2 44 --- TAFFY a chewy candy [n]
Other moves: FAY 6D 41, FEY 6D 41, FAZE 12A 40, FUZE 12A 40, GAZY 12A 38
FAZE 12A 40 kellybelly, dabbler
FEAT N4 22 cailah

On 13th draw, BAYE A1 43 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other moves: YEBO A1 42, BEZOAR 12A 40, ABY 6D 39, YBORE 13I 38, YERBA 13I 38
BAYE A1 43 cailah
BIZE 12A 36 kellybelly
YEAR 13I 21 dabbler

On 14th draw, JENNET D1 42 --- JENNET a small horse [n]
Other moves: JETE N12 38, JONG 13E 38, JET 13E 32, JOE 13E 32, JOT 13E 32
JOT 13E 32 cailah, dabbler
TO D11 28 kellybelly

On 15th draw, TOR(I)C D11 44 --- TORIC a lens designed to correct astigmatism [n] --- TORIC pertaining to a torus [adj]
Other moves: OT(I)C D12 40, TOR(I)I D11 36, TOR(I) D11 32, ROZIT 12A 30, ZOIC 12C 30
TO D11 28 kellybelly
WO B10 28 dabbler

On 16th draw, ISO E10 24 --- ISO film replay facilities [n]
Other moves: RIVOS 9K 23, GIROS 13I 22, GORIS 13I 22, RIVOS 13I 22, SO E11 22
SO E11 22 kellybelly, cailah
VIGORS 9J 22 dabbler

On 17th draw, CORVID 13J 24 --- CORVID any of a family of passerine birds [n]
Other moves: CROWD 13K 22, TWO 6D 21, WIG 13I 21, W*G 13I 21, YAWN 3A 20
WIG 13I 21 kellybelly, dabbler
ROW N7 10 cailah

On 18th draw, NIX F12 23 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: YAWN 3A 20, CRU 15D 16, WIRRA L11 16, IWI 10E 14, WINO K10 14
NIX F12 23 kellybelly
WE 10B 13 dabbler
WIRE 7L 8 cailah

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