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Game of January 6, 2012 at 18:25, 3 players
1. 477 pts peter24
2. 188 pts lezaryne
3. 9 pts leobill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaenosz   H3   102   102   ozaenas
 2. beioruy   I4    39   141   obey
 3. ?dilrrs   5E    40   181   disabler
 4. abdeptt   K4    74   255   bepatted
 5. aehioss   8K    36   291   those
 6. ennortu   N1    70   361   neutrons
 7. aeimmru   O1    44   405   emma
 8. adeiklv   G1    38   443   dikas
 9. ?eegilt   1C    80   523   gelidest
10. ailorru   L1    26   549   ourari
11. adeflor   G9    66   615   alfredo
12. girrsxy  H13    62   677   six
13. ceehory  L10    41   718   reechy
14. aefiotv  J10    39   757   fovea
15. oprttuw  15K    30   787   typto
16. agijlqw   4A    41   828   wilja
17. ginnruu   A2    33   861   unwrung
18. giinqvw  13C    20   881   winges

Remaining tiles: ciiqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7076 Filepeter24     2 15:30  -404  477     1.7076 peter24     2 15:30  -404  477 
  2.  -  Filelezaryne    0 13:58  -693  188            Group: novice
  3.5332 Fileleobill     0  1:52  -872    9     1.5332 leobill     0  1:52  -872    9 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  lezaryne    0 13:58  -693  188 

On 1st draw, OZAENAS H3 102 --- OZAENA a fetid discharge from the nostrils [n]
Other moves: OZAENAS H2 84, OZAENAS H4 84, OZAENAS H6 84, OZAENAS H7 84, OZAENAS H8 84

On 2nd draw, OBEY I4 39 --- OBEY to follow the commands or guidance of [v]
Other moves: YOB I3 36, YBORE I2 35, YORE I3 35, BOY I3 34, BROUZE 4D 34
YO I3 29 peter24

On 3rd draw, DISABL(E)R 5E 40 --- DISABLER one that disables [n]
Other moves: DISABL(E) 5E 36, RIDABL(E) 5E 36, D(A)LS G3 30, ZORILS 4H 30, ZO(O)IDS 4H 30
D(A)S G3 26 peter24

On 4th draw, B(E)PATTED K4 74 --- BEPAT to pat often [v]
Other moves: BAST G3 31, PAST G3 31, PEBAS G1 31, BATTED 4A 30, PATTED 4A 30
PAST G3 31 peter24
DAT(E) K2 4 lezaryne

On 5th draw, THOSE 8K 36 --- THAT the one indicated [pron]
Other tops: ASHES J8 36, ISHES J8 36
Other moves: HOISES J10 35, HOISES L7 35, HOISE J10 34, HOSES J10 34, SHEAS J9 34
THOSE 8K 36 peter24
HAS 8G 16 lezaryne

On 6th draw, NEUTRONS N1 70 --- NEUTRON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: NEUTRON G8 64, NEUTRONS 9A 60, STONERN G5 24, HERON L8 23, HONER L8 23
BOURN 4K 20 peter24
TUNER L1 20 lezaryne

On 7th draw, EMMA O1 44 --- EMMA an old name for M in signalling [n]
Other moves: AMMINE 1J 39, IMMANE 1J 39, IMMUNE 1J 39, UMM O1 35, RUMINA 1J 33
MINE 1L 27 peter24
ARUM 3L 12 lezaryne

On 8th draw, DIKAS G1 38 --- DIKA a West Indian tree [n]
Other moves: KAS G3 35, VAILED 4A 34, VIALED 4A 34, DAKER L1 32, DIKER L1 32
KAS G3 35 peter24
KID 11I 8 lezaryne

On 9th draw, GELIDE(S)T 1C 80 --- GELID icy [adj]
Other tops: LEDGIE(S)T 1E 80
Other moves: DELETI(N)G E5 68, GI(M)LETED 11D 68, EG(A)LITE G9 62, ELEGIT(S) G9 62, ELEGI(S)T G9 62
DIG(I)T 1G 18 lezaryne

On 10th draw, OURARI L1 26 --- OURARI an arrow poison [n]
Other moves: HILAR L8 23, HORAL L8 23, URARI L2 22, LARI L3 20, LIRA L3 20
LAIR L2 16 peter24
GOAL C1 10 lezaryne

On 11th draw, ALFREDO G9 66 --- ALFREDO cooked wiht a cheese and egg sauce [adj]
Other moves: FARED J10 37, FARDEL J10 36, FEDORA J10 36, FEODAL J10 36, FOALED J10 36
FARED J10 37 peter24
FEODAL 11H 10 lezaryne

On 12th draw, SIX H13 62 --- SIX a number [n]
Other moves: XIS H13 48, ORYX 15G 42, TIX 9K 40, OXY 15G 39, YIRRS J10 34
SIX H13 62 peter24
SEXY 10J 16 lezaryne

On 13th draw, REECHY L10 41 --- REECHY foul, rancid [adj]
Other moves: HERYE J10 37, OCHRY L11 37, YECH J10 36, HEROE J10 34, HERY J10 34
YECH J10 36 peter24
CHEF 11D 24 lezaryne

On 14th draw, FOVEA J10 39 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FIVE J10 36, FIAT J10 33, FOVEA 4A 33, FIE J10 32, FIT J10 32
FIVE J10 36 peter24
YETI 15L 21 lezaryne
VEER 10I 9 leobill

On 15th draw, TYPTO 15K 30 --- TYPTO to conjugate the Greek verb [v]
Other moves: YORP 15L 27, PUTTO 4A 23, COWP 13L 22, POWRES 13C 22, YOUR 15L 21
YOUR 15L 21 peter24
WOX 15F 13 lezaryne

On 16th draw, WILJA 4A 41 --- WILJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: WAQF 11D 38, WILGA 4A 29, JAIL 2A 27, JAGIR 12C 26, QI 2B 25
JAIL 2A 27 peter24
WALL 10D 9 lezaryne

On 17th draw, UNWRUNG A2 33 --- UNWRUNG not wrung [adj] --- WRING to twist so as to compress [adj]
Other moves: WRING A4 27, WRUNG A4 27, GURLING C1 22, HUI 14L 20, IRING B2 20
WRING A4 27 peter24
GIN F7 7 lezaryne

On 18th draw, WINGES 13C 20 --- WINGE to whine [v]
Other moves: OWN M8 17, INWIT N11 16, GIF 11E 14, IWI F5 14, QADI E3 14
WIVES 13D 11 peter24

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