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Game of January 8, 2012 at 16:41, 1 player
1. 224 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aelmot   H4    72    72   matelot
 2. eefrsuy   G7    41   113   feyer
 3. eeoqrsu   4H    90   203   moresque
 4. ?abelno   O1   131   334   bonemeal
 5. aabceht  11E    53   387   abreact
 6. acdiort   N8    84   471   arctoid
 7. efiioru   M2    34   505   fique
 8. adinouy  F10    36   541   ybound
 9. aeiiltv  15F    98   639   dilative
10. aenppst   J2    70   709   parpents
11. dhiorsu   L7    34   743   rudish
12. eklnotz   I3    48   791   zol
13. ehiikor  O12    59   850   hoik
14. aemnnrv  14A    22   872   vanmen
15. deginrs   K1    41   913   reges
16. adgirtw   C9    32   945   warding
17. gijnoot  B10    52   997   jo
18. innotwx  14I    27  1024   nix

Remaining tiles: ginotw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5293 Filecailah      0  8:12  -800  224     1.5293 cailah      0  8:12  -800  224 

On 1st draw, MA(T)ELOT H4 72 --- MATELOT a seaman [n]
Other tops: LOME(N)TA H2 72, MALTO(S)E H4 72, MATELO(T) H4 72, MOLE(R)AT H4 72, OME(N)TAL H3 72, TELAMO(N) H8 72, (C)AMELOT H2 72
Other moves: LOME(N)TA H3 68, LOME(N)TA H4 68, LOME(N)TA H6 68, LOME(N)TA H7 68, MALTO(S)E H2 68

On 2nd draw, FEYER G7 41 --- FEY slightly mad [adj]
Other moves: FEYS G7 40, FEY G7 37, FEYER 11E 31, FEYER 11G 31, REEFY 11G 31
REEFY I9 21 cailah

On 3rd draw, MORESQUE 4H 90 --- MORESQUE an ancient decorative style [n]
Other moves: QUEERS I3 43, QUEER I3 39, QUEERS 11C 39, MOSQUE 4H 34, (T)OQUES 6H 34
QUEERS 11C 39 cailah

On 4th draw, BONE(M)EAL O1 131 --- BONEMEAL fertilizer or feed made from crushed bone [n]
Other moves: BEAN(P)OLE O3 77, O(P)ENABLE O2 77, O(V)ENABLE O2 77, BALONE(Y) I9 76, BEAN(P)OLE K3 68
BANE 3I 22 cailah

On 5th draw, ABREACT 11E 53 --- ABREACT to release repressed emotions by reliving the original traumatic experience [v]
Other moves: BEACH N6 40, BATCH F10 39, BEACH F10 39, BEATH N6 38, BEATH F10 37
BEACH N6 40 cailah

On 6th draw, ARCTOID N8 84 --- ARCTOID bearlike [adj]
Other moves: DICTATOR K6 61, DICTATOR K8 61, CARDIO 12A 30, CARDIO 2J 30, DOUAR N2 29
TRACE 6K 13 cailah

On 7th draw, FIQUE M2 34 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: ROQUE M2 28, FER O13 26, FEU O13 26, FIE O13 26, FIR O13 26
FOR O13 26 cailah

On 8th draw, YBOUND F10 36 --- BIND to tie or secure [v]
Other moves: AUDIO O11 32, OUNDY 12B 28, DAY O13 27, DOY O13 27, UDON O12 27
DAY O13 27 cailah

On 9th draw, DILATIVE 15F 98 --- DILATIVE tending to dilate [adj]
Other moves: VAILED 15A 33, VIALED 15A 33, DATIVE 15F 30, DAVIT 15F 27, DEVIL 15F 27
VITAL K9 8 cailah

On 10th draw, PARPENTS J2 70 --- PARPENT a partition [n]
Other moves: SNAP O12 29, STAP O12 29, STEP O12 29, ANTES O11 28, APP M11 28
PAPS 7J 28 cailah

On 11th draw, RUDISH L7 34 --- RUDISH somewhat rude [adj]
Other moves: HEID K3 32, HEIR K3 29, OHOS I2 29, SHOE M12 29, DISH L9 28

On 12th draw, ZOL I3 48 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other moves: ZA 3I 42, ZO I3 42, ZEK 14I 39, ZEKS L1 38, ZONULET 13C 36

On 13th draw, HOIK O12 59 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other moves: HOER O12 47, RALPH 5G 30, OH M12 26, OIK O13 26, HIE M13 25

On 14th draw, VANMEN 14A 22 --- VANMAN a person who drives a van [n]
Other moves: AR N1 20, MAVEN 14B 20, VANMEN 14D 19, MANURE 13C 18, NAM 14I 17

On 15th draw, REGES K1 41 --- REX a king [n]
Other moves: DERVS A11 30, DEVS A12 30, DIVE A12 30, DIVS A12 30, DRIVE A11 30

On 16th draw, WARDING C9 32 --- WARD to turn aside [v] --- WARDING the act of guarding [n]
Other moves: DIVA A12 30, DAWTING C9 28, DRAWING C9 28, RIVA A12 24, DARTING C9 22

On 17th draw, JO B10 52 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JIGOT B6 40, JIG 14I 29, JAG 10B 27, JOG D8 27, JAI 10B 26

On 18th draw, NIX 14I 27 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: TIX 14I 27
Other moves: NOW D8 25, TOW D8 25, OW D9 23, OX A11 20, TUX 13E 20

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