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Game sheet of annelhynz (file), Game of January 5, 2012 at 13:09

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEEGHN             (T)HENAGE H3 78 78  
2 ACEFORV             CONFERVA 6F 74 152  
3 ?ELNOWZ             (B)LOWZE N1 57 209  
4 DELNSTY             ENSTYLED J6 70 279  
5 AAINPST             PINATAS 10B 78 357  
6 AEIIMSV (B)LOWZES N1 18 -12 18 2/2 VI(B)E 1L 30 387 2/2
7 AEIOSSU ASS 7M 25   43 1/3 ISO 7M   412 2/3
8 AAFIKRT KA M3 29 -5 72 2/3 FAKE 9E 34 446 2/3
9 ADEEERW DEW 11E 41 -3 113 1/3 AWEE 11D 44 490 2/3
10 AIMNOST TAMS 12B 32 -44 145 2/3 MANIHOTS 4D 76 566 2/3
11 BEHOTUU EH 5D 24 -12 169 2/3 BETH 12A 36 602 2/3
12 DEINQRR QI C9 21   190 2/3 BIRD A12   623 2/3
13 DDLOORU DOD 5C 20 -5 210 2/4 DOO O3 25 648 2/4
14 AEGLORY GRAY 5B 30 -4 240 1/5 RARELY 14A 34 682 2/5
15 DELMNPU PLED 5B 24 -11 264 2/5 UMPED 15F 35 717 2/5
16 EIJNRTX TEX 5C 42   306 3/5 TIX 5C   759 2/5
17 ACGILNR CIG 6B 20 -66 326 4/4 ORACLING O7 86 845 2/5
18 GIOORTU GOUT N12 21   347 1/4       866 2/5
19 BEIJNRU JET J2 26 -11 373 4/5 JIB 6B 37 903 2/5
20 ENOQRRU QUOD 3L 28 -20 401 2/3 QUEER 12H 48 951 2/5

Total: 401/951 or -550 for 42.16%
Rank: 7571

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