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Game of January 9, 2012 at 14:03, 5 players
1. 344 pts kellybelly
2. 213 pts strykyster
3. 99 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeilmu   H8    20    20   ileum
 2. ?ceiouy  12H    24    44   myotic
 3. inoprru   7F    20    64   inpour
 4. aeiorsz   9F    70   134   solarize
 5. hiorstw  10B    97   231   worthies
 6. ?efioss   L1    85   316   froises
 7. adehlvx   6D    54   370   vex
 8. adilnor   C8    70   440   doornail
 9. beglott   8A    33   473   bodge
10. abegqtt   J6    53   526   quart
11. abdentw   1J    39   565   wafted
12. aeknouy  15A    48   613   yelk
13. aceggnt  10L    25   638   ance
14. adefint   O9    36   674   feinted
15. abeglrt  14J    30   704   beagle
16. ademott  15G    39   743   domett
17. aehlruv   3H    28   771   haveour
18. agilnpr   4C    80   851   graplin

Remaining tiles: ajnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7301 Filekellybelly  3  7:52  -507  344     1.7301 kellybelly  3  7:52  -507  344 
  2.5109 Filestrykyster  1 13:35  -638  213            Group: intermediate
  3.5839 Filejimbo       0  3:18  -752   99     1.6495 dabbler     0  0:55  -827   24 
  4.5601 Filetonikay     0  3:00  -792   59            Group: novice
  5.6495 Filedabbler     0  0:55  -827   24     1.5109 strykyster  1 13:35  -638  213 
                                             2.5839 jimbo       0  3:18  -752   99 
                                             3.5601 tonikay     0  3:00  -792   59 

On 1st draw, ILEUM H8 20 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other tops: EMULE(D) H3 20, EMULE(S) H3 20, EMUL(G)E H3 20, IL(L)UME H8 20, I(L)LUME H8 20, LE(G)UME H8 20, MEI(K)LE H4 20, ME(A)LIE H4 20, MIEL(I)E H4 20, MIL(I)EU H4 20, MUE(S)LI H4 20, M(I)ELIE H4 20, M(I)LIEU H4 20, U(N)LIME H8 20, (D)ELIME H8 20, (H)ELIUM H7 20, (P)ILEUM H7 20, (R)ELUME H8 20, (T)ELIUM H7 20
Other moves: ILE(U)M H8 18, IL(E)UM H8 18, IL(I)UM H8 18, I(L)EUM H8 18, LE(D)UM H8 18

On 2nd draw, MYO(T)IC 12H 24 --- MYOTIC an agent that causes miosis [n]
Other tops: MIC(K)EY 12H 24, MYO(P)IC 12H 24, (L)YCEUM 12C 24
Other moves: ME(R)CY 12H 22, MIC(K)Y 12H 22, MI(N)CY 12H 22, MOC(H)Y 12H 22, MUC(K)Y 12H 22

On 3rd draw, INPOUR 7F 20 --- INPOUR to pour in [v]
Other tops: UPON 13I 20
Other moves: ORPIN 7F 19, UPRUN 11E 19, NIP 11J 18, OUP 11J 18, PRION 7H 18

On 4th draw, SOLARIZE 9F 70 --- SOLARIZE to expose to sunlight [v]
Other moves: ZOECIA M9 54, SEIZOR 8J 52, ZAIRES 8A 50, RAZES N8 47, RIZAS N8 47

On 5th draw, WORTHIES 10B 97 --- WORTHY a worthy person [n] --- WORTHY to make worthy [v]
Other moves: WORTHIES M3 86, WISHT N10 51, WISHT 13J 44, WITHS 13J 44, WISH 13J 42

On 6th draw, F(R)OISES L1 85 --- FROISE a thick pancake [n]
Other moves: F(L)OOSIES C7 80, F(L)OSSIE N5 79, F(R)OISES N3 79, F(R)OISES N5 79, SOF(T)IES L1 79
OF 10L 21 strykyster

On 7th draw, VEX 6D 54 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: HEX 6D 54
Other moves: AXE 6E 53, DEX 6D 52, LAX 6D 51, LEX 6D 51, AX 6E 50
HOXED C9 40 strykyster

On 8th draw, DOORNAIL C8 70 --- DOORNAIL a large headed nail [n]
Other moves: INFOLD 1J 30, LARDON N6 30, INROAD N4 28, LAROID N4 28, ANDRO N7 27
FAND 1L 24 kellybelly
FOAL 1L 21 strykyster

On 9th draw, BODGE 8A 33 --- BODGE to botch [v]
Other moves: BODLE 8A 27, LODGE 8A 27, BOTT M3 26, BODE 8A 24, BO(R)EL 2J 24
BODE 8A 24 kellybelly, strykyster

On 10th draw, QUART J6 53 --- QUART a liquid measure of capacity [n]
Other moves: BELGA 15A 30, BA(R)GE 2J 26, QATS 5I 26, TUART J6 26, ABLET 15A 24
QUART J6 53 kellybelly
QI 14B 22 jimbo
BOAT 3K 12 strykyster

On 11th draw, WAFTED 1J 39 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: AWNED N5 36, BAWD N6 35, WAND N6 35, WEND N6 35, WA(R)DEN 2J 34
WAFTED 1J 39 kellybelly
WALED 15A 30 jimbo
TAXI F4 11 strykyster

On 12th draw, YELK 15A 48 --- YELK the yellow part of a bird or reptile [n]
Other tops: YOLK 15A 48
Other moves: KYLOE 15A 39, OULK 15A 39, KYLE 15A 36, YAK 8M 35, YOK 8M 35
YOLK 15A 48 kellybelly, strykyster
ONLY 15A 33 jimbo

On 13th draw, ANCE 10L 25 --- ANCE once [adv]
Other moves: CAGOT 3I 22, ENCAGE N1 22, G(R)ATE 2K 22, CANG 12A 20, CANOE 3I 20
G(R)ATE 2K 22 kellybelly
TAG 8M 14 jimbo
DECANT O1 10 strykyster

On 14th draw, FEINTED O9 36 --- FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v]
Other tops: DEFIANT O9 36
Other moves: DEFEAT O7 33, FADEIN O7 33, FAINTED O5 33, FEINTED O5 33, FIEND O8 33
FEATED O6 30 kellybelly
FOE 3K 12 strykyster

On 15th draw, BEAGLE 14J 30 --- BEAGLE a small hound [n] --- BEAGLE to hunt with beagles [v]
Other tops: BAREGE 14J 30, BARGEE 14J 30
Other moves: RET(R)AL 2I 29, BELATE 14J 28, BERATE 14J 28, GARBLE 14J 26, GLEBAE 14J 26
BANGER 12A 24 kellybelly
CAB M12 14 strykyster

On 16th draw, DOMETT 15G 39 --- DOMETT a type of plain cloth [n]
Other moves: MATTED 15F 34, MOATED 15F 34, TET(R)AD 2I 33, MATED 15G 31, MOTED 15G 31
MATTED 15F 34 kellybelly
MADE 15G 25 tonikay

On 17th draw, HAVEOUR 3H 28 --- HAVEOUR behaviour [n]
Other tops: HALVE 2F 28
Other moves: AHI 14A 27, VALOUR 3I 26, VELOUR 3I 26, VALUE 2F 25, VALOR 3I 24
HOVER 3K 22 kellybelly
HAVE 2G 19 tonikay

On 18th draw, GRAPLIN 4C 80 --- GRAPLIN a type of anchor [n]
Other moves: PAGRI 4D 24, PAH H1 24, PANING 12A 24, PINANG 12A 24, EARING N1 22
PAH H1 24 kellybelly, dabbler
PAIN 4F 15 tonikay

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