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Game of January 6, 2012 at 02:15, 2 players
1. 506 pts Zweep
2. 24 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acnosu   H2    72    72   noctuas
 2. efioprt   8A   101   173   pieforts
 3. beiotww   7C    32   205   wow
 4. ?adenrr   A8    83   288   pardners
 5. aeeelmt   2B    30   318   teleman
 6. deimstx   3F    47   365   exomis
 7. aenoosv   3F    34   399   exomises
 8. beloptz   1A    48   447   zep
 9. aaegiot   5E    28   475   agitate
10. abefjno   4B    35   510   benj
11. ahinoty   2J    40   550   hiya
12. aeghisy   1L    58   608   hays
13. defnorv   1E    28   636   def
14. aeilrru   C7    22   658   wearier
15. diklotu   3C    35   693   ki
16. aeiltvv  12C    28   721   elative
17. cilnotu  13I    73   794   linocut
18. ddooqtu  14F    38   832   quod
19. dginoot  15E    37   869   tind
20. bggnoor  L10    24   893   bogong

Remaining tiles: looruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6484 FileZweep       2 19:56  -387  506     1.6484 Zweep       2 19:56  -387  506 
  2.5560 Filetonikay     0  3:51  -869   24            Group: novice
                                             1.5560 tonikay     0  3:51  -869   24 

On 1st draw, NOC(T)UAS H2 72 --- NOCTUA a type of moth [n]
Other tops: AC(I)NOUS H3 72, CONA(T)US H4 72, COU(G)ANS H4 72, NAC(R)OUS H2 72
Other moves: AC(I)NOUS H4 68, AC(I)NOUS H6 68, AC(I)NOUS H7 68, AC(I)NOUS H8 68, CONA(T)US H2 68
CANO(E)S H4 20 Zweep

On 2nd draw, PIEFORTS 8A 101 --- PIEFORT an unusually thick coin [n]
Other moves: FIREPOTS 8A 92, FIREPOT G7 79, PIEFORT G7 76, POSTFIRE 8F 64, FORETOP 3G 34
FOP G7 26 Zweep

On 3rd draw, WOW 7C 32 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other moves: WEB 7C 30, WITE 7C 29, BOW 7C 28, OWE 7B 26, TWO 7B 26
WOW 7C 32 Zweep

On 4th draw, PARDNER(S) A8 83 --- PARDNER a chum, or friend [n]
Other tops: PANDER(E)R A8 83
Other moves: PAND(E)RER A8 80, PARD(O)NER A8 80, (U)NDERWEAR C2 76, ADORNER(S) 3F 72, RANC(I)DER 4E 70
DRA(T) 5E 8 Zweep

On 5th draw, TELEMAN 2B 30 --- TELEMAN a naval officer [n]
Other tops: TELEMEN 2B 30
Other moves: RETEAM 14A 28, OMELET 3H 22, CAMLET 4H 20, EME B12 20, REMATE 14A 20
MET B13 19 Zweep

On 6th draw, EXOMIS 3F 47 --- EXOMIS a Roman sleeveless garment [n]
Other moves: EXIT 3B 46, EXODIST 3F 46, EXOTISM 3F 46, OXIMES 3H 46, MIX 3A 44
EXIT 3B 46 Zweep

On 7th draw, EXOMISES 3F 34 --- EXOMIS a Roman sleeveless garment [n]
Other moves: VANE 1A 31, VENA 1A 31, OAVES 2J 26, SOAVE 2J 26, ANES 1D 25
VANE 1A 31 Zweep

On 8th draw, ZEP 1A 48 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: ZLOTE D1 48
Other moves: BEZ 1E 42, BOTEL 2J 42, PLOTZ D1 38, ZIBET J2 38, ZO 6B 37
ZIP J2 34 Zweep

On 9th draw, AGI(T)ATE 5E 28 --- AGITATE to move with a violent, irregular action [v]
Other tops: AGI(T)ATO 5E 28
Other moves: AGA 3B 25, AGO 3B 25, TAG 3A 23, GATE 2J 22, GETA 2J 22
TAG 3A 23 Zweep

On 10th draw, BENJ 4B 35 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: BENJ 2L 32, JA 6B 31, JEAN 4C 31, JO 6B 31, FANO 3A 29
JA 6B 31 Zweep

On 11th draw, HIYA 2J 40 --- HIYA a greeting [interj]
Other tops: HOYA 2J 40
Other moves: AHOY 4L 37, HAY 2J 37, HOY 2J 37, AHOY 4K 35, HIYA 4L 34
HAY 2J 37 Zweep

On 12th draw, HAYS 1L 58 --- HAY to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) [v]
Other tops: HEYS 1L 58
Other moves: HAGS 1L 52, HAES 1L 49, SHAY 1L 46, SHAY 4L 46, ASHY 4L 43
SHAY 4L 46 Zweep

On 13th draw, DEF 1E 28 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other tops: FED 6B 28
Other moves: FER 1E 26, NEF 1E 26, OFFEND D7 26, REF 1E 26, WOOFED E7 26
DROVE L5 22 Zweep

On 14th draw, WEARIER C7 22 --- WEARY tired [adj]
Other tops: AUREI B11 22
Other moves: WOURALI E7 20, IURE B11 19, LI 3C 19, WORRAL E7 18, WORREL E7 18
ALE 6J 11 Zweep

On 15th draw, KI 3C 35 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other moves: DOUK L5 23, DOUK 6K 22, HYED L1 22, PEKE C1 20, TOUK 6K 20
KI 3C 35 Zweep

On 16th draw, ELATIVE 12C 28 --- ELATIVE an adjectival form in some languages [n]
Other moves: REVIVAL F8 23, LEVA D12 22, WOLVE E7 22, ELATIVE K5 20, ALIVE 6J 18
RAVE F8 15 Zweep

On 17th draw, LINOCUT 13I 73 --- LINOCUT a print made from a design cut into linoleum [n]
Other moves: ONTIC 6J 21, TOLUIC 13I 21, VINO H12 21, VINT H12 21, VIOL H12 21
CLAT E10 12 Zweep

On 18th draw, QUOD 14F 38 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: QUAD E10 28, QUOD L11 28, QUOD N12 28, QUAT E10 26, QAT E11 24
QUOD N12 28 Zweep

On 19th draw, TIND 15E 37 --- TIND to kindle [v]
Other moves: DINO 15E 34, HYED L1 22, DIG 11E 21, DITTO O11 21, OOTID O11 21
DIN 15E 17 tonikay
TOG O13 12 Zweep

On 20th draw, BOGONG L10 24 --- BOGONG an Australian moth [n]
Other moves: GORGON 11I 22, BOGONG K9 20, BOONG L11 20, GOBO 11I 20, HYEN L1 20
BONG L12 18 Zweep
W*G E7 7 tonikay

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