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Game of January 5, 2012 at 06:25, 1 player
1. 96 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abehist   H8    30    30   beaths
 2. ?giloov  11E    28    58   looting
 3. delnsty   9B    66   124   enstyled
 4. aelnrsw   B8    76   200   renewals
 5. aadenou  A12    35   235   odea
 6. egimnot   D2    74   309   mitogens
 7. aeiikpr   A3    45   354   parkie
 8. ?eiiivx   2B    58   412   cimex
 9. aagiprt   1E    37   449   pagri
10. aefiort   8H    95   544   biforate
11. beennsw   M7    90   634   bawneens
12. aadeimo   C9    38   672   named
13. aiiotuy   N8    32   704   toy
14. adeijou   F6    31   735   judy
15. achilrt  D12    46   781   rach
16. afiotuv  14J    32   813   foist
17. einqtuz  15D    51   864   hizen
18. aoqrtuu   L5    31   895   quarto
19. cilruvv   M1    25   920   curli

Remaining tiles: uvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5874 FileVelly       0  5:33  -824   96     1.5874 Velly       0  5:33  -824   96 

On 1st draw, BEATHS H8 30 --- BEATH to bathe [v]
Other tops: HABITS H4 30
Other moves: BAITH H8 28, BATHES H4 28, BEATH H8 28, BEATHS H4 28, HABIT H4 28
BEATH H8 28 Velly

On 2nd draw, LOOTI(N)G 11E 28 --- LOOT to plunder [v] --- LOOTING the act of looting [n]
Other moves: HOOVI(N)G 12H 26, GOOLI(E) G7 24, HOVI(N)G 12H 24, LOVI(N)GS 13B 24, OVOLI I6 22
HOOVI(N)G 12H 26 Velly

On 3rd draw, ENSTYLED 9B 66 --- ENSTYLE to style [v]
Other moves: ENSTYLED 9H 64, DEY 10D 30, SLEY 10C 30, STEY 10C 30, STYED L11 30
YO F10 13 Velly

On 4th draw, RENEWALS B8 76 --- RENEWAL the act of renewing [n]
Other moves: RENEWALS B6 71, WANGLERS K8 62, WRANGLES K7 62, WARSLE L8 34, ANSWER L9 26
WANE C7 11 Velly

On 5th draw, ODEA A12 35 --- ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n]
Other moves: DOUANE A3 30, ANODE A4 27, SAUNAED 15B 27, DONA C11 24, DAE A13 23
ADO A6 18 Velly

On 6th draw, MITOGENS D2 74 --- MITOGEN a substance that induces mitosis [n]
Other moves: MINGE A4 39, GNOME A4 36, MENTO A4 36, MONIE A4 36, MONTE A4 36

On 7th draw, PARKIE A3 45 --- PARKIE a park keeper [n]
Other moves: PIKA C3 39, KEP C3 36, KIP C3 36, KIPE A5 36, PAIRE A4 36

On 8th draw, (C)IMEX 2B 58 --- CIMEX a bedbug [n]
Other tops: I(M)MIX 2B 58, (B)EMIX 2B 58, (R)EMIX 2B 58
Other moves: VEXI(L) C1 53, VI(T)EX E1 53, VEX C1 48, (D)IXIE E3 48, (N)IXIE E3 48

On 9th draw, PAGRI 1E 37 --- PAGRI a turban [n]
Other moves: AIRGAP 1F 36, PARTI 1E 34, APGAR 1F 33, ASPIRATA 15A 33, TAPIR 1E 32

On 10th draw, BIFORATE 8H 95 --- BIFORATE having two perforations [adj]
Other moves: FIRE 3C 39, TEF C12 32, FAITOR 2I 27, FIE 3C 27, FIE E5 27

On 11th draw, BAWNEENS M7 90 --- BAWNEEN a type of Irish wool [n]
Other moves: SINEW 3C 43, NEWS C11 39, BAWNEEN M7 38, NEBS C11 35, NEW C11 34

On 12th draw, NAMED C9 38 --- NAME to give a title to [v]
Other moves: MED C11 32, AMID E4 30, DEMOB 7I 30, MAID L12 30, MEAD L12 30

On 13th draw, TOY N8 32 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: YA N10 28, AYU E4 27, YOU L12 26, YO 7I 25, TAY C5 24

On 14th draw, JUDY F6 31 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: DAE D12 30, DOE D12 30, JOEY F6 30, JUD C5 30, DA D12 28

On 15th draw, RACH D12 46 --- RACH a white streak on an animal's face [n]
Other moves: RATH D12 42, CLASH 14J 32, CRASH 14J 32, RAH D12 32, HAIL L12 30

On 16th draw, FOIST 14J 32 --- FOIST to bring in by stealth [v]
Other tops: F*TS* 14J 32
Other moves: FAUT L12 30, FIAT L12 30, FIT 7I 28, FIT 3C 27, FAVOR L4 26

On 17th draw, HIZEN 15D 51 --- HIZEN a type of Japanese porcelain [n]
Other moves: QUINE 15F 47, QUITE 15F 47, ZINE 15G 44, ZITE 15G 44, CUZ 14D 34

On 18th draw, QUARTO L5 31 --- QUARTO the size of a piece of paper cut four from a sheet [n]
Other moves: QUARTO K3 30, QUAT G4 26, QAT G5 25, QUARE O4 24, QUART L5 24

On 19th draw, CURLI M1 25 --- CURLI Curled hairlike processes on the E. coli bacteria. No -S [n]
Other moves: UREIC 12K 23, CUZ F13 16, VEIL 12L 16, VIVID I5 16, ICER 12K 15

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