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Game of January 8, 2012 at 15:07, 4 players
1. 637 pts PIThompson
2. 151 pts kellybelly
3. 142 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beipqrz   H4    38    38   prize
 2. ?aaisuy   9B    78   116   yautias
 3. giklost   D8    28   144   kutis
 4. ?aadeww   8A    49   193   walked
 5. cehlort   5E   102   295   chortler
 6. eegorvy   J5    75   370   levogyre
 7. definou   4K    31   401   found
 8. aefhitw  12H    36   437   wheft
 9. aellnox   N2    56   493   annex
10. adenorr  11I    29   522   oread
11. deioort   O4    32   554   dried
12. agilost   2H    61   615   otalgias
13. gijmnos   1D    69   684   jingo
14. abcinor   2A    29   713   bacon
15. eeiilns   M7    24   737   neelds
16. aemmrtu  13G    29   766   mem
17. aaiorrt   A1    27   793   abator
18. ilnqrtu  C11    41   834   quint
19. beilruv  14B    38   872   unlive

Remaining tiles: bipr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7708 FilePIThompson  8 22:01  -235  637     1.7708 PIThompson  8 22:01  -235  637 
  2.7303 Filekellybelly  1  4:36  -721  151     2.7303 kellybelly  1  4:36  -721  151 
  3.5285 Filecailah      1  4:38  -730  142            Group: novice
  4.5417 Fileleobill     1  1:58  -811   61     1.5285 cailah      1  4:38  -730  142 
                                             2.5417 leobill     1  1:58  -811   61 

On 1st draw, PRIZE H4 38 --- PRIZE to value highly [v]
Other tops: BRIZE H4 38
Other moves: BRIZE H8 34, PRIZE H8 34, BRIZE H5 32, BRIZE H6 32, BRIZE H7 32
PRIZE H4 38 PIThompson, leobill

On 2nd draw, YAU(T)IAS 9B 78 --- YAUTIA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: UPA(D)AISY 4G 74, RU(F)IYAAS 5H 70, YAU(T)IAS G8 66, SU(R)PRIZE H1 54, (D)ISPRIZE H1 54
(Q)UAYS 9D 28 PIThompson
S(T)AY 9H 23 leobill

On 3rd draw, KUTIS D8 28 --- KUTI female dog (India) [n]
Other tops: GLOT(T)IS E5 28
Other moves: GLISK 6F 24, KO 8A 23, POLKS 4H 22, KOIS 10A 21, KOIS 8C 21
POLKS 4H 22 PIThompson

On 4th draw, WA(L)KED 8A 49 --- WALK to advance on foot [v]
Other tops: AWA(I)(T)ED E5 49, W*(N)K*D 8A 49
Other moves: AWARDE(D) 5E 40, AWARDE(E) 5E 40, AWARDE(R) 5E 40, AWARD(E)E 5E 40, AWAR(D)ED 5E 40
W*(N)K*D 8A 49 PIThompson

On 5th draw, CHORTLER 5E 102 --- CHORTLER one that chortles [n]
Other moves: CHORTLER 5A 76, CHLORITE 6C 67, CLOTHIER 6C 67, CHORTLE 5E 48, POTCHER 4H 28
CHORTLER 5E 52 PIThompson

On 6th draw, LEVOGYRE J5 75 --- LEVOGYRE turning toward the left [adj]
Other moves: VERREY L3 32, YEVE 4K 29, YOGEE 4K 29, ORGY 4L 28, OVERLY J1 28
YEVE 4K 29 PIThompson

On 7th draw, FOUND 4K 31 --- FOUND to establish [v]
Other moves: FE 10F 30, FIEND E11 30, FINED E11 30, FONDU E11 30, FOUDRIE L1 30
FOUND 4K 31 PIThompson, kellybelly

On 8th draw, WHEFT 12H 36 --- WHEFT an ensign, flag or signal [n]
Other moves: WITHE 6B 35, WHID O1 33, WHARFIE 11G 32, THIEF E11 31, DAFTIE O4 30
WHEFT 12H 36 PIThompson
WHID O1 33 kellybelly

On 9th draw, ANNEX N2 56 --- ANNEX to join or attach [v]
Other moves: OX 3L 39, AXED O1 36, NEXT 10A 30, NOXAL E11 30, AERO 11H 28
OX 3L 39 PIThompson, kellybelly

On 10th draw, OREAD 11I 29 --- OREAD a mountain nymph in Greek mythology [n]
Other moves: AERO 11H 28, AREDD O1 28, READD O1 28, AWNED H11 27, OWNED H11 27
ROARED 11J 26 PIThompson
WORD H12 24 kellybelly

On 11th draw, DRIED O4 32 --- DRY to remove the moisture from [v]
Other moves: DIODE O1 27, VOIDER 7J 25, IRED O6 24, OROIDE 8J 24, TRODE O1 24
DRIED O4 32 PIThompson
IRED O6 24 kellybelly

On 12th draw, OTALGIAS 2H 61 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other moves: GADSO M9 33, GASLIT N9 25, WAGS H12 24, WIGS H12 24, W*GS H12 24
WAGS H12 24 PIThompson

On 13th draw, JINGO 1D 69 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other tops: JONGS 1D 69
Other moves: JOINS 1D 66, JIN 1H 61, JIMSON 1C 54, J*SM 1E 51, J*SM 1G 51
JIN 1H 61 PIThompson

On 14th draw, BACON 2A 29 --- BACON a side of a pig cured and smoked [n]
Other moves: TABI 10D 28, WARB H12 27, BARON 2A 25, RACON 2A 25, TAB 10D 25
BACON 2A 29 PIThompson
CRAN 2B 23 cailah

On 15th draw, NEELDS M7 24 --- NEELD a needle [n]
Other moves: ENSILE N9 23, EILDS M8 22, JOES D1 22, JOIN D1 22, JOLE D1 22
LENDS M8 22 PIThompson
LIDS M9 21 cailah

On 16th draw, MEM 13G 29 --- MEM a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: AM 1A 28, MM 10F 28, TAME 10D 28, WAME H12 27, WARM H12 27
MEM 13G 29 PIThompson
MATE C11 18 cailah

On 17th draw, ABATOR A1 27 --- ABATOR one that unlawfully seizes an inheritance [n]
Other moves: ABORT A1 24, JOTA D1 22, ABRI A1 21, OBIA A1 21, OBIT A1 21
ABORT A1 24 PIThompson, cailah

On 18th draw, QUINT C11 41 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other tops: QUILT C11 41, QUIRT C11 41
Other moves: QUIN C11 39, QUIT C11 39, QI 14F 35, QUILT 11B 28, QUINT 11B 28
QUILT C11 41 PIThompson, cailah

On 19th draw, UNLIVE 14B 38 --- UNLIVE to live so as to make amends for [v]
Other moves: BUTLER 15A 27, JOBE D1 26, BLUE B12 25, BE 10F 24, BI 10F 24
BLUE B12 25 PIThompson
BUT 15A 15 cailah

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