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Game of January 5, 2012 at 23:13, 1 player
1. 150 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeeru   H8    68    68   guardee
 2. aeilmor  13G    26    94   mealier
 3. aenpttv  12L    30   124   pave
 4. acegijn  O10    42   166   jeeing
 5. ?copqsw  15D    99   265   qophs
 6. aceeitt  11E    36   301   tiercet
 7. defiors   J4    68   369   foreside
 8. egosuuw  14K    29   398   owsen
 9. abetxyz  10D    62   460   zax
10. defhmoy   K1    41   501   homey
11. efinorw   8A    92   593   forewing
12. ehiloty   1K    54   647   hythe
13. acdgikl   B4    29   676   daglock
14. abilnrt   A1    30   706   abrin
15. ainosuv   L1    40   746   yuans
16. ilnottu   2A    22   768   botulin
17. bgiloru   1F    27   795   biog
18. adilort   M1    31   826   trad
19. ainttuv  12A    27   853   vaunt

Remaining tiles: ilot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5700 FileAndy1990    1  8:59  -703  150     1.5700 Andy1990    1  8:59  -703  150 

On 1st draw, (G)UARDEE H8 68 --- GUARDEE a guardsman [n]
Other tops: U(N)EARED H6 68, (Q)UAERED H6 68
Other moves: U(N)EARED H2 66, U(N)EARED H4 66, U(N)EARED H7 66, U(N)EARED H8 66, (G)UARDEE H2 66

On 2nd draw, MEALIER 13G 26 --- MEALY soft, dry, and friable [adj]
Other moves: AIMER G11 24, LEAM G10 23, LEAM I10 23, LOAM G10 23, REAM I10 23

On 3rd draw, PAVE 12L 30 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: VEENA 14F 28, PAV 12L 26, PAVED 12D 26, NEAP 12L 24, PANE 12L 24

On 4th draw, JEEING O10 42 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: ANERGIC 11E 40, AJEE 14E 31, JAG 11K 31, JEE 14F 30, G*DJ* 12F 29

On 5th draw, QOP(H)S 15D 99 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: Q(U)OPS 15D 99
Other moves: COWPS 15D 69, SCOWP 15H 69, SCOWP(S) 15H 69, (S)COWPS 15C 69, C(O)WPS 15D 66

On 6th draw, TIERCET 11E 36 --- TIERCET a group of three lines that rhyme [n]
Other tops: CITRATE 11E 36
Other moves: ITERATE 11E 28, CATTED 12C 22, ACTED 12D 20, CITED 12D 20, TICED 12D 20

On 7th draw, FORESIDE J4 68 --- FORESIDE the front side [n]
Other moves: FOUDRIES 9F 66, FIREDO(G)S 8B 62, FEDS 10J 31, FEOD 10J 31, FIDO 10J 31

On 8th draw, OWSEN 14K 29 --- OWSE an ox [n]
Other moves: SEW K3 27, OWES K2 23, SEW I5 23, SOW I5 23, WOES K2 23

On 9th draw, ZAX 10D 62 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZEX 10D 62
Other moves: ZAX K3 61, ZEX K3 61, YEX 10D 56, ZAX G7 55, TAX 10D 53

On 10th draw, HOMEY K1 41 --- HOMEY a person from one's own neighborhood [n] --- HOMEY homelike [adj]
Other tops: HOMEY I3 41
Other moves: FEH K5 35, HOYED I3 35, HOYED K1 35, YEH K5 35, EMYD K2 34

On 11th draw, FOREWIN(G) 8A 92 --- FOREWING an anterior wing of an insect [n]
Other moves: ENOW L1 46, ROWEN L2 46, FEW L2 45, FINER L2 43, OWER L1 43

On 12th draw, HYTHE 1K 54 --- HYTHE a small port [n]
Other moves: HYTE L2 50, HEY L2 45, HOY L2 45, HYTHE 1H 45, YEH L2 45
HOLEY 1K 36 Andy1990

On 13th draw, DAGLOCK B4 29 --- DAGLOCK a dirty or tangled lock of wool [n]
Other moves: HAICK N1 28, CLOAK B6 27, FECK 4J 26, HACK N1 26, HICK N1 26
LOCK B7 20 Andy1990

On 14th draw, ABRIN A1 30 --- ABRIN a poisonous protein [n]
Other tops: BINAL A1 30, BLAIN A1 30, BRAIL A1 30, BRAIN A1 30
Other moves: ABRI A1 25, BANI A1 25, RABI A1 25, RIBA A1 25, TABI A1 25
BLAIN A1 30 Andy1990

On 15th draw, YUANS L1 40 --- YUAN a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: SAVINS 8J 39, YOUS L1 32, YUAN L1 32, INS L3 28, ONS L3 28
DAGLOCKS B4 16 Andy1990

On 16th draw, BOTULIN 2A 22 --- BOTULIN a nerve poison [n]
Other moves: LI M3 21, STOTIN 8J 21, SUNLIT 8J 21, TI M3 21, BUTTON 2A 20
TOW E6 6 Andy1990

On 17th draw, BIOG 1F 27 --- BIOG a biography [n]
Other tops: BURG 1F 27
Other moves: GOB I5 26, GUB I5 26, GI M3 25, BIG 1F 24, BIRL 1F 24
BOG 1F 24 Andy1990

On 18th draw, TRAD M1 31 --- TRAD traditional [adj] --- TRAD traditional jazz [n]
Other moves: HALOID N1 28, HOLARD N1 28, TRAT M1 28, DI M3 25, AD M3 24
DEAL 7I 7 Andy1990

On 19th draw, VAUNT 12A 27 --- VAUNT to brag [v]
Other moves: STATIN 8J 21, AUTUNITE D1 18, TATU 7D 17, VANT 12B 17, VAUT 12B 17
VEIN 7I 11 Andy1990

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