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Game of January 8, 2012 at 12:51, 4 players
1. 387 pts charmz
2. 228 pts raggedy01
3. 180 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaefrtv   H4    30    30   faver
 2. deoprtt   5D    94   124   tetrapod
 3. ?gprrsy   L1    41   165   porgy
 4. ahnoosu   1G    36   201   unhoops
 5. afnostu   2J    47   248   foots
 6. adelnru   2B    74   322   lurdane
 7. ?dijntx   O1    82   404   jynx
 8. ceeeins   B2    62   466   licensee
 9. agklnru   8A    42   508   nerka
10. ceimqrw   6J    29   537   we
11. cemnotu   7G    26   563   cement
12. aabdilo   8H    28   591   radial
13. eghlquy   N6    44   635   quey
14. abilstu  10H    86   721   tabulis
15. aeiiorv  H10    30   751   taiver
16. bdeilmo  14H    88   839   emboiled
17. aaehiot  15L    43   882   taha
18. eggioow  11H    25   907   agog
19. eiioowz   E7    34   941   wazoo

Remaining tiles: eiiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6612 Filecharmz      2 16:10  -554  387     1.7104 Stranger    0  7:20  -761  180 
  2.6176 Fileraggedy01   0 18:16  -713  228            Group: intermediate
  3.7104 FileStranger    0  7:20  -761  180     1.6612 charmz      2 16:10  -554  387 
  4.3580 Filelezaryne    0  3:04  -869   72     2.6176 raggedy01   0 18:16  -713  228 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3580 lezaryne    0  3:04  -869   72 

On 1st draw, FAVER H4 30 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FAVER H8 24, FRATE H4 24, FAVER H5 22, FAVER H6 22, FAVER H7 22
FAVER H4 30 charmz
RAVE H6 14 lezaryne

On 2nd draw, TETRAPOD 5D 94 --- TETRAPOD a four-footed animal [n]
Other moves: REPOTTED 7G 66, POTTERED 7B 65, REPOTTED 7B 65, POTTERED 7D 63, ROTATED 5E 32
PORTED G7 22 charmz
DEPORT 7G 14 lezaryne

On 3rd draw, P(O)RGY L1 41 --- PORGY an American sea fish [n]
Other moves: GRYP(E)S L3 39, GR(A)PY L1 39, GR(I)PY L1 39, G(A)SPY L1 39, G(I)PSY L1 39
PR(E)YS L1 36 charmz
GR(E)YS L1 32 lezaryne

On 4th draw, UNHOOPS 1G 36 --- UNHOOP to remove hoops from [v]
Other moves: UNHASP 1G 33, UNHOOP 1G 33, HO(O)NS 2J 30, OPAHS 1K 30, HA 6J 29
OPAHS 1K 30 charmz

On 5th draw, FO(O)TS 2J 47 --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other moves: AFO(O)T 2I 37, UNSOFT 2B 36, FOUATS 4A 34, OAF 2H 34, FO(O)T 2J 31
FRATS 3K 16 charmz
TOAST D1 12 lezaryne

On 6th draw, LURDANE 2B 74 --- LURDANE a lazy or stupid person [n]
Other moves: LAUNDER 2A 72, DENTURAL D2 70, RUNDALE G7 66, DENTURAL F2 65, VADE 6H 26
VADE 6H 26 charmz

On 7th draw, J(Y)NX O1 82 --- JYNX the wryneck, a bird related to the woodpecker [n]
Other moves: V(E)X 6H 56, V(O)X 6H 56, XI 6J 53, X(I) 6J 51, J(E)DI 4A 42
XI 6J 53 charmz

On 8th draw, LICENSEE B2 62 --- LICENSEE one that is licensed [n]
Other moves: CERESINE 8F 61, SCREENIE 8F 61, NIEVES 6E 29, CENSE 4A 26, EEVEN 6F 26
ENS N4 14 raggedy01
CRINES 8G 9 charmz

On 9th draw, NERKA 8A 42 --- NERKA the sockeye salmon [n]
Other moves: LEAK 8A 39, NERK 8A 39, NEUK 8A 39, REAK 8A 39, RENK 8A 39
REAK 8A 39 charmz
ARK N4 26 raggedy01

On 10th draw, WE 6J 29 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: CRIME 4B 28, VIM 6H 28, CREW 4B 27, WEM G7 26, CREM 4B 24
WE 6J 29 charmz
MARE E7 6 raggedy01

On 11th draw, CEMENT 7G 26 --- CEMENT to bind firmly [v]
Other moves: RECTUM C8 25, RECOUNT C8 23, REMOUNT C8 23, CROUTE D1 22, MOC G7 22
REMOUNT C8 23 raggedy01
NET 7J 13 charmz

On 12th draw, RADIAL 8H 28 --- RADIAL a part diverging from a center [n]
Other moves: ABID 8L 27, RADIO 8H 27, ADENOIDAL K4 25, ALBA 8L 24, OBIA 8L 24
ABID 8L 27 Stranger
ABA N4 16 charmz
ABID E8 14 raggedy01

On 13th draw, QUEY N6 44 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: RADIALLY 8H 36, HUGELY N5 31, HYLEG N5 28, HYLE N5 26, LAUGHY E7 26
RADIALLY 8H 36 raggedy01
EH N4 14 Stranger

On 14th draw, TABULIS 10H 86 --- TABULI a Lebanese salad [n]
Other moves: BAILS 10J 34, BAITS 10J 34, BALUS 10J 34, BLATS 10J 34, BUATS 10J 34
BAILS 10J 34 Stranger
AX 4N 9 raggedy01

On 15th draw, TAIVER H10 30 --- TAIVER to wander aimlessly [v]
Other tops: TRIVIA H10 30
Other moves: VIREO 3A 25, ICIER 4A 22, OCREA 4A 22, AERO 11I 20, AIVER 11E 20
VARE 11E 16 Stranger
VERA 11E 16 raggedy01

On 16th draw, EMBOILED 14H 88 --- EMBOIL to burn with anger [v]
Other moves: BEMOILED 14B 80, BEMOILED 14G 80, EMBOILED 14B 80, KIMBOED D8 32, CLIME 4B 28
BUD C1 18 Stranger
MOBILE 12E 10 raggedy01

On 17th draw, TAHA 15L 43 --- TAHA the South African weaver bird [n]
Other moves: HADE O12 36, HIDE O12 36, TAIAHA 11G 36, AHA 15M 34, AHI 15M 34
HIDE O12 36 Stranger, charmz, raggedy01

On 18th draw, AGOG 11H 25 --- AGOG in a state of eager curiosity [adv]
Other moves: WROOT D1 24, EGO 11J 20, WIG 3A 20, WIGGA 11D 20, GIO 11K 18
WROOT D1 24 Stranger
WAGE 11G 15 charmz
WIGGER 15C 12 raggedy01

On 19th draw, WAZOO E7 34 --- WAZOO the anus -- usually considered vulgar [n]
Other moves: L*Z L10 31, WIZ 9E 30, ZEP I3 29, ZILA M12 26, WROOT D1 24
ZILA M12 26 raggedy01
ZERO 15F 17 charmz
ZA E7 11 Stranger

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