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Game of January 6, 2012 at 19:09, 3 players
1. 687 pts PIThompson
2. 585 pts peter24
3. 118 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adertwx   H8    48    48   dewax
 2. ?adnttv   9G    67   115   vendetta
 3. ?bbgiio   H8    57   172   dewaxing
 4. aaborsz   O3   125   297   abrazos
 5. ijloort  11E    56   353   tolarji
 6. celmost   K6    62   415   comeliest
 7. eefinty  10D    32   447   fey
 8. aadeilo   N2    35   482   aloed
 9. aceghim   1K    49   531   mache
10. abeinst   N8    78   609   basanite
11. aefkorr  14B    82   691   forerank
12. eehinrs   2F    76   767   henries
13. dilntuy   3C    39   806   untidy
14. einoqru  M13    46   852   qi
15. eginoou   1G    37   889   goe
16. eilnopr   C1    61   950   neuropil
17. ainopuu  13A    27   977   nipa
18. egiouuw   A8    33  1010   wigeon

Remaining tiles: uuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7699 FilePIThompson  7 12:39  -323  687     1.7699 PIThompson  7 12:39  -323  687 
  2.7076 Filepeter24     5 12:33  -425  585     2.7076 peter24     5 12:33  -425  585 
  3.  -  Filelezaryne    0  7:27  -892  118            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  lezaryne    0  7:27  -892  118 

On 1st draw, DEWAX H8 48 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: REWAX H8 46, RETAX H8 40, WAXED H4 40, WAXER H4 38, DEWAX H4 36
DEWAX H8 48 PIThompson
WAXED H4 40 peter24
WAX H7 26 lezaryne

On 2nd draw, VEND(E)TTA 9G 67 --- VENDETTA a feud between two families [n]
Other moves: V(E)NDETTA 9D 64, D(O)TANT G9 29, DAT(A) G9 26, DAT(E) G9 26, DAT(O) G9 26
DAT(E) G9 26 peter24
VAN(E)D I7 26 PIThompson
WANT(E)D 10H 11 lezaryne

On 3rd draw, DEWAXI(N)G H8 57 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: OBII(N)G 8J 39, BIB(S) O6 32, BIGO(S) O5 32, BIOG(S) O5 32, BOB(S) O6 32
DEWAXI(N)G H8 57 PIThompson
BIG(S) O6 29 peter24
BAG N8 10 lezaryne

On 4th draw, ABRAZOS O3 125 --- ABRAZO an embrace [n]
Other moves: ZABRAS O4 93, BAZAARS N8 76, ABRAZOS 11E 72, BARAZAS 11E 72, BAZAARS 11E 72
BAZAARS N8 76 PIThompson
AZO 8M 49 peter24
BOR(N) 14E 7 lezaryne

On 5th draw, TOLARJI 11E 56 --- TOLAR (Slovene) the standard monetary unit of Slovenia, pl TOLARS, TOLARJI or TOLARJEV [n]
Other moves: JOL G11 32, JOT G11 32, JIRD J6 28, RIOJA 6K 28, TAJ N8 28
JOT G11 32 peter24, PIThompson
ART 11H 3 lezaryne

On 6th draw, COM(E)LIEST K6 62 --- COMELY pleasing to look at [adj]
Other moves: TELOMIC 13C 34, LACTOSE N8 32, COMTES 12A 30, MOW 10F 30, AMOLES N9 28
CLEM 10C 26 PIThompson
OM N5 22 peter24
COOLS F10 15 lezaryne

On 7th draw, FEY 10D 32 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: NIEF L12 30, RIFE I11 30, EF N5 28, RIF I11 28, FIE L12 26
FEY 10D 32 PIThompson, peter24
YE(N) 14F 13 lezaryne

On 8th draw, ALOED N2 35 --- ALOED pertaining to aloe [adj]
Other moves: AEDILE 12J 25, LOAD N3 24, DIAL L12 22, DIEL L12 22, DIOL L12 22
LODE G11 22 peter24
LADE G11 22 PIThompson

On 9th draw, MACHE 1K 49 --- MACHE a European herb [n]
Other tops: MACHI 1K 49, MICHE 1K 49
Other moves: MIHA 1L 46, MACH M2 45, ACHE 1L 40, CHAM M1 40, EACH M2 39
MACHE 1K 49 PIThompson
LAH G11 28 peter24
MACHI(N)E 14C 21 lezaryne

On 10th draw, BASANITE N8 78 --- BASANITE a black jasper [n]
Other moves: BANTIES 2F 73, BASINET 2F 73, BESTAIN 2F 73, ABSTI(N)ENT 14C 64, BEATINGS 15B 62
CEAS M1 25 PIThompson
LAB G11 24 peter24
BEINGS 15D 12 lezaryne

On 11th draw, FORERA(N)K 14B 82 --- FORERANK the first rank [n]
Other moves: KEEF 15L 48, FAKER M11 47, FAKE M11 43, KAF M13 39, KEF M13 39
KEEF 15L 48 PIThompson, peter24

On 12th draw, HENRIES 2F 76 --- HENRY a unit of inductance [n]
Other moves: INHERES 2F 70, RESHINE 2E 68, HERES 15A 39, HERE 15A 34, HIES 15L 33
HERES 15A 39 PIThompson
EH O14 32 peter24

On 13th draw, UNTIDY 3C 39 --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- UNTIDY messy [adj] --- UNTIDY messy [adj] --- UNTIDY to make untidy [v] --- UNTIDY to make messy [v]
Other moves: UNDY H1 36, NUDITY 3C 35, INLY H1 33, UNTIDY H1 33, UNIT O12 28
UNDY H1 36 PIThompson
TYED 15L 27 peter24

On 14th draw, QI M13 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUOIF B10 37, ROE 1G 33, TORQUE E3 30, NO 1G 28, ONER O12 28
QI M13 46 peter24, PIThompson

On 15th draw, GOE 1G 37 --- GOE to go [v]
Other tops: GOO 1G 37
Other moves: NOO 1G 33, GO 1G 32, NO 1G 28, OE 1H 26, OO 1H 26
GOE 1G 37 PIThompson, peter24

On 16th draw, NEUROPIL C1 61 --- NEUROPIL part of the nervous system in vertebrates [n]
Other moves: LOPER 13A 31, RIPEN 13A 31, OPEN 13B 29, PEIN 4C 28, PEON 4C 28
LOPER 13A 31 PIThompson
RIPEN 13A 31 peter24

On 17th draw, NIPA 13A 27 --- NIPA a palm tree [n]
Other moves: PROIN 4B 26, PUNA 13C 26, NAP 15A 24, OUPA 13C 24, PILAO 8A 24
NIPA 13A 27 peter24
NAP 15A 24 PIThompson

On 18th draw, WIGEON A8 33 --- WIGEON a river duck [n]
Other tops: WINGE 1A 33, WONGI 1A 33
Other moves: WING 1A 30, GUE 12B 26, WERO 4A 26, WIRE 4A 26, WORE 4A 26
WINGE 1A 33 PIThompson, peter24

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