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Game of January 7, 2012 at 06:27, 3 players
1. 344 pts albee2411
2. 202 pts kellybelly
3. 143 pts dragons11

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeemors   H4    22    22   meares
 2. ?ceiiov   9A    67    89   invoices
 3. bdeinox   8A    55   144   xi
 4. elnoqsu   B6    38   182   quinones
 5. deelmns   D8    76   258   lodesmen
 6. ?forrtu   5C    70   328   frotteur
 7. abeestu   J1    64   392   suberate
 8. abdgorw  A12    50   442   warb
 9. adegotz   4A    55   497   zoea
10. eiinoot   3C    27   524   nooit
11. adeilow   A1    45   569   diazo
12. aelnrty   8J    39   608   elytra
13. adeiiir   1D    30   638   diaries
14. eghknow   2F    33   671   hen
15. acdfhtu  15C    33   704   unfact
16. aegilty   N8    82   786   regality
17. ghilnno  10D    32   818   doh
18. giklnnp  13I    38   856   kingpin

Remaining tiles: dgjlpvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4558 Filealbee2411   0 20:17  -512  344     1.7291 kellybelly  2  4:36  -654  202 
  2.7291 Filekellybelly  2  4:36  -654  202            Group: intermediate
  3.6474 Filedragons11   1  4:05  -713  143     1.6474 dragons11   1  4:05  -713  143 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4558 albee2411   0 20:17  -512  344 

On 1st draw, MEARES H4 22 --- MEARE to bound [v]
Other tops: AMEERS H3 22
Other moves: MARES H4 20, MARSE H4 20, MASER H4 20, MEARE H4 20, MEASE H4 20
MARES H4 20 dragons11

On 2nd draw, I(N)VOICES 9A 67 --- INVOICE to bill [v]
Other moves: I(N)VOICE G9 66, I(N)VOICE I9 66, OVICI(D)E G9 66, OVICI(D)E I9 66, OVICI(D)ES 9A 64
I(N)VOICE 5B 22 dragons11

On 3rd draw, XI 8A 55 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: BONXIE A5 45, DIOXIN A8 45, NIXED A8 45, EXODOI D7 44, DIOXIN A5 42
XI 8A 55 dragons11
BEND G8 11 albee2411

On 4th draw, QUI(N)ONES B6 38 --- QUINONE a crystalline derivative of aniline [n]
Other moves: EQUALS 6E 37, QUI(N)OLS B6 37, QUI(N)ONE B6 37, QUALE 6F 36, QUI(N)ES B6 36
QUI(N)ES B6 36 albee2411

On 5th draw, LODESMEN D8 76 --- LODESMAN a pilot [n]
Other moves: DALESMEN 6G 65, LEADSMEN 6F 65, EMEND A11 44, DEMESNE 5E 40, DESMINE E5 40
SEED 12A 12 albee2411

On 6th draw, FROT(T)EUR 5C 70 --- FROTTEUR one who practices frottage [n]
Other tops: FRO(T)TEUR 5C 70
Other moves: FORT A12 44, FOUR A12 44, FURR A12 44, FOR(A) A12 41, FOR(B) A12 41
FOUN(D) 15A 21 albee2411
FORTE(S) 5D 16 dragons11

On 7th draw, SUBERATE J1 64 --- SUBERATE a salt of suberic acid [n]
Other moves: ABETS A11 41, ABUSE A11 41, ABUTS A11 41, BUSTEE K3 38, SEBATE K5 38
BEANS 15A 21 albee2411

On 8th draw, WARB A12 50 --- WARB a dirty or insignificant person [n]
Other moves: BAWD A12 48, WARDOGS 1D 48, WARD A12 47, WOAD A12 47, WORD A12 47
WRANG 15A 27 albee2411

On 9th draw, ZOEA 4A 55 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: TOAZE 4B 50, ADZES 1F 45, AZOTES 1E 45, DAZES 1F 45, DOZES 1F 45
DAZES 1F 45 albee2411

On 10th draw, NOOIT 3C 27 --- NOOIT (South Africa) expressing pleased or shocked surprise [interj]
Other moves: INTI 3B 25, INTO 3B 25, ONTO 3B 25, INOSITE 1G 24, ISOTONE 1I 24
TOONS 1F 15 albee2411

On 11th draw, DIAZO A1 45 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other tops: ADOZE A1 45, WALDOES 1D 45
Other moves: SOWLED 1J 42, LEASOW 1G 39, LOWSED 1G 36, SALEWD 1J 33, SLOWED 1J 33
WILDS 1F 27 albee2411

On 12th draw, ELYTRA 8J 39 --- ELYTRUM a hardened forewing of certain insects [n]
Other tops: REASTY 1G 39, STYLAR 1J 39, STYLER 1J 39
Other moves: ARSEY 1H 36, NASTY 1H 36, RESAY 1H 36, RESTY 1H 36, LARNEYS 1D 33
RESTY 1H 36 kellybelly
EATERY 8J 30 albee2411

On 13th draw, DIARIES 1D 30 --- DIARY a personal journal [n]
Other tops: AIRSIDE 1G 30, DAIRIES 1D 30
Other moves: IRISED 1G 27, RAISED 1G 27, ARSED 1H 24, DIARISE 1E 24, IRIDISE 1E 24
RAIDS 1F 18 kellybelly
DARES 1F 18 albee2411

On 14th draw, HEN 2F 33 --- HEN a female chicken [n] --- HEN to lose courage [v]
Other tops: HON 2F 33
Other moves: DOH 10D 32, H*NK*Y L3 32, HE 10F 30, HE 2F 30, HO 2F 30
HE 10F 30 kellybelly
AWOKEN O8 14 albee2411

On 15th draw, UNFACT 15C 33 --- UNFACT a fact that must not be acknowledged [n]
Other tops: NAUTCH 15D 33
Other moves: THUD E11 32, HA 10F 30, NATCH 15D 30, NAUCH 15D 30, NUCHA 15D 30
HA 10F 30 kellybelly
NATCH 15D 30 dragons11
THAT M5 8 albee2411

On 16th draw, REGALITY N8 82 --- REGALITY regal authority [n]
Other moves: EGALITY 14H 78, LEGALITY K8 74, EGALITY M3 32, GAYETY L3 26, GALLEY K6 25
GAILY L4 18 kellybelly
BAGEL 3J 16 albee2411

On 17th draw, DOH 10D 32 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: HIN M13 29, HOI E11 28, HOLING K6 27, NONYL 15K 27, NIGHLY L3 26
DOH 10D 32 kellybelly
HOLING K6 27 albee2411

On 18th draw, KINGPIN 13I 38 --- KINGPIN a central bolt connecting an axle to a vehicle [n]
Other tops: EIK 14D 38
Other moves: KIN M13 33, ENLINK 4J 30, PINKLY L3 30, KINGLY L3 28, PINKY L4 28
EIK 14D 38 kellybelly
LINK K8 16 albee2411

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