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Game of January 4, 2012 at 14:20, 5 players
1. 555 pts PIThompson
2. 362 pts dabbler
3. 353 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beorrtu   H4    22    22   bruter
 2. ?giilsu   7A    61    83   pugilist
 3. aaeeprs   A6    80   163   appeaser
 4. adeflor   E5    98   261   falderol
 5. ?ciiosy  12C    76   337   solicity
 6. afiiltw  11J    28   365   flaw
 7. aeginno   N9    81   446   ganoine
 8. aemnuvy  15K    36   482   yeven
 9. eehnort   O4    88   570   thereon
10. cdegioo   B6    31   601   guide
11. abeilmq  H11    48   649   qibla
12. adekmoo  12L    43   692   mook
13. aenotuz   D1    53   745   zante
14. ahjorst   1C    54   799   azoths
15. deimntw  13L    35   834   iwi
16. aeoprtv   2H    80   914   overapt
17. cdiimou   1L    43   957   muid
18. dejnotu  14F    33   990   joled

Remaining tiles: cintux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7707 FilePIThompson  4 14:29  -435  555     1.7707 PIThompson  4 14:29  -435  555 
  2.6507 Filedabbler     1 14:54  -628  362            Group: intermediate
  3.6231 Fileraggedy01   0 22:07  -637  353     1.6507 dabbler     1 14:54  -628  362 
  4.5282 Filecailah      1 14:31  -643  347     2.6231 raggedy01   0 22:07  -637  353 
  5.5898 Filejimbo       1  9:28  -711  279            Group: novice
                                             1.5282 cailah      1 14:31  -643  347 
                                             2.5898 jimbo       1  9:28  -711  279 

On 1st draw, BRUTER H4 22 --- BRUTER one that shapes diamonds [n]
Other moves: BORER H4 20, BRUTE H4 20, BURET H4 20, BURRO H4 20, BUTEO H4 20
BRUTER H4 22 cailah, PIThompson, jimbo
ROUTER H4 14 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, (P)UGILIST 7A 61 --- PUGILIST one who fights with his fists [n]
Other moves: LI(N)GUIST 7A 59, UGLI(F)IES 8B 59, GUSLI 10F 21, GUSLI(S) 10F 21, GUS(L)I 10F 20
LU(N)GIS 10C 19 PIThompson
GUIL(D)S 10C 17 jimbo
SLI(N)G 10H 16 cailah
BLIS(T) 4H 12 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, A(P)PEASER A6 80 --- APPEASER one that appeases [n]
Other tops: AP(P)EASER A5 80
Other moves: RELAPSE E5 36, PEERS I3 29, PAUSER 6F 28, A(P)PEARS A6 27, A(P)PEASE A6 27
A(P)PEASER A6 30 PIThompson
A(P)PEARS A6 27 cailah
PEE(P)S A4 27 jimbo
(P)APERS A7 24 raggedy01

On 4th draw, FALDEROL E5 98 --- FALDEROL falderal [n]
Other moves: FORELAID D1 86, FORDABLE 4C 78, ALFREDO G9 66, FORELAID F1 66, ALFREDO 5E 44
DROLE B9 21 PIThompson
FALLER E4 18 raggedy01
FLARED 9E 12 jimbo

On 5th draw, SOLICI(T)Y 12C 76 --- SOLICITY solicitation [n]
Other moves: CIS(S)Y 13C 39, COS(E)Y 13C 39, CI(S)SY 13C 38, COSI(L)Y 13C 33, G*Y*SCh C7 32
COS(E)Y 13C 39 jimbo, dabbler
YOS B10 31 raggedy01
AY(U) 6A 28 PIThompson
SOY 10H 23 cailah

On 6th draw, FLAW 11J 28 --- FLAW to produce a flaw (an imperfection) in [v]
Other tops: AW B9 28
Other moves: FAW 11J 26, LIFT 11H 25, WAIST C9 24, FAIL 11J 22, FIAT 11J 22
FLAW 11J 28 PIThompson
WAIST C9 24 dabbler
FAIL 11J 22 cailah
AFT 11J 17 raggedy01

On 7th draw, GANOINE N9 81 --- GANOINE the outer hard layer on some fish scales [n]
Other moves: GANOINE N6 75, ANGUINE B4 31, EANING N9 29, GANOIN N9 29, INNAGE N10 29
AGIO F5 24 PIThompson
FEARING 5E 22 raggedy01
BEANING 4H 20 cailah
AGO B9 19 dabbler

On 8th draw, YEVEN 15K 36 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other tops: VENEY 15K 36
Other moves: YAMUN O6 35, YUAN B6 34, MAVEN 15K 33, YAMEN 15K 33, MY B9 32
YUM O8 31 PIThompson
NAM O13 31 cailah
MAUVE L10 20 raggedy01

On 9th draw, THEREON O4 88 --- THEREON on that [adv]
Other moves: ETHERION F2 79, THEREON 14E 75, THEREON 14F 71, HERETO O4 42, HETERO O4 42
HETERO O4 42 PIThompson
THON O7 26 dabbler
HOT O8 23 jimbo

On 10th draw, GUIDE B6 31 --- GUIDE to show the way to [v]
Other moves: GOODIE D3 30, COGIE D1 27, GOOD 12L 27, GIED N3 24, GUID B6 24
GIED N3 24 PIThompson
ODE N5 22 cailah
ICED H12 21 jimbo
GOOSED C9 20 raggedy01
COSIED C10 18 dabbler

On 11th draw, QIBLA H11 48 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: BEAM N3 31, AMIE F5 30, LABIUM 6D 30, BAILIE D3 29, BLAME D1 29
QIBLA M5 25 PIThompson
QI I3 25 cailah, jimbo
QI 13M 22 dabbler
BLAME 4H 18 raggedy01

On 12th draw, MOOK 12L 43 --- MOOK a book produced in magazine format [n]
Other moves: DOOK 12L 39, MAK 6D 39, DAK 6D 37, OAK 6D 35, WOK M11 34
MAK 6D 39 PIThompson
OAK 6D 35 dabbler
BOOKED 4H 26 raggedy01
BAKED 4H 24 jimbo

On 13th draw, ZANTE D1 53 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other tops: ZONAE D1 53
Other moves: TOZIE D4 50, ZATI 13K 43, AZOTE F1 39, ZOA 14J 39, LAZO 14H 38
ZANTE D1 53 PIThompson
ZONE F2 38 dabbler
ZA 14J 36 jimbo
ZONE N1 28 cailah
ZOA M7 28 raggedy01

On 14th draw, AZOTHS 1C 54 --- AZOTH mercury [n]
Other moves: TRASH N2 52, HOST 13C 41, RATHS 13A 38, HOS 13C 37, THIO F5 37
HOST 13C 41 PIThompson
JAR 14J 33 jimbo, cailah
JOT 14J 33 raggedy01
JO C2 31 dabbler

On 15th draw, IWI 13L 35 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other tops: DEWANI 2A 35
Other moves: DWAM 2B 29, MINI 13K 29, WE N6 28, MIEN F6 27, INDEW 3C 26
WE N6 28 PIThompson
WANE 2C 20 cailah
TWINED 3A 20 raggedy01
STEW C12 14 dabbler

On 16th draw, OVERAPT 2H 80 --- OVERAPT excessively apt [adj]
Other moves: REAP N3 29, APE N5 28, APO N5 28, OPE N5 28, PETARA 2A 28
REAP N3 29 dabbler, PIThompson
BRAVE 4H 20 raggedy01
PROVER 9G 15 cailah

On 17th draw, MUID 1L 43 --- MUID an old French measure [n]
Other moves: DOUC 1L 38, DOUM 1L 38, DOMICIL 14B 36, MUNDIC 3B 28, PODIUM M2 28
MUID 1L 43 dabbler
DOUC 1L 38 PIThompson
MOD 1J 19 cailah
OPIUM M1 18 raggedy01

On 18th draw, JOLED 14F 33 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JO 14J 30, BUNJE 4H 28, UPJET M1 28, JOLE 14F 27, JOLT 14F 27
JOLED 14F 33 PIThompson
JOTA 2A 24 cailah
JOE M7 24 dabbler
UPON M1 12 raggedy01

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