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Game of January 8, 2012 at 23:38, 2 players
1. 158 pts Andy1990
2. 59 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?celmry   H6    84    84   camelry
 2. anorttu   6D    64   148   turncoat
 3. deeilno   K4    86   234   entoiled
 4. ?cehlqw   8J    48   282   wiches
 5. abdeqst   L1    50   332   qats
 6. agginst   O1    83   415   stagings
 7. abfinox   5B    48   463   faix
 8. adelnuv   M6    84   547   unhalved
 9. deoprtw   9B    68   615   powtered
10. aegiost   8A    36   651   togae
11. aehjmnr   4A    51   702   jean
12. deeikuv  L12    37   739   deek
13. abeilop  15K    33   772   okapi
14. afinryz  J10    43   815   fairy
15. eimnoru   3C    32   847   murine
16. beiosuz   H1    42   889   zees
17. bhiorsv   I1    33   922   ohs
18. biilorv   2E    22   944   ob
19. biioruv   1E    27   971   borzoi

Remaining tiles: iiluv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5703 FileAndy1990    2  6:25  -813  158     1.6635 iwhist      0  3:01  -912   59 
  2.6635 Fileiwhist      0  3:01  -912   59            Group: novice
                                             1.5703 Andy1990    2  6:25  -813  158 

On 1st draw, C(A)MELRY H6 84 --- CAMELRY troops mounted on camels [n]
Other moves: C(A)MELRY H2 82, C(A)MELRY H4 82, C(A)MELRY H7 78, C(A)MELRY H8 78, C(A)MELRY H3 76
C(A)LMY H8 30 iwhist

On 2nd draw, TURNCOAT 6D 64 --- TURNCOAT a traitor [n]
Other moves: TAUNT G9 19, TAUON G9 19, NOTARY 12C 18, TROUTY 12C 18, TYRANT 12G 18
TORA G7 17 iwhist

On 3rd draw, ENTOILED K4 86 --- ENTOIL to ensnare [v]
Other moves: DELETION D2 70, ENTOILED D4 70, DELETION K2 68, NIELLOED 10D 63, NIELLOED 10E 63
DONE I5 12 iwhist

On 4th draw, WICHE(S) 8J 48 --- WICH a tree [n]
Other moves: Q(U)ETCH D3 46, WELCH J10 45, CHEQ(U)Y 12C 44, WE(L)CH J10 44, WE(N)CH J10 44

On 5th draw, QATS L1 50 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BASQUED E2 38, BASQUE E2 34, QAT J2 34, SQUAB E4 32, BASED J10 31

On 6th draw, STAGING(S) O1 83 --- STAGING a temporary platform [n]
Other moves: GHASTING M7 82, (S)TAGINGS O8 80, NAGGIEST N3 66, SNAGGIEST 4E 63, GRATINGS F5 62

On 7th draw, FAIX 5B 48 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other moves: FAX 5C 46, FIX 5C 46, CAXON L8 42, NIX 5C 40, AX 5D 38

On 8th draw, UNHALVED M6 84 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [adj] --- UNHALVED not halved [adj]
Other moves: VELD 4A 39, VEND 4A 39, VEAL 4A 35, VELA 4A 35, VENA 4A 35

On 9th draw, POWTERED 9B 68 --- POWTER to poke [v]
Other moves: WEPT 4A 41, DOWP L12 35, POWDER J10 33, POWRED J10 33, WEPT J10 33

On 10th draw, TOGAE 8A 36 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: TOGAS 8A 36
Other moves: IOTAS 8A 32, TOGA 8A 31, ITAS M1 28, GEAT 4A 27, GETA 4A 27

On 11th draw, JEAN 4A 51 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: HEJRA J10 41, HAREM J10 40, HAJ L12 39, HAEM L12 37, HAJ J10 37

On 12th draw, DEEK L12 37 --- DEEK look at that [interj]
Other moves: DEEV L12 33, DINKER G4 30, DUNKER G4 30, DEKE L12 29, DIKE L12 29

On 13th draw, OKAPI 15K 33 --- OKAPI an African ruminant mammal [n]
Other tops: BLEAK 15H 33
Other moves: KELP 15L 30, KEPI 15L 30, KIBE 15L 30, KILP 15L 30, KIPE 15L 30
BLEAK 15H 33 Andy1990

On 14th draw, FAIRY J10 43 --- FAIRY an imaginary supernatural being [n]
Other moves: FRANZY 12C 42, NAZIFY 12C 42, FIZ J10 39, AREFY B2 38, IZAR J1 36
ZA N3 25 Andy1990

On 15th draw, MURINE 3C 32 --- MURINE any of the family of small rodents [n]
Other tops: MUREIN 3C 32
Other moves: MUIR 3C 26, MUNI 3C 26, MUON 3C 26, MURE 3C 26, MUN 3C 24

On 16th draw, ZEES H1 42 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: BEZ 2H 38, BIZ 2H 38, ZEE H1 36, ZEAS 2J 33, ZEA 2J 32
ZEES H1 42 Andy1990

On 17th draw, OHS I1 33 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: HOERS 2F 33
Other moves: HIES 2F 30, HOER 2F 30, HOES 2F 30, HIE 2F 29, HOE 2F 29
HIES 2F 30 Andy1990

On 18th draw, OB 2E 22 --- OB an objection [n]
Other tops: IVORY 12D 22
Other moves: OB 14N 20, BORZOI 1E 17, VIZOR 1F 17, BI M2 16, BO M2 16
BIRO G12 14 Andy1990

On 19th draw, BORZOI 1E 27 --- BORZOI a Russian hound [n]
Other moves: IVORY 12D 22, OB 14N 20, RIVO 1C 19, ORZO 1F 18, OUZO 1F 18
BIRO G12 14 Andy1990

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