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Game of January 10, 2012 at 02:57, 1 player
1. 452 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiqstx   H3    42    42   axites
 2. abdelps   5G    76   118   piebalds
 3. celmopt   3B    82   200   compleat
 4. ?eiooru   4C    24   224   euoi
 5. adeeqrs   6F    39   263   qats
 6. cehinnr   M3    86   349   indrench
 7. eilnnor   8A    77   426   onliners
 8. defginr   M3    36   462   indrenching
 9. ?aeituw   8J    36   498   townie
10. aeirrsw  10H    68   566   wairsher
11. aegrttu   A5    60   626   tutorage
12. ?adeegk  O10    42   668   rakees
13. aehiort   E7    72   740   antihero
14. dmnovyz  D12    61   801   dozy
15. abdijlv  C13    63   864   jab
16. dgilouv  14B    34   898   gazoo
17. ailnouv  15F    29   927   unvail
18. ddfmouy  F10    42   969   foy
19. ddfmouv  15A    36  1005   moby

Remaining tiles: ddfuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5419 Filepaulineasb  1 20:38  -553  452     1.5419 paulineasb  1 20:38  -553  452 

On 1st draw, AXITES H3 42 --- AXITE a fiber of an axon [n]
Other moves: AXITES H4 28, AXITES H7 28, AXITES H8 28, TAXIES H3 28, TAXIES H4 28
TAXES H8 26 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, PIEBALDS 5G 76 --- PIEBALD a horse with patchy colours [n]
Other moves: LAPIDES 5E 40, PLEIADS 5E 40, BALED G3 38, BASED G3 38, PALED G3 38
BADE G1 23 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, COMPLEAT 3B 82 --- COMPLEAT highly skilled [adj]
Other moves: COMPLETE 7C 69, COMPLETE 7A 68, CAMELOT 3G 34, COEMPT 2C 32, COMPT 2D 31
PEP G3 26 paulineasb

On 4th draw, EUOI 4C 24 --- EUOI expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other moves: E(T)UI 2G 22, EUO(I) 4C 21, EU(O)I 4C 21, (E)UOI 4C 21, (G)OITRE 6E 21
(F)LOOR L4 10 paulineasb

On 5th draw, QATS 6F 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 6F 36, DA 5D 22, SETAE 6F 21, AREDES 2I 20, DEADERS M2 20
QATS 6F 39 paulineasb

On 6th draw, INDRENCH M3 86 --- INDRENCH to submerge in water [v]
Other moves: HERDIC M2 30, NICE 7E 30, RICE 7E 30, EH 6M 29, ICE 7F 29
CHINS N1 20 paulineasb

On 7th draw, ONLINERS 8A 77 --- ONLINER a user of the internet [n]
Other moves: ONLINER G8 61, ONLINER I8 61, LEONINE 7B 26, NERINE 7C 25, OLEINE 7C 25
LINER 8K 18 paulineasb

On 8th draw, INDRENCHING M3 36 --- INDRENCH to submerge in water [v]
Other moves: FINNED 8J 33, FRINGE 8J 33, FLINDER C7 32, FLINGER C7 32, FINED 8K 30
FRINGE 8J 33 paulineasb

On 9th draw, T(O)WNIE 8J 36 --- TOWNIE a nonstudent who lives in a college town [n]
Other tops: TAWNE(Y) 8J 36
Other moves: AWNE(D) 8K 33, AWNE(R) 8K 33, TAWIE 2H 32, TAWE(D) 2H 31, TAWE(R) 2H 31
WANT(S) 8K 24 paulineasb

On 10th draw, WAIRSHER 10H 68 --- WAIRSH tasteless [adj]
Other moves: STRAWIER J7 65, ANEW 4L 28, WARRENS 12H 28, RESAW 7G 27, RESEW 7G 27
WISES N1 20 paulineasb

On 11th draw, TUTORAGE A5 60 --- TUTORAGE the act of tutoring [n]
Other moves: WATTER H10 30, RUGATE O10 27, TEGUA 2H 26, TUGRA 2H 26, REGULA L1 25
WATTER H10 30 paulineasb

On 12th draw, RAKEE(S) O10 42 --- RAKEE a Turkish liqueur [n]
Other moves: WA(L)KED H10 39, W*nK*D H10 39, WA(R)KED H10 39, WA(U)KED H10 39, WEAKE(N) H10 39
REAKED O10 36 paulineasb

On 13th draw, ANTIHERO E7 72 --- ANTIHERO a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities [n]
Other moves: HONER B6 39, WHITER H10 39, WITHER H10 39, WRAITH H10 39, WREATH H10 39
WHITER H10 39 paulineasb

On 14th draw, DOZY D12 61 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: MOZ D12 49, DOMY D12 40, DOOZY 14C 38, MONY D12 38, DOZY 14D 37
ZIN 3L 12 paulineasb

On 15th draw, JAB C13 63 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: JIVY 15A 51, JA C13 50, DIVA C11 44, DAB C13 39, VILD C11 39
JAVA I9 22 paulineasb

On 16th draw, GAZOO 14B 34 --- GAZOO a toy musical instrument [n]
Other moves: DIAZO 14A 30, DIV F10 30, DOBY 15A 30, GOBY 15A 30, DIG F10 26
GOBY 15A 30 paulineasb

On 17th draw, UNVAIL 15F 29 --- UNVAIL to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: NIVAL 15F 26, VAIN G11 24, VINA G12 24, VINO G12 24, VOILA L2 24
WAIL H10 8 paulineasb

On 18th draw, FOY F10 42 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: MOBY 15A 36, YOM B10 36, YUM B10 36, YOD B10 34, DOBY 15A 33
DOF F10 30 paulineasb

On 19th draw, MOBY 15A 36 --- MOBY a mobile phone [n]
Other moves: DOBY 15A 33, MOD B10 28, MUD B10 28, UFO N13 27, DOF B10 26
F(O)UR K7 6 paulineasb

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