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Game of January 9, 2012 at 14:47, 3 players
1. 618 pts dabbler
2. 588 pts tonikay
3. 348 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abgops   H8    78    78   postbag
 2. ?ddituu  15D    54   132   duits
 3. ddeorvw  13H    34   166   avowed
 4. efilmst   L8    86   252   fistmele
 5. eilnrst   M2    71   323   snirtle
 6. acefhno  14J    53   376   felon
 7. aaeghiv  14F    30   406   hag
 8. aceopqs  O11    39   445   copse
 9. acinnor   5G    70   515   naricorn
10. aehnoux   I7    46   561   hex
11. abeikqy   G5    49   610   niqab
12. aeknoru   H1    42   652   nerka
13. adimruy   J7    33   685   ary
14. aeilrwy   2J    34   719   warsle
15. aegituy   1N    32   751   ay
16. adelrtu   8L    24   775   feud
17. adeglmv   4L    24   799   gied
18. agortuu   2A    76   875   outargue
19. ailnotz   E1    84   959   trizonal
20. eijmotv   1A    61  1020   joe
21. eeiimtv   4C    30  1050   meze

Remaining tiles: iiitv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6504 Filedabbler     4 24:31  -432  618     1.7726 PIThompson  3  7:21  -702  348 
  2.5601 Filetonikay     3 26:32  -462  588            Group: intermediate
  3.7726 FilePIThompson  3  7:21  -702  348     1.6504 dabbler     4 24:31  -432  618 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5601 tonikay     3 26:32  -462  588 

On 1st draw, POS(T)BAG H8 78 --- POSTBAG a mailbag [n]
Other tops: POS(T)BAG H4 78
Other moves: POS(T)BAG H6 76, POS(T)BAG H2 74, POS(T)BAG H3 74, POS(T)BAG H7 74, POS(T)BAG H5 72
BA(R)PS H4 22 PIThompson
PAG(E)S H4 20 dabbler
SP(R)OG H4 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, DUIT(S) 15D 54 --- DUIT an old Dutch coin [n]
Other moves: DID(S)T 15E 51, DUD(S) 15E 48, (S)UDD 15H 48, DIT(S) 15E 45, DU(S)T 15F 45
DUIT(S) 15D 54 PIThompson, dabbler
(S)TUD 15H 45 tonikay

On 3rd draw, AVOWED 13H 34 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: AVOWER 13H 32, VOW G7 30, VOW I7 30, REDOWA 13C 28, VROW G6 28
VOW G7 30 PIThompson
VOWED D11 24 dabbler
WOVE 14A 23 tonikay

On 4th draw, FISTMELE L8 86 --- FISTMELE a measure of length equal to the breadth of a fist [n]
Other moves: FISTMELE L6 78, FILEMOTS 9C 71, FILEMOTS J8 67, FILMSETS 10A 67, FILMSETS 10D 67
METIS 14J 46 PIThompson
FILM 12L 37 tonikay
FET 14J 34 dabbler

On 5th draw, SNIRTLE M2 71 --- SNIRTLE to snicker [v]
Other moves: SNIRTLED D8 70, SNIRTLE K2 69, SLINTER I3 67, SNIRTLE I2 63, RETINOLS J8 62
INFERS 8J 27 PIThompson
SEW K11 20 tonikay
SLINTER I3 17 dabbler

On 6th draw, FELON 14J 53 --- FELON a person who has committed a felony [n]
Other moves: CHAFE N1 45, CHEF N1 41, HELO 14J 36, HOLE 14J 36, CHIEF 4K 34
HOLE 14J 36 PIThompson
FENCE 15K 30 dabbler
CHE N1 28 tonikay

On 7th draw, HAG 14F 30 --- HAG to hack [v]
Other moves: GEISHA 2J 28, HAVE N8 27, HIVE N8 27, AAH L2 26, AGAVE N7 26
HAG 14F 30 PIThompson
HAVE N8 27 tonikay
HIVED D11 24 dabbler

On 8th draw, COPSE O11 39 --- COPSE a coppice [n] --- COPSE to cut back trees [v]
Other moves: CASE O12 36, COSE O12 36, PASE O12 36, PESO O12 36, POSE O12 36
CASE O12 36 PIThompson
PESO O12 36 dabbler
PACES I5 20 tonikay

On 9th draw, NARICORN 5G 70 --- NARICORN the end of a bird's nostril [n]
Other moves: CONDUIT(S) 15A 30, CANSO 2J 26, CIAO L1 26, NARIC 13B 22, CONIA G7 21
FERN 8L 21 PIThompson
FEAR 8L 21 dabbler
OWE K12 10 tonikay

On 10th draw, HEX I7 46 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other tops: HOX I7 46
Other moves: EXO I8 41, EXO L3 40, NOX I7 40, OXO L3 40, XOANA H1 39
HEX I7 46 PIThompson, dabbler
HOX I7 46 tonikay

On 11th draw, NIQAB G5 49 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: KAB G7 37, QIS 10F 32, QIS 10J 32, BIKIE J4 31, KAB 4H 31
BE G9 24 dabbler
QI K9 24 tonikay

On 12th draw, NERKA H1 42 --- NERKA the sockeye salmon [n]
Other moves: KIER 4L 32, KOURA H1 30, KRONA H1 30, KOA L4 28, KEA 4H 27
KOA L4 28 dabbler
KA 4H 24 tonikay

On 13th draw, ARY J7 33 --- ARY any [adj]
Other moves: RYA J8 30, FERM 8L 27, DAISY 2J 26, DRUSY 2J 26, YAM J9 26
YUM J9 26 dabbler
DEY 15K 21 tonikay

On 14th draw, WARSLE 2J 34 --- WARSLE to wrestle [v]
Other moves: NEARLY N5 31, AWRY N7 29, WIEL 4L 28, TYE 6M 27, LAWYER 3C 26
AWRY N7 29 dabbler
YEW N8 26 tonikay

On 15th draw, AY 1N 32 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: TYG 6M 28, TYE 6M 27, TYEE 15J 26, YETI O1 24, ERUGO L1 22
YETI O1 24 dabbler
GAY N8 22 tonikay

On 16th draw, FEUD 8L 24 --- FEUD to engage in a feud (a bitter, continuous hostility) [v]
Other tops: FEED 8L 24, TREADLE 2B 24
Other moves: TEED 15J 22, UREDO L1 22, FEAL 8L 21, FEAR 8L 21, FEAT 8L 21
FEED 8L 24 tonikay, dabbler

On 17th draw, GIED 4L 24 --- GIE to give [v]
Other moves: MARVEL 3F 23, DEVA 13C 22, VEGA 13C 22, LASED 10J 21, MELEE 15K 21
GAMED D11 18 dabbler
ME 9N 11 tonikay

On 18th draw, OUTARGUE 2A 76 --- OUTARGUE to get the better of by arguing [v]
Other moves: OUTGUARD D8 72, OUTRAGE 2B 20, GOURA 13B 18, TUGRA 13B 18, TROG 13C 17
TEG 15K 15 tonikay
GROU(T) 11D 10 dabbler

On 19th draw, TRIZONAL E1 84 --- TRIZONAL having three zones [adj]
Other moves: ZOA 1A 73, ZO 1A 68, ZOA 1D 48, ZOONAL A1 48, AZO 1C 47
ZOA 1A 73 tonikay
ZO 1A 68 dabbler

On 20th draw, JOE 1A 61 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JO 1A 56, JOMO A1 42, MOJO A1 42, MOOVE A1 42, JIZ 4C 38
JOE 1A 61 tonikay, dabbler

On 21th draw, MEZE 4C 30 --- MEZE a Greek or Middle Eastern appetizer [n]
Other moves: MIZ 4C 28, MIEVED D10 24, TEEM 15J 24, MEVED D11 22, EVITE D8 21
ET 3A 15 tonikay

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