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Game of January 6, 2012 at 16:02, 5 players
1. 264 pts babsbedi
2. 154 pts tonikay
3. 108 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acipstw   H7    30    30   pitsaw
 2. aegrstw  13H    40    70   swager
 3. ?cikmnu   N7    84   154   nickums
 4. ehiloor   O8    37   191   oho
 5. ?acddop   G2    71   262   decapod
 6. dhilotu   H1    51   313   doth
 7. aeilttu   F1    25   338   lutea
 8. abfilrt   1A    33   371   tribal
 9. eiinors   1H    80   451   derision
10. aefilnr   L6    74   525   flanerie
11. aefintu   E4    33   558   eft
12. eeilnxy  14I    55   613   ex
13. aaeegnt  15E    37   650   negate
14. beimoou   D1    44   694   bomb
15. dlnoquy  10H    32   726   suq
16. delnors  14A    31   757   snored
17. eenoryz  13C    57   814   zero
18. aaeilnv  A11    36   850   avise
19. aejllvy   B1    34   884   really
20. gijnuvy   M3    42   926   jivy

Remaining tiles: ginu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6585 Filebabsbedi    2  6:57  -662  264     1.6585 babsbedi    2  6:57  -662  264 
  2.5625 Filetonikay     0  6:24  -772  154            Group: novice
  3.5071 Filestrykyster  0  4:33  -818  108     1.5625 tonikay     0  6:24  -772  154 
  4.5117 Filevictor      0  2:45  -866   60     2.5071 strykyster  0  4:33  -818  108 
  5.5282 Fileleobill     0  4:55  -875   51     3.5117 victor      0  2:45  -866   60 
                                             4.5282 leobill     0  4:55  -875   51 

On 1st draw, PITSAW H7 30 --- PITSAW a large saw used for cutting logs [n]
Other moves: PITSAW H4 28, ASPIC H8 24, PACTS H4 24, PICAS H4 24, PITSAW H3 24
SWAPT H4 22 tonikay

On 2nd draw, SWAGER 13H 40 --- SWAGER one that swages [n]
Other moves: WAGERS 13C 34, AGRASTE 11E 32, TAWERS 13C 32, WATERS 13C 32, RETAGS 13C 30
WAGERS 13C 34 tonikay
WASTE 10F 18 leobill

On 3rd draw, NICKUM(S) N7 84 --- NICKUM a mischievous boy [n]
Other moves: NICKUM(S) G3 76, C(H)IPMUNK 7E 71, MUTC(H)KIN 9F 70, UMIACK(S) 11E 56, (A)MUCK 12K 46
MINK(S) N9 22 tonikay
(S)MACK J11 18 leobill

On 4th draw, OHO O8 37 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: HIRE 14J 35, HOLE 14J 35, HORE 14J 35, OHO 14I 35, HEIL 8L 33
HOO O6 26 tonikay
LOIR 8L 15 leobill

On 5th draw, D(E)CAPOD G2 71 --- DECAPOD a ten-legged crustacean [n]
Other tops: D(E)CAPOD I2 71, PADDOC(K)S 10A 71
Other moves: D(E)CAPODS 10A 65, D(E)CAPOD 11E 48, DAMP 12L 32, D(A)MP 12L 29, D(U)MP 12L 29
POM(E) 12L 24 tonikay

On 6th draw, DOTH H1 51 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: LITH H1 48, LOTH H1 48, HID 14J 34, HOD 14J 34, OUTCHID 4D 34
HUM 12L 28 victor
HOD H1 26 tonikay

On 7th draw, LUTEA F1 25 --- LUTEUM a hormone-secreting body [n]
Other tops: TATIE F1 25
Other moves: ALIT F2 24, CHATTEL 4G 24, LATCHET 4D 24, LATU F3 24, LIEU F3 24

On 8th draw, TRIBAL 1A 33 --- TRIBAL a member of an aboriginal people of India [n] --- TRIBAL pertaining to a tribe [adj]
Other moves: FAB 12J 32, FAIBLE L8 30, FLAB E5 30, FRAB E5 30, FRIB E5 30
FAB 12J 32 victor

On 9th draw, DERISION 1H 80 --- DERISION the act of deriding [n]
Other moves: IRONIEST 9A 74, BRIONIES D1 72, IRONISE M1 69, IONISERS 10A 62, IONISERS 10D 62

On 10th draw, FLANERIE L6 74 --- FLANERIE commendable idleness or aimless wandering [n]
Other moves: FAME 12L 32, EF E4 31, FAINER E5 30, FERIAL E5 30, FINALE E5 30

On 11th draw, EFT E4 33 --- EFT a newt [n]
Other moves: EF E4 31, FITNA 2K 31, FIAUNT E5 30, FAINE E5 28, FAINT E5 28

On 12th draw, EX 14I 55 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: XI 14J 53, NIXY M3 36, XYLENES 10B 35, XYLAN J10 33, LYNXES 10C 32
EX 14I 55 babsbedi
AX J13 25 strykyster

On 13th draw, NEGATE 15E 37 --- NEGATE to nullify [v]
Other tops: AGNATE 15E 37
Other moves: AGATE 15F 34, AGENE 15F 34, EATAGE 15J 34, GENET 15G 34, AGEE 15G 31
NEGATE 15E 37 babsbedi
TEEN 15H 28 strykyster

On 14th draw, BOMB D1 44 --- BOMB to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles) [v]
Other moves: BOOB D1 40, OB D3 32, MOBE K8 30, IMBUE 14B 28, MOBIE 14B 28
BOOM 14C 26 babsbedi
MOB 14D 25 strykyster

On 15th draw, SUQ 10H 32 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: DOY 14D 30, QUOAD 11E 30, LOY 14D 29, NOY 14D 29, YU 14F 29
QUAY 11F 16 babsbedi, strykyster

On 16th draw, SNORED 14A 31 --- SNORE to breath noisily while sleeping [v]
Other tops: SORNED 14A 31
Other moves: LOSED 14B 29, NOSED 14B 29, RESOD 14B 29, ROSED 14B 29, SOLED 14B 29
INDOLE K1 19 babsbedi
DO 2N 14 strykyster

On 17th draw, ZERO 13C 57 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: REZONES A8 51, ZEE 13C 51, ZO 13C 46, REZERO B1 34, REZONE B1 34
ZEE 13C 51 babsbedi

On 18th draw, AVISE A11 36 --- AVISE to advise [v]
Other moves: ALEVINS A8 33, AVAILES A8 33, VALINES A8 33, VASA A12 33, VASE A12 33
VASE A12 33 babsbedi

On 19th draw, REALLY B1 34 --- REALLY actually [adv]
Other moves: RAVELLY B1 30, YALE I4 30, JAVA 11E 28, LEVY M3 28, JA B10 27
JA B10 27 babsbedi

On 20th draw, JIVY M3 42 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JIVER D10 30, JIVY B8 30, VINY M3 28, JUGA 11E 24, YUG I4 23

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