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Game sheet of spellcheck (file), Game of January 9, 2012 at 12:31

Word find
Word played
1 ??AEIJW             JAW(L)I(N)E H4 96 96  
2 AEIKLMP             MAPLIKE G8 81 177  
3 ADEFNRR             INFRARED 12G 76 253  
4 ADEEOSV             EVADES O7 47 300  
5 AEEILOS             EALES I6 27 327  
6 ACGPRUX             CRUX J3 58 385  
7 AILPTUU             JURAT 4H 24 409  
8 AIOPRUY             YAP 11K 32 441  
9 EIOORSW SORTIE L1 7 -32 7 1/1 WERO 13K 39 480 1/1
10 ABDEFST SATED 14K 40 -42 47 1/1 BEDFAST N1 82 562 1/1
11 BDHIMOR CHI 3J 15 -57 62 1/1 BIRTHDOM L1 72 634 1/1
12 EGINORT NONE H12 20 -27 82 1/1 ENGIRT 14J 47 681 1/1
13 AEGILOT BABE 1L 24 -54 106 1/1 GOATLIKE 13A 78 759 1/1
14 GINOSTV VOTINGS A8 36   142 1/1 STOVING A7   795 1/1
15 HINNOTU NINTH D10 16 -16 158 1/1 OH O1 32 827 1/1
16 EGINQTZ SIZE 7A 23 -25 181 1/1 ZINEB 1H 48 875 1/1
17 CGINOQU QUIT D10 26 -10 207 1/1 COQUINA 5B 36 911 1/1
18 ILNOTUY QUIN D5 14 -23 221 1/1 OILY 15H 37 948 1/1

Total: 221/948 or -727 for 23.31%
Rank: 4687

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