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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of January 6, 2012 at 23:39

Word find
Word played
1 AEHIKLT             HATLIKE H7 88 88  
2 EEGLLMO             MEE I7 24 112  
3 AGILNOR             ORIGINAL 11D 86 198  
4 ?INOPRX             POX 10D 59 257  
5 ACEELTW             CLAW 12A 40 297  
6 AAEINST             ESTANCIA A7 80 377  
7 CEMNRSU             CERUMENS 13G 82 459  
8 ?BEFNVY             (S)ENVY 15A 72 531  
9 AIRSSUY             YAR 10J 29 560  
10 AADENRT             RANTED B5 26 586  
11 BBEFOQR             BEEF L12 26 612  
12 ?PQTUWZ             QU(E)ST N10 66 678  
13 ADEGILO DIG O9 19 -60 19 1/1 GEOIDAL 4B 79 757 1/1
14 AGIIOPS QU(E)STS N10 14 -18 33 1/1 PSOAI O6 32 789 1/1
15 BEGHNOS BOGLE H1 24 -17 57 1/1 HOGEN 3C 41 830 1/1
16 DIJORTU             JEDI F2 28 858 1/1
17 BDFIIOU             FIB 5E 35 893 1/1
18 DEIIORV             VIDEO N2 28 921 1/1
19 DEIRRST FIST 15L 35 -6 92 1/1 RIFEST 15J 41 962 1/1
20 OOTUUWZ WIZ 3M 30 -8 122 1/1 WOOTZ M5 38 1000 1/1

Total: 122/1000 or -878 for 12.20%
Rank: 5812

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