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Game of January 7, 2012 at 02:41, 2 players
1. 581 pts Zweep
2. 32 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efikln   H7    86    86   fanlike
 2. abeeiot   I8    29   115   boatie
 3. aadinny  J10    42   157   danny
 4. ?cinrtv  11E    40   197   visitant
 5. adegotu   K7    22   219   augend
 6. aefhoqr   F8    37   256   faqir
 7. abehswy   M9    47   303   washy
 8. bdelost   L1    78   381   boldest
 9. deimors   2H    76   457   moidores
10. nopttuw   1D    42   499   punto
11. ceiinrt   5E    90   589   reincite
12. aeeilmo   1L    36   625   bema
13. acelosv   3B    81   706   alcoves
14. ahlotuw   N8    35   741   how
15. eggotux   O7    61   802   gox
16. eiloptu   B2    20   822   taupie
17. aegiilr   A6    26   848   graile
18. aeeijor   A1    29   877   ja
19. eeioruz   C7    46   923   zero

Remaining tiles: eiru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6492 FileZweep       5 16:06  -342  581     1.6492 Zweep       5 16:06  -342  581 
  2.6693 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:40  -891   32     2.6693 GLOBEMAN    0  1:40  -891   32 

On 1st draw, F(A)NLIKE H7 86 --- FANLIKE resembling a fan [adj]
Other tops: FINL(I)KE H7 86, FL(U)NKIE H8 86, F(I)NLIKE H7 86
Other moves: FINL(I)KE H4 84, FL(U)NKIE H4 84, F(A)NLIKE H4 84, F(I)NLIKE H4 84, FINL(I)KE H2 78
KNIFE H4 34 Zweep

On 2nd draw, BOATIE I8 29 --- BOATIE a boating enthusiast [n]
Other moves: BETAKE 12D 24, TOEBIE G5 24, BATIK 12D 22, OBIA G7 22, *B* I7 19
*B* I7 19 Zweep

On 3rd draw, DANNY J10 42 --- DANNY the hand [n]
Other moves: YAD J10 40, ANY J8 35, NY J9 30, YA J10 30, YIDAKI 12D 28
ANY J8 35 Zweep

On 4th draw, VI(S)ITANT 11E 40 --- VISITANT someone who calls in to see you [n]
Other moves: INCITA(N)T 11E 36, INVITA(L) 11E 36, I(N)CITANT 11E 36, V(A)TIC G11 29, IR(R)ITANT 11E 28
VIN G6 17 Zweep

On 5th draw, AUGEND K7 22 --- AUGEND a number to which another is to be added [n]
Other tops: GELADA 10F 22, TEENAGED 13G 22
Other moves: DOG(S) G8 21, EGO G7 21, TOGAED G3 21, (S)ADE G11 21, (S)ADO G11 21
GATED L9 14 Zweep

On 6th draw, FAQIR F8 37 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: TAHR L11 34, QI F10 31, TARE L11 28, TARO L11 28, KINDER 12H 26
QI F10 31 Zweep

On 7th draw, WASHY M9 47 --- WASHY overly diluted [adj]
Other moves: STYE L10 46, WHEYS 13B 46, STY L10 44, WHYS 13C 44, STAW L10 40
WASHY M9 47 Zweep

On 8th draw, BOLDEST L1 78 --- BOLD daring [adj]
Other moves: BOLDEST L2 77, BOLDEST J1 66, BODLES 13A 36, BODES 13B 34, BOLDS 13B 34
SOB 8M 30 Zweep

On 9th draw, MOIDORES 2H 76 --- MOIDORE a former gold coin of Portugal [n]
Other tops: MISDOER G2 76
Other moves: MISDOER N4 73, MISDOER J1 67, MOIDERS J1 67, DERMOIDS 4F 63, DERMIS 13A 36
SIM 8M 30 Zweep

On 10th draw, PUNTO 1D 42 --- PUNTO a hit or thrust in fencing [n]
Other tops: PUTTO 1D 42
Other moves: POW 1G 41, NOWT 1G 40, TOWT 1G 40, W*P 1G 40, OWT 1H 37
POW 1G 41 Zweep

On 11th draw, REINCITE 5E 90 --- INCITE to arouse to action [v] --- REINCITE to incite again [v]
Other tops: ICTERINE 5E 90
Other moves: INCITER N4 76, REINDICT 4H 63, REINCITE N1 62, INCITE 2A 30, SERICIN O2 30
CRIT 2B 18 Zweep

On 12th draw, BEMA 1L 36 --- BEMA a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other tops: BOMA 1L 36
Other moves: ELEMI 3K 27, EM N9 25, EMO 6E 25, OM N9 25, MAIL N12 24
ME 1N 22 Zweep

On 13th draw, ALCOVES 3B 81 --- ALCOVE a recessed section of a room [n]
Other tops: COEVALS 3B 81
Other moves: ALCOVES N4 79, CALVES 13A 40, CAVELS 13A 40, CLAVES 13A 40, CLOVES 13A 40
SAC 8M 30 Zweep

On 14th draw, HOW N8 35 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other tops: HAO 4D 35, HOA 4D 35
Other moves: ALOW N7 33, LATAH B2 32, LOW N8 32, TOW N8 32, LATH 3L 31
HOW N8 35 Zweep

On 15th draw, GOX O7 61 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: TEX O7 58, EX O8 55, EXO 6E 55, OX O8 55, TEX 6D 53
GOX O7 61 Zweep

On 16th draw, TAUPIE B2 20 --- TAUPIE a clumsy girl [n]
Other tops: OPE 2A 20, OUP N12 20, TUPELO 6B 20
Other moves: LEI 2B 19, TILE 3J 19, TOLE 3J 19, EUOI N12 18, PALET B2 18
OPE 2A 20 Zweep

On 17th draw, GRAILE A6 26 --- GRAILE gravel [n]
Other tops: AGILER A7 26
Other moves: GRAIL A6 23, ARGIL A6 22, ARGLE A6 22, LAGER A6 22, LARGE A6 22
GRAIL A6 23 Zweep

On 18th draw, JA A1 29 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: RIOJA B11 26, AJEE B11 24, ROJI B11 24, ALEE 3K 22, HAJ 12M 21
JA A1 29 Zweep

On 19th draw, ZERO C7 46 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZORI C7 46
Other moves: ZEE C7 45, ZO C7 43, RIZ J4 32, SEZ 6L 32, REZ E7 28
ZEE C7 45 Zweep

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