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Game of January 5, 2012 at 02:33, 1 player
1. 65 pts Biddy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdmnru   H8    22    22   dunam
 2. bnorstu  13B    79   101   burtons
 3. ??ahnsw   8H   101   202   downwash
 4. aelostv   K4    94   296   volantes
 5. cdeiopr   N1    80   376   percoids
 6. ehikopu   1L    54   430   koph
 7. egijopq  14A    33   463   jog
 8. efiimow  15A    50   513   ow
 9. aefipru  J10    33   546   feria
10. acdeexy  15G    57   603   yexed
11. aegrtvy   L8    33   636   warty
12. aeeginu   2F    68   704   eugenia
13. bdefinr   F1    66   770   befriend
14. gilmors   9F    31   801   slum
15. aceeopv   8A    42   843   peaced
16. aiilotu   1E    34   877   about
17. aeiiort   4K    22   899   voice
18. agiilnv  12C    29   928   vail
19. egiinqz   4A    52   980   zinger
20. iilqrtt   A1    39  1019   ritz

Remaining tiles: ilqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4984 FileBiddy       1  3:01  -954   65     1.4984 Biddy       1  3:01  -954   65 

On 1st draw, DUNAM H8 22 --- DUNAM a unit of land measure in Israel [n]
Other tops: BRAND H4 22, MAUND H4 22, MUDRA H4 22, UNDAM H8 22, UNMARD H7 22
Other moves: BRAND H8 20, BURAN H4 20, DUNAM H4 20, MAUND H8 20, RUMBA H4 20

On 2nd draw, BURTONS 13B 79 --- BURTON a hoisting tackle [n]

On 3rd draw, D(O)(W)NWASH 8H 101 --- DOWNWASH a downward deflection of air [n]
Other tops: WASH(L)(A)ND 8A 101, W(A)SH(L)AND 8A 101
Other moves: SHWAN(P)A(N) 11E 98, SHWA(N)(P)AN 11E 98, SWANH(E)(R)D 8A 92, (U)NWASH(E)D 8A 92, D(O)WN(W)ASH 8H 89

On 4th draw, VOLANTES K4 94 --- VOLANTE a two-wheeled horse vehicle [n]
Other moves: SOLVATES N1 76, SOLVATES N8 76, LEVATORS D7 74, VOLANTES 10D 65, VALETAS M7 30

On 5th draw, PERCOIDS N1 80 --- PERCOID a spiny-finned fish [n]
Other moves: DEPICTOR E8 76, PREBID B10 34, PROBED B10 34, CORBIE B10 32, PARODIC M7 32

On 6th draw, KOPH 1L 54 --- KOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: KIPP 1L 51, KEPI 1L 45, KIPE 1L 45, KEPHIR D8 40, HIPPO 1K 39

On 7th draw, JOG 14A 33 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other tops: JIG 14A 33
Other moves: QI 14A 30, JEEP 10J 29, PIQUE 9E 29, JIVE 4I 28, JONG 10F 28

On 8th draw, OW 15A 50 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: OI 15A 38, WIFIE J10 36, WIFE J10 33, FEW J10 32, WOF J10 32

On 9th draw, FERIA J10 33 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [n]
Other tops: FEUAR J10 33
Other moves: (W)AFER J8 32, FAP J10 31, (W)IFE J8 31, FAIR J10 30, FARE J10 30

On 10th draw, YEXED 15G 57 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: AXE 14E 55, AX 14E 52, EX 14E 52, EXEC 15H 48, AXED 15H 45

On 11th draw, WARTY L8 33 --- WARTY covered with warts [adj]
Other moves: YA 14F 32, GARVEY 2G 30, VARVE 4H 30, AY 14E 28, GRAVY 4H 28

On 12th draw, EUGENIA 2F 68 --- EUGENIA a tropical evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: EVINCE 4J 24, GUINEA 2J 24, GENEVA 4G 22, VINCA 4K 22, AGE M8 19

On 13th draw, BEFRIEND F1 66 --- BEFRIEND to act as a friend to [v]
Other moves: REDFIN 1A 44, FIBRED 1A 42, FINDER 1A 38, FRIEND 1A 36, REFIND 1A 36

On 14th draw, SLUM 9F 31 --- SLUM to visit slums (squalid urban areas) [v]
Other tops: SOUM 9F 31
Other moves: MILORD 8A 30, OGRISM H1 30, GLOAM M5 29, MILORS D9 28, MOAS 7I 28

On 15th draw, PEACED 8A 42 --- PEACE to be or become silent [v]
Other tops: PEACOD 8A 42
Other moves: PAVEED 8A 39, VEEP 12C 35, EAVE M7 33, APE 1H 30, APO 1H 30

On 16th draw, ABOUT 1E 34 --- ABOUT approximately [adv]
Other moves: BOAT 1F 31, BOUT 1F 31, BOA 1F 26, AGOUTI H1 24, UTA 1H 22

On 17th draw, VOICE 4K 22 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: IOTA E3 21, RAIT 12C 20, ACROTER D7 18, EROTICA D3 18, TRAVE 4H 18

On 18th draw, VAIL 12C 29 --- VAIL to lower [v]
Other tops: VAIN 12C 29
Other moves: VAGINAL C3 26, VAGINA C3 22, VAILING 5B 22, VIALING 5B 22, VILIAGO 5E 22

On 19th draw, ZINGER 4A 52 --- ZINGER a pointed witty retort or remark [n]
Other moves: GEEZ B7 34, ZEE B6 32, ZING 5E 28, GAZE C7 26, ZEIN 5D 26
ZITE E11 26 Biddy

On 20th draw, RITZ A1 39 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: QI 3B 37, QAT C7 23, LIAR M6 16, TIAR M6 16, TIRITI B1 16
RITZ A1 39 Biddy

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