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Game of January 10, 2012 at 06:44, 3 players
1. 434 pts jimbo
2. 387 pts spellcheck
3. 56 pts ZEHAVARON

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adegoz   H4    52    52   zagged
 2. ?addirx   I4    40    92   axoid
 3. aeinnrt   8A    83   175   entrained
 4. adnopqs   F6    37   212   qaids
 5. adeeilp   D1    78   290   pedalier
 6. cilorvw   1D    42   332   pilcrow
 7. ablortu   4H    32   364   zabra
 8. egiorsu   M1    31   395   guiser
 9. aeejmnu   1M    33   428   gju
10. aefinou   C2    29   457   fine
11. aemnost   K1    85   542   storeman
12. efklort   L7    25   567   lofter
13. aegnruv   8K    24   591   novae
14. bhloost   A2    64   655   botholes
15. cegmnvy   B5    27   682   em
16. cgopruy  K11    32   714   porgy
17. ceikouv  15K    45   759   yoick
18. aeinttv  J10    25   784   vane
19. hiotuuy  I13    23   807   hoy
20. eiintuw  15D    48   855   witney

Remaining tiles: ituu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5851 Filejimbo       1 19:33  -421  434     1.5851 jimbo       1 19:33  -421  434 
  2.5129 Filespellcheck  0 25:18  -468  387     2.5129 spellcheck  0 25:18  -468  387 
  3.3804 FileZEHAVARON   0  5:54  -799   56            Group: not rated
                                             1.3804 ZEHAVARON   0  5:54  -799   56 

On 1st draw, ZAG(G)ED H4 52 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other tops: ZA(G)GED H4 52
Other moves: AZO(T)ED H3 50, ZE(R)DA H4 48, ZO(N)DA H4 48, ZO(N)ED H4 48, ZOAE(A) H4 46
ZAG(G)ED H4 52 jimbo
G(R)AZED H4 36 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, AX(O)ID I4 40 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: (A)DDAX I1 35, ADD(A)X I1 34, DIZ(Z)ARD 4F 34, (M)AXI I3 33, (T)AXI I3 33
AX(E)D 5H 22 spellcheck
DAZ(E)D 4F 15 jimbo

On 3rd draw, ENTRAINED 8A 83 --- ENTRAIN to board a train [v]
Other moves: ENTRAIN G9 63, TZARINA 4G 32, ZANIER 4H 30, ZAIRE 4H 28, ZANTE 4H 28
TRAINED 9B 10 spellcheck

On 4th draw, QAIDS F6 37 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QAID F6 34, DADS 9F 28, DODS 9F 28, PANAX 5E 28, NADS 9F 26
PANDAS E4 18 spellcheck
QIS F7 12 jimbo

On 5th draw, PEDALIER D1 78 --- PEDALIER the pedal keyboard of an organ [n]
Other moves: DEPILATE C2 76, EPILATED C3 76, PILEATED C3 76, ALIPED J1 47, LEAPED J1 47
LEAPED J1 47 jimbo
LEAP J1 22 spellcheck

On 6th draw, PILCROW 1D 42 --- PILCROW a paragraph-mark [n]
Other moves: COWP 1A 33, PILOW 1D 30, PROWL 1D 30, LOWP 1A 27, OLEIC 2B 26
PROWL 1D 30 spellcheck
CLIP 1A 24 jimbo

On 7th draw, ZABRA 4H 32 --- ZABRA a small vessel [n]
Other moves: LAXATOR 5G 28, OUTBAR 2J 27, BOLA C2 26, BOTA C2 26, ROTULA 2I 25
ABORT E10 16 jimbo
BLOATER A3 10 spellcheck

On 8th draw, GUISER M1 31 --- GUISER a person in disguise [n]
Other moves: GORSE M1 29, GRISE M1 29, GUISE M1 29, OSIER M3 29, BERG J4 27
RIGS M1 27 jimbo
RUGS M1 27 spellcheck

On 9th draw, GJU 1M 33 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: JAMES 10B 30, UNJAM E10 30, JAUNSE 10B 29, JANES 10B 28, JEANS 10B 28
JEANS 10B 28 spellcheck
JADE 3B 24 jimbo

On 10th draw, FINE C2 29 --- FINE of excellent quality [adj] --- FINE to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) [v]
Other tops: FANE C2 29, FONE C2 29, NIFE C2 29
Other moves: UNDEAF 3B 28, BEAN J4 25, FAE C2 25, FAN C2 25, FEN C2 25
FONDUE 3A 20 spellcheck
FEND 3A 16 jimbo

On 11th draw, STOREMAN K1 85 --- STOREMAN a storekeeper [n]
Other moves: MONTANES B6 68, ITEMS E1 35, SMARTEN K1 33, MUON 2L 32, TAUON 2K 30
SMART K1 29 jimbo
PILCROWS 1D 15 spellcheck

On 12th draw, LOFTER L7 25 --- LOFTER a type of golf club [n]
Other tops: EF E4 25
Other moves: KERFS 10B 22, OFTER L8 21, FET 2I 20, FOLKS 10B 20, FORKS 10B 20
FORKS 10B 20 spellcheck
TOKER L7 15 jimbo

On 13th draw, NOVAE 8K 24 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other moves: AVENGER 11G 22, ERUV K10 22, RAVEN K11 22, GANEV B6 21, VAG B3 21
AVENGER 11G 22 jimbo
ENGRAVE A8 12 spellcheck

On 14th draw, BOTHOLES A2 64 --- BOTHOLE a hole in a hide caused by maggots [n]
Other moves: HOBOS K11 32, BOHOS K11 30, BOOHS K11 30, BOOST 13I 30, BOOTH K11 30
SHOT 13L 24 jimbo
BOOTHS 10A 13 spellcheck

On 15th draw, EM B5 27 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: CYMENE 11G 26, CYMENE 11I 26, EGENCY 11J 24, MENG K11 24, YEN K11 24
VENGE 11H 18 jimbo
MERCY 12J 12 spellcheck

On 16th draw, PORGY K11 32 --- PORGY an American sea fish [n]
Other moves: POGY K11 30, YORP K11 30, PORY K11 28, YUP K11 28, PUY K11 26
PYRE 11I 18 jimbo
TOY 10L 14 spellcheck

On 17th draw, YOICK 15K 45 --- YOICK to cry out an old fox-hunting cry [v]
Other tops: YUCKO 15K 45
Other moves: COKY 15H 39, COVEY 15G 39, ICKY 15H 39, COKE J10 30, COVE J10 28
VICES 10B 18 spellcheck
YUCK 15K 14 jimbo

On 18th draw, VANE J10 25 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [n]
Other moves: NAEVI M11 24, NAVE J10 22, VAN J10 22, VAT J10 22, VAIN M8 21
VAT J10 22 jimbo
NATIVE O3 10 spellcheck

On 19th draw, HOY I13 23 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: HIT I13 20, HOI I13 20, HOT 2I 20, HOT I13 20, HUI I13 20
THY 10L 17 spellcheck
OY E10 12 jimbo

On 20th draw, WITNEY 15D 48 --- WITNEY a heavy woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: TWINY 15E 33, WINEY 15E 33, WINY 15F 30, WEY 15G 27, UNITY 15E 24
TWINY 15E 33 spellcheck
WEY 15G 27 jimbo

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