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Game of January 5, 2012 at 14:43, 7 players
1. 463 pts jimbo
2. 461 pts raggedy01
3. 435 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ahotty   H3    82    82   throaty
 2. aelpqru   5E    60   142   quarrel
 3. abelnov   J3    67   209   ovenable
 4. ?aaimux   L1    47   256   maxis
 5. aeinopy   M1    43   299   ayin
 6. delnort   G8    68   367   entrold
 7. deeirtu  12E    70   437   etourdie
 8. ceiloos   1F    36   473   scolioma
 9. abiosuz  14G    36   509   diazos
10. abefosu  15H    41   550   obas
11. aeeikpr   8J    39   589   beaker
12. acdeghr   2A    53   642   creagh
13. eginruu   6B    30   672   renig
14. dinpstu   A1    33   705   scup
15. deinuww   2K    29   734   wayed
16. degiimn   O1    30   764   idem
17. eginott  11B    24   788   gittern
18. dffinov  11K    30   818   doff
19. ijnpuvw   D1    42   860   jaup

Remaining tiles: invw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5875 Filejimbo       3 18:30  -397  463     1.6184 raggedy01   2 22:48  -399  461 
  2.6184 Fileraggedy01   2 22:48  -399  461     2.6379 annelhynz   1 13:16  -425  435 
  3.6379 Fileannelhynz   1 13:16  -425  435     3.6599 babsbedi    1  8:05  -625  235 
  4.6599 Filebabsbedi    1  8:05  -625  235     4.6810 una         0  2:10  -814   46 
  5.5519 Filetonikay     0 14:15  -640  220            Group: novice
  6.5305 Filecailah      1  3:31  -745  115     1.5875 jimbo       3 18:30  -397  463 
  7.6810 Fileuna         0  2:10  -814   46     2.5519 tonikay     0 14:15  -640  220 
                                             3.5305 cailah      1  3:31  -745  115 

On 1st draw, TH(R)OATY H3 82 --- THROATY hoarse [adj]
Other tops: TH(R)OATY H6 82
Other moves: TH(R)OATY H4 76, TH(R)OATY H7 76, TH(R)OATY H8 76, TH(R)OATY H2 74, TH(R)OATY H5 74
TH(R)OATY H3 82 raggedy01
TH(R)OATY H3 32 cailah
HOTTY H4 30 annelhynz
YO(U)TH H4 28 jimbo

On 2nd draw, QUA(R)REL 5E 60 --- QUARREL to become involved in an unfriendly dispute [v]
Other moves: PARQUET 3B 38, QUOP 6F 35, QUAR(R)EL 5D 30, PLAQUE 7F 28, QUARE(R) 5C 28
QUOP 6F 35 annelhynz
QUART 8D 24 raggedy01
AQUA 7H 23 cailah
QUART 3D 15 jimbo

On 3rd draw, OVENABLE J3 67 --- OVENABLE able to be cooked in an oven [adj]
Other moves: BEANO G7 26, BEANO I7 26, ABOVE G8 25, BAEL I7 25, BANE G7 25
BANE G7 25 annelhynz
NAVEL 4J 20 raggedy01
BEVEL J2 18 jimbo
NAVAL 7G 13 cailah

On 4th draw, MAXI(S) L1 47 --- MAXI a long skirt or coat [n]
Other moves: BIAXA(L) 8J 45, A(D)MIXT 3C 44, U(N)MIXT 3C 44, (M)AXIM 6B 40, (O)XIM 6C 39
MAXI(S) L1 47 jimbo, cailah
AX(E) K9 29 raggedy01
MUX F4 28 annelhynz

On 5th draw, AYIN M1 43 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: EPONYM 1G 39, PAYNIM 1G 39, YIN M2 37, YIP 6D 35, MOPY 1L 33
YIN M2 37 jimbo
YEN G7 28 annelhynz
MANY 1L 27 raggedy01

On 6th draw, ENTROLD G8 68 --- ENROLL to enter the name of in a register, record, or roll [v]
Other moves: ROUNDLET F3 63, BETROD 8J 30, BLONDE 8J 30, BOLDEN 8J 30, BOLDER 8J 30
REMAND 1J 27 raggedy01
MADE 1L 21 jimbo, annelhynz

On 7th draw, ETOURDIE 12E 70 --- ETOURDIE thoughtless (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: REQUITED E3 68, QUERIED E5 34, QUIETED E5 34, QUIRTED E5 34, QUIETER E5 32
DIET H12 31 annelhynz
REMADE 1J 27 jimbo
ED H14 12 raggedy01

On 8th draw, SCOLIOMA 1F 36 --- SCOLIOMA abnormal curvature of the spine [n]
Other moves: LES N1 33, BLOOIE 8J 27, EMACS 1K 27, ES N2 26, CLOSET F7 25
MACE 1L 24 annelhynz, jimbo, raggedy01

On 9th draw, DIAZOS 14G 36 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n]
Other moves: DIAZO 14G 35, SAZ N4 35, BAIZES E8 34, BUAZES E8 34, ZOBUS 13A 34
QUIZ E5 22 jimbo
SCOLIOMAS 1F 13 raggedy01

On 10th draw, OBAS 15H 41 --- OBA a hereditary chief in Benin and Nigeria [n]
Other moves: BOEUF 15K 40, BUBOES 8J 39, OBA 15H 36, FA 15H 32, FE 15H 32
FE 15H 32 tonikay
OAFS 15L 27 jimbo
BAS 15I 22 raggedy01

On 11th draw, BEAKER 8J 39 --- BEAKER a large cup [n]
Other tops: BERAKE 8J 39
Other moves: KIP 6D 36, KREEP 11K 36, KEEP 11K 34, KEPI 11K 34, KEP 11K 32
BEAKER 8J 39 raggedy01, jimbo
KIP 6D 36 babsbedi, tonikay
KEEP 11B 28 annelhynz

On 12th draw, CREAGH 2A 53 --- CREAGH a foray [n]
Other moves: REACH 2B 49, GERAH 2B 47, CHARGE 11D 41, ARCHER 11B 34, DAYCH 2K 31
REACH 2B 49 babsbedi
CHARGED E7 28 raggedy01
RAH 9L 21 tonikay
HADE 11B 20 annelhynz
GREED N6 15 jimbo

On 13th draw, RENIG 6B 30 --- RENIG to fail to carry out a promise [v]
Other tops: UNRIG 6B 30
Other moves: ERINGO 6C 27, GREIN 6B 27, RIG 6D 26, INGO 6E 25, INRO 6E 23
ECRU A1 21 babsbedi
ICER A1 21 jimbo
ICE A1 15 annelhynz
RE 3C 10 tonikay

On 14th draw, SCUP A1 33 --- SCUP a marine fish food [n]
Other moves: SCUDI A1 30, SCUD A1 27, PAYSD 2K 26, SPURN 11D 26, US N2 26
SCUP A1 33 babsbedi, annelhynz
SCUD A1 27 raggedy01
ICTUS A1 24 jimbo
SUP 5A 11 tonikay

On 15th draw, WAYED 2K 29 --- WAY to journey [v]
Other tops: DWINE 11K 29
Other moves: INDEW 11A 28, WAWE D1 28, WINDER 11B 28, WIDE 9L 26, WIDER 11C 26
WIDE 9L 26 tonikay
DEW 11C 24 annelhynz, babsbedi
WAND D1 24 una
DEW 13L 18 raggedy01
WEED N6 16 jimbo

On 16th draw, IDEM O1 30 --- IDEM the same [adj]
Other moves: DIRGE 11E 27, DERM 11E 26, DIMER 11C 26, MEDII 11K 26, MINDER 11B 26
IDEM O1 30 jimbo
DIMER 11C 26 babsbedi
MIDGE 11A 22 una
MEG 11K 22 annelhynz
MID 9L 21 tonikay
DEEMING 10I 13 raggedy01

On 17th draw, GITTERN 11B 24 --- GITTERN a medieval guitar [n] --- GITTERN to play a medieval guitar [v]
Other moves: LEGIT 9J 21, GITE 9L 20, GOE F8 20, GOITER 11B 20, GONE 9L 20
GENT 11K 18 annelhynz
GIT 9L 17 tonikay
OTTER 11C 16 babsbedi
TOKING M6 13 jimbo
ROTTING B6 10 raggedy01

On 18th draw, DOFF 11K 30 --- DOFF to take off [v]
Other moves: DIFF 13B 28, DOFF 13B 28, OFF 11K 27, DAFF D1 26, DIFF 13L 26
OFF 11K 27 annelhynz
DIF 9L 23 tonikay
DIFF C10 22 raggedy01
GOFF B11 22 jimbo
OFFED N5 20 babsbedi

On 19th draw, JAUP D1 42 --- JAUP to splash [v]
Other moves: FUJI N11 28, J*W C1 26, PAWN D1 24, JIN 12A 23, JIN 13C 23
J*W C1 26 annelhynz
PAWN D1 24 raggedy01
JIN 12A 23 tonikay
J*W C5 17 jimbo
JOE L10 10 babsbedi

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