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Game of January 6, 2012 at 05:19, 4 players
1. 541 pts kellybelly
2. 407 pts fatcat
3. 44 pts hulusian

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeiopst   H4    74    74   poetise
 2. ?giilns  11E    87   161   sliding
 3. ?aehlnw   6B    73   234   whalemen
 4. aejortz   5A    53   287   toaze
 5. dimnnpu   7B    33   320   nip
 6. aegrstx   A7    39   359   saxe
 7. aeiortu   9H    60   419   sautoire
 8. aelmnrt   O6    83   502   lamenter
 9. defhlor  B10    49   551   folder
10. acegioo  15A    33   584   grice
11. aiortuy   A1    27   611   yourt
12. adhiksu  14I    95   706   haiduks
13. abdimor  15H    43   749   amido
14. abdeeor   F2    31   780   beader
15. agituvv  13K    31   811   vug
16. abenorv   N2    28   839   above
17. cefnrty   O1    48   887   trey
18. finnotw   M2    43   930   wof
19. cijnnqt  13B    26   956   djinn

Remaining tiles: cqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7284 Filekellybelly  5 11:47  -415  541     1.7284 kellybelly  5 11:47  -415  541 
  2.5344 Filefatcat      0 23:26  -549  407            Group: novice
  3.5398 Filehulusian    0  5:30  -912   44     1.5344 fatcat      0 23:26  -549  407 
  4.5295 Fileleobill     0  1:40  -930   26     2.5398 hulusian    0  5:30  -912   44 
                                             3.5295 leobill     0  1:40  -930   26 

On 1st draw, POETISE H4 74 --- POETISE to write poetry [v]
Other moves: POETISE H2 70, POETISE H3 70, POETISE H6 70, POETISE H7 70, POETISE H8 70
STEEP H8 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, SLI(D)ING 11E 87 --- SLIDE to move smoothly along a surface [v] --- SLIDING the act of sliding [n]
Other moves: LIG(R)OINS 5D 82, (D)ISLOIGN 5D 82, (P)IGNOLIS 5D 82, INISLI(N)G 8H 77, I(N)ISLING 8H 77
SING 11H 20 fatcat

On 3rd draw, WHALE(M)EN 6B 73 --- WHALEMAN a whaler [n]
Other tops: WHEEL(M)AN 6F 73
Other moves: WHEEL(M)AN 6E 71, WHALE(M)EN 6D 67, HALO(G)EN 5E 36, HAW(S)E L8 35, WEL(S)H L8 35
WA(S)H L9 25 kellybelly
WI(T)H G10 18 fatcat

On 4th draw, TOAZE 5A 53 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: ZEA 5D 41, WAREZ B6 37, ZA 5D 37, AZOTE 10A 36, ZEROTH C1 36
ZA 5D 37 kellybelly
OOZE 5H 28 fatcat
ZEAL E3 26 leobill

On 5th draw, NIP 7B 33 --- NIP to pinch lightly [v]
Other moves: NIZAM D3 32, IMP 4A 27, UMP 4A 27, DUMPING K5 26, PINDOWN B1 26
DUMPING K5 26 fatcat, kellybelly

On 6th draw, SAXE A7 39 --- SAXE as in saxe blue [adj]
Other tops: SEXT A7 39
Other moves: SAX A7 36, SEX A7 36, EXEATS 10H 31, EXEAT 10H 30, EXTRA 10A 30
SAX A7 36 kellybelly
TEXT A2 19 fatcat

On 7th draw, SAUTOIRE 9H 60 --- SAUTOIRE a heraldic design [n]
Other moves: IRATE B9 20, TOURIE B10 20, URAEI B9 20, URATE B9 20, URITE B9 20
ROUTE B10 18 kellybelly
TROUT A1 18 fatcat

On 8th draw, LAMENTER O6 83 --- LAMENTER one that laments [n]
Other tops: LAMENTER O3 83
Other moves: TRAMLINE M4 63, TERMINAL M5 61, MANTEL B10 38, MANTLE B10 38, MARTEL B10 38
MATER B10 36 kellybelly
MENTAL O8 27 fatcat

On 9th draw, FOLDER B10 49 --- FOLDER one that folds [n]
Other tops: HOLDER B10 49
Other moves: HOLED B10 47, HORDE B10 47, FOREL B10 45, DELFT A1 39, FOLDER F2 34
FOLDER B10 49 kellybelly
OF 12K 13 fatcat

On 10th draw, GRICE 15A 33 --- GRICE a little pig [n] --- GRICE to spot trains [v]
Other tops: GRACE 15A 33
Other moves: ERICA 15A 30, ORGIAC 15A 30, CAGOT A1 27, CRAG 15A 27, CRAIG 15A 27
GRACE 15A 33 kellybelly
ARC 15A 15 fatcat

On 11th draw, YOURT A1 27 --- YOURT a light tent of skins [n]
Other moves: RYOT 10J 25, TOPIARY 4F 24, TRIO C10 24, YURTA N2 24, PARITY 4H 22
YOUR N12 21 kellybelly
PARTY 4H 20 fatcat

On 12th draw, HAIDUKS 14I 95 --- HAIDUK a brigand [n]
Other moves: HAIDUKS 14E 82, KHADIS 14J 59, HAIKUS 14J 53, HAIDUKS M7 38, ADUKIS 14J 37
HAIKS 14K 35 kellybelly
SKID L11 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, AMIDO 15H 43 --- AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj]
Other moves: BARDO 15H 41, AMBO 15H 37, IAMB 15G 35, ABORD 15G 34, AMIDO 15G 34
BRAID 15G 34 kellybelly
MOB 15H 30 fatcat

On 14th draw, BEADER F2 31 --- BEADER one that beads [n]
Other tops: DORBA 13H 31
Other moves: BARDE F2 30, BORDE F2 30, BREDE F2 30, BEARED N2 29, REBORE N5 28
PROBED 4H 22 kellybelly, fatcat

On 15th draw, VUG 13K 31 --- VUG a small cavity in a rock or lode [n]
Other tops: VAG 13K 31
Other moves: TAG 13K 22, TUG 13K 22, VIVAT K5 22, VIVE 12L 20, VIVE 3C 20
VAG 13K 31 kellybelly
GIVE 3C 16 fatcat

On 16th draw, ABOVE N2 28 --- ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n]
Other tops: BRAVE N2 28
Other moves: ABORE N6 27, ABORNE N1 24, ADVERB 13A 24, BORANE N1 24, NOVAE N2 24
PROVEN 4H 22 kellybelly, fatcat
BORNE 2F 9 hulusian

On 17th draw, TREY O1 48 --- TREY the three in cards, dice, or dominoes [n]
Other tops: TREF O1 48
Other moves: FEY O1 36, FRY O1 36, TRYE O1 36, TYER O1 36, CRY O1 33
TREY O1 48 kellybelly
DRY 13B 14 fatcat
PREY 4H 9 hulusian

On 18th draw, WOF M2 43 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FON M2 34, WON M2 34, WOT M2 34, OF M3 29, OFT B1 29
WOF M2 43 kellybelly
FLOW 12A 28 fatcat
INTO 13F 15 hulusian

On 19th draw, DJINN 13B 26 --- DJINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JINN I3 25, QI I3 25, DJIN 13B 24, JUDO L12 24, QI 12D 24
QI I3 25 kellybelly, fatcat
QI M8 11 hulusian

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