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Game sheet of cailah (file), Game of January 5, 2012 at 13:57

Word find
Word played
1 DENOPRZ DOZEN H4 34 -16 34 3/3 ZONED H4 50 50 3/3
2 EENOTUY TOY I3 23 -3 57 3/4 EYOT G6 26 76 3/4
3 ?ADKOQY Q(U)AY I2 31 -31 88 4/4 Q(U)AKY F2 62 138 3/4
4 ?ADRSVW WA(N)S I3 29 -63 117 2/4 SWARV(E)D I6 92 230 3/4
5 AHIORTW WAIT H11 16 -28 133 4/4 WORTH H11 44 274 4/4
6 AERRSTT HAST 15H 7 -65 140 3/3 STARTER E6 72 346 4/4
7 CEILRTV W(E)LTER 11H 16 -14 156 2/4 ERICA 8A 30 376 4/4
8 AABDNOO BAND J11 22 -8 178 3/4 ZONDA 4H 30 406 4/4
9 EEILORS OILS M1 24 -46 202 4/4 TROELIES 14H 70 476 4/4
10 ABEELMP PLEASE O10 27 -55 229 1/4 PREAMBLE B7 82 558 4/4
11 AEGILTV LASE O12 15 -59 244 4/4 LEVIGATE K7 74 632 4/4
12 AEFGMNO MO 15N 22 -11 266 2/2 MANGOES O8 33 665 4/4
13 AEIIOST AS 15A 21 -12 287 3/3 OSTIA 15A 33 698 4/4
14 ABDFIIN FAB 3L 21 -11 308 1/4 FIB L10 32 730 4/4
15 CEGIJOP JOE 3I 40   348 1/4       770 4/4
16 AEGHNNU HUGE N5 14 -18 362 2/4 HANG 5K 32 802 4/4
17 CEILNUX EX 14E 27 -15 389 2/4 LEUCIN O1 42 844 4/4
18 DFIIINU GIF N5 13 -17 402 4/4 DIF 15K 30 874 4/4
19 IINPUUX EX 8K 17 -8 419 4/4 NIP G1 25 899 4/4

Total: 419/899 or -480 for 46.60%
Rank: 5333

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