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Game of January 8, 2012 at 15:53, 2 players
1. 486 pts jimbo
2. 385 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aacddl   H2    76    76   decadal
 2. ?afhlst   3C    84   160   farthels
 3. eginrtv   5D    98   258   vintager
 4. bdenrsy   L1    41   299   bydes
 5. adehiio   6H    31   330   doh
 6. adimnot   M2    25   355   aim
 7. aaenotu   N1    22   377   ten
 8. belorvy   O3    59   436   overby
 9. aeknrtu   N5    29   465   reak
10. aelmpsu   G8    67   532   ampules
11. aceepuw  14B    32   564   auceps
12. iiinorw  15A    25   589   own
13. deginor  11F    70   659   gueridon
14. efilotz   2B    46   705   fez
15. ejrstux  10G    58   763   prex
16. innoost   8A    27   790   notional
17. agiortu   L8    72   862   autogiro
18. aejloqw   1A    32   894   jo
19. eilqstw  14I    34   928   twires
20. aeiilqu   A5    68   996   quiniela

Remaining tile: i

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5861 Filejimbo       2 15:21  -510  486     1.5861 jimbo       2 15:21  -510  486 
  2.5297 Filecailah      1 20:41  -611  385     2.5297 cailah      1 20:41  -611  385 

On 1st draw, D(E)CADAL H2 76 --- DECADAL pertaining to a decade [adj] --- DECADE a period of ten years [adj]
Other moves: D(E)CADAL H4 74, D(E)CADAL H8 74, D(E)CADAL H6 72, D(E)CADAL H7 72, D(E)CADAL H3 70
CLAD(S) H4 20 jimbo, cailah

On 2nd draw, FA(R)TH(E)LS 3C 84 --- FARTHEL an oatmeal cake [n]
Other tops: FLA(S)H(E)ST 3C 84
Other moves: FLASH(E)(S)T 3C 82, HATF(U)LS G7 79, HATF(U)LS I7 79, HATSF(U)L G7 79, HATSF(U)L I7 79
HALFS I7 27 cailah
SHAFT(E)D 6B 17 jimbo

On 3rd draw, VINTAGER 5D 98 --- VINTAGER one that harvests wine grapes [n]
AVERTING D3 76 jimbo
DRIVE 6H 11 cailah

On 4th draw, BYDES L1 41 --- BYDE to bide (Chaucer) [v]
Other moves: BREYS L1 39, BYRES L1 39, YERDS L1 39, BENDS L1 35, BREDS L1 35
BENDS L1 35 jimbo
SEND L5 20 cailah

On 5th draw, DOH 6H 31 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: OBEAH 1K 30, AIDOI 2B 29, HE 6J 28, HOAED 2D 26, HADE G7 25
ABIDE 1K 24 jimbo, cailah

On 6th draw, AIM M2 25 --- AIM to direct toward a specified object or goal [v]
Other tops: AMIDO 2A 25
Other moves: BIMA 1L 24, BOMA 1L 24, AID M2 22, AMID 2A 22, AMINO 2A 22
BAND 1L 21 cailah
BINT 1L 18 jimbo

On 7th draw, TEN N1 22 --- TEN a number [n]
Other tops: NET N1 22
Other moves: EN N2 20, ET N2 20, ATONE 2A 18, ODEA 2G 18, AE N1 16
YATE 2L 14 cailah
NAT 7G 10 jimbo

On 8th draw, OVERBY O3 59 --- OVERBY a little way over [adv]
Other moves: OVERLY O3 53, OVERLAY 7C 30, BEVY G7 28, BLEY 2A 28, BREY 2A 28
BEY G7 24 jimbo
OVER I8 13 cailah

On 9th draw, REAK N5 29 --- REAK to care [v]
Other tops: TEAK N5 29
Other moves: KANE G7 27, KANT G7 27, KARN G7 27, KART G7 27, KENT G7 27
KANE G7 27 cailah
TANKER F3 20 jimbo

On 10th draw, AMPULES G8 67 --- AMPULE a small sealed glass [n]
Other tops: AMPULES I8 67
Other moves: ULEMAS 2A 34, SAMPLE M8 32, MELAS 2B 30, PELAS 2B 30, MAPLES G7 25
MAPLES G7 25 cailah
PLUMES 9I 23 jimbo

On 11th draw, AUCEPS 14B 32 --- AUCEPS a hawker [n]
Other moves: WEEP 2A 27, CEPE 2B 26, PEACES 14B 24, CEP 2B 23, AWEE 2A 21
WEEPS 14C 16 jimbo
PACE I8 14 cailah

On 12th draw, OWN 15A 25 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other moves: WIN 15A 22, WINO 2B 22, OW 15A 20, WIN 2B 19, WON 2B 19
OWN 15A 25 jimbo, cailah

On 13th draw, GUERIDON 11F 70 --- GUERIDON a small ornate stand or table [n]
Other moves: PROIGNED 10G 68, ERODING I8 64, DOURINE 11E 32, NEUROID 11E 32, REGIONAL 8A 30
DINGER E10 16 jimbo
REAKING N5 14 cailah

On 14th draw, FEZ 2B 46 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other tops: FIZ 2B 46, FLOOZIE L8 46
Other moves: TOZE 2B 43, FEZ 12L 42, FLOOZIE L9 40, L*Z 2B 40, FOOZLE L10 38
ZIT J10 32 jimbo
ZONE M9 23 cailah

On 15th draw, PREX 10G 58 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: EX 10I 52, SEX 12J 43, TEX 12J 43, GOXES I5 42, JET 1A 41
SEX 12J 43 cailah
EXIST J9 28 jimbo

On 16th draw, NOTIONAL 8A 27 --- NOTION a general idea [adj] --- NOTIONAL relating to notion [adj]
Other moves: TONICS D10 26, STOLON 12D 24, SIN 12J 23, SON 12J 23, LINS 12G 22
SIN 12J 23 jimbo
SOT 1A 20 cailah

On 17th draw, AUTOGIRO L8 72 --- AUTOGIRO a type of aircraft [n]
Other moves: AUTOGIRO B5 63, TAILOR 12D 24, ARGULI 12C 23, GIT 1A 23, GOR 1A 23
GOR 1A 23 jimbo
OUT 12M 6 cailah

On 18th draw, JO 1A 32 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: WILJA 13K 30, TAJ 10L 28, JARL 14J 27, JAR 14J 26, JOR 14J 26
JO 1A 32 jimbo

On 19th draw, TWIRES 14I 34 --- TWIRE to peer [v]
Other tops: TWIRLS 14I 34
Other moves: WIRES 14J 32, QIS 4A 28, WILIEST 13I 28, EWT 13A 27, SWELT N11 27
STEW N11 25 cailah
TOWEL 15K 24 jimbo

On 20th draw, QUINIELA A5 68 --- QUINIELA quinella [n]
Other moves: QI 15H 35, QUAIL 12C 31, EQUALI 13G 26, QI 7D 24, QUEAN A4 24
QAT C6 13 cailah

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