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Game of January 4, 2012 at 18:10, 4 players
1. 467 pts dabbler
2. 398 pts raggedy01
3. 396 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aadegr   H3    70    70   aggrade
 2. aeeiloy   G6    30   100   aleye
 3. bdegsuy   F8    42   142   beys
 4. aenootx   I6    38   180   ex
 5. aaefnrt   F3    30   210   tref
 6. aainopt  E10    28   238   pinata
 7. ahiikno  15A    54   292   haikai
 8. ?aaeloo  D11    26   318   talak
 9. gioqstw  14C    30   348   qats
10. elnortw   3F    32   380   trawlnet
11. ijnostu   K2    80   460   unjoints
12. egnorru   L2    29   489   geo
13. adlnouv   4A    26   515   valour
14. eeghmsz   8K    42   557   theme
15. cefginr   B1    82   639   refacing
16. deimoru   J9    66   705   erodium
17. deoprtu   1A   158   863   protrude
18. bdinnoo  15H    30   893   domino
19. bcinosz  N10    84   977   zincos

Remaining tiles: bitvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6513 Filedabbler     2 17:53  -510  467     1.7138 susieq8182  4 14:39  -662  315 
  2.6188 Fileraggedy01   0 21:32  -579  398            Group: intermediate
  3.5305 Filecailah      0 17:18  -581  396     1.6513 dabbler     2 17:53  -510  467 
  4.7138 Filesusieq8182  4 14:39  -662  315     2.6188 raggedy01   0 21:32  -579  398 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5305 cailah      0 17:18  -581  396 

On 1st draw, AG(G)RADE H3 70 --- AGGRADE to fill (a stream bed) with sediment [v]
Other tops: AG(G)RADE H7 70, A(G)GRADE H2 70, A(G)GRADE H7 70, DA(M)AGER H4 70, DA(M)AGER H8 70, DRA(Y)AGE H4 70, DRA(Y)AGE H7 70, GARA(G)ED H4 70, GARA(G)ED H6 70, GRADA(T)E H4 70, RAG(H)EAD H2 70, RAG(H)EAD H6 70, RA(V)AGED H6 70, RA(V)AGED H8 70, (F)ARDAGE H7 70, (G)ARAGED H6 70, (G)ARAGED H8 70, (M)EGARAD H2 70, (M)EGARAD H6 70, (Y)ARDAGE H7 70
Other moves: AG(G)RADE H4 68, AG(G)RADE H6 68, AG(G)RADE H8 68, A(G)GRADE H4 68, A(G)GRADE H6 68
DA(M)AGER H4 20 susieq8182
GRADE(R) H4 18 cailah
GRA(N)DE H4 18 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, ALEYE G6 30 --- ALEYE to quell [v]
Other moves: YALE I7 27, LAY G7 26, LEY G7 26, LOY G7 26, YAE G7 26
YEA I7 26 cailah
EYE I6 24 raggedy01
(G)AILY 5H 14 susieq8182

On 3rd draw, BEYS F8 42 --- BEY a Turkish governor [n]
Other moves: BEY F8 41, BYDES F9 40, BYDE F9 39, GEY F8 39, BYES F9 38
BEYS F8 42 susieq8182
BYES 10E 26 cailah
BED 10F 22 raggedy01

On 4th draw, EX I6 38 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: EXO I2 38, OXO I2 38
Other moves: NOX I1 35, TAX I1 35, TEX I1 35, AX I2 34, EX I2 34
EX I6 38 susieq8182
TAX I1 35 raggedy01, cailah

On 5th draw, TREF F3 30 --- TREF unfit for use according to Jewish law [adj]
Other tops: TERF F3 30
Other moves: ARF F4 29, ERF F4 29, NEF F4 29, REF F4 29, TEF F4 29
TREF F3 30 susieq8182
NEF F4 29 dabbler, cailah
EXERT I6 28 raggedy01

On 6th draw, PINATA E10 28 --- PINATA a pottery jar used in a Mexican game [n]
Other tops: PATINA E10 28
Other moves: PAINT E10 26, PANTO E10 26, PATIN E10 26, PATIO E10 26, PIANO E10 26
PINATA E10 28 susieq8182
PAINT E10 26 dabbler
POINT E10 26 cailah
PAINTS 11A 16 raggedy01

On 7th draw, HAIKAI 15A 54 --- HAIKAI a type of Japanese poem [n]
Other moves: HAIKA 15A 51, HAIKAI 15D 51, HAIKA 15D 48, HOKA D11 40, HOKI D11 40
HAIKA 15D 48 susieq8182
KA D11 23 dabbler
THANK 3F 17 cailah

On 8th draw, (T)ALAK D11 26 --- TALAK a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: EXE(D) I6 23, EXE(S) I6 23, ALBEDOE(S) 8D 21, ALBEDO 8D 20, ALBEDO(S) 8D 20
LOOE(D) J2 13 raggedy01
LOO(S)ER 4A 12 susieq8182
LEI F13 11 cailah
ALE(S) J3 10 dabbler

On 9th draw, QATS 14C 30 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SOW E3 26, QIS J4 24, QAT 14C 23, QI C14 23, TWIGS J2 23
TWIGS J2 23 susieq8182
QI C14 23 dabbler, raggedy01
AG(G)RADES H3 18 cailah

On 10th draw, TRAWLNET 3F 32 --- TRAWLNET the large net used in trawling [n]
Other moves: EXERT I6 28, (G)LOWER 5H 26, LOWE G1 25, OWE G2 24, (G)ROWL 5H 24
EXERT I6 28 raggedy01
TOWER J2 22 dabbler, susieq8182
WORTH A11 12 cailah

On 11th draw, UNJOINTS K2 80 --- UNJOINT to separate at a juncture [v]
Other moves: JUNIOR 4A 42, JOES L1 38, JUST N1 34, JUS N1 32, SIJO 4L 30
JOES L1 38 susieq8182, dabbler, raggedy01
JEST L2 22 cailah

On 12th draw, GEO L2 29 --- GEO a gully [n]
Other moves: JEON 4K 28, EON L3 26, REO L2 26, TOGUE 8K 21, TRUGO 8K 21
GEO L2 29 dabbler
URN J9 7 cailah

On 13th draw, VALOUR 4A 26 --- VALOUR courage [n]
Other moves: TAULD 8K 21, ALBEDO 8D 20, LOUVAR 4A 20, OVULAR 4A 20, DOULA I9 19
TONAL 8K 18 dabbler
OVAL L9 16 raggedy01
SOUND 9K 7 cailah

On 14th draw, THEME 8K 42 --- THEME to plan something according to a central subject [v]
Other moves: VEHME A4 39, SEZ J8 36, SMAZE B2 36, THEES 8K 36, THESE 8K 36
SEZ J8 36 raggedy01
VEGES A4 27 dabbler
ZEAS B2 26 cailah

On 15th draw, REFACING B1 82 --- REFACE to repair the outer surface of [v]
Other moves: FIANCE B2 34, FEERING M7 32, FEIGNER M7 32, FRANC B2 32, FLINGER C3 28
FARCING B3 19 dabbler
FACING B3 14 cailah
HI L8 7 raggedy01

On 16th draw, ERODIUM J9 66 --- ERODIUM a plant of the geranium family [n]
Other moves: REMORID 1B 39, RUMORED 1B 39, ERODIUM 1A 36, DOUM A6 35, DROME 1A 33
DRUM 1A 30 dabbler
DRIER 1A 21 cailah

On 17th draw, PROTRUDE 1A 158 --- PROTRUDE to extend beyond the main portion [v]
Other moves: UPROOTED D1 64, POUDER A6 42, POUDRE A6 42, POURED A6 42, POUTED A6 42
PROTRUDE 1A 108 dabbler
OP A1 22 raggedy01
DEPORT M7 14 cailah

On 18th draw, DOMINO 15H 30 --- DOMINO a small mask [n]
Other moves: MIDNOON N8 28, BOON K11 27, BID K11 26, BOD K11 26, NIMB 15H 24
DOMINO 15H 30 dabbler
DOW I1 20 raggedy01
OOM 15H 15 cailah

On 19th draw, ZINCOS N10 84 --- ZINCO a zincographic block [n]
Other moves: ZINCOS 13I 54, ZINCO 13I 52, ZINCS 13I 52, BENZOIC M7 48, BINOCS N10 42
ZINCS 13I 52 cailah, raggedy01
ZOS 14M 35 dabbler

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