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Game of January 10, 2012 at 15:04, 6 players
1. 635 pts PIThompson
2. 498 pts dabbler
3. 475 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaeioq   H4    28    28   aquae
 2. abeegns   I7    22    50   began
 3. acehimz  H10    49    99   haemic
 4. deenotu  15E    62   161   duecento
 5. ?ioopty   J1    75   236   isotopy
 6. ginoosu   5H    30   266   quoins
 7. afghist  11D    60   326   afghanis
 8. eegilor  12A    25   351   eloge
 9. deorwyz  13B    63   414   oyez
10. defilot   1H    33   447   foiled
11. adeimuv   A7    36   483   vidame
12. eioorsw  14A    37   520   ower
13. aeknrru  10H    40   560   hakea
14. adnnopt  15A    27   587   op
15. aeilnrt   2B    73   660   latrine
16. adlsttu   1A    26   686   tads
17. inrstuw  M11    28   714   writs
18. cinrrtu   C1    26   740   daturic
19. bilnnux   B8    56   796   nix
20. bjnrruv   6B    28   824   jib

Remaining tiles: lnrruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7728 FilePIThompson  8 17:31  -189  635     1.7728 PIThompson  8 17:31  -189  635 
  2.6523 Filedabbler     2 19:37  -326  498            Group: intermediate
  3.6225 FileGrace_Tjie  2 18:13  -349  475     1.6523 dabbler     2 19:37  -326  498 
  4.6167 Fileraggedy01   2 13:20  -587  237     2.6225 Grace_Tjie  2 18:13  -349  475 
  5.5292 Filecailah      0  5:56  -698  126     3.6167 raggedy01   2 13:20  -587  237 
  6.5649 Filetonikay     0  4:22  -781   43            Group: novice
                                             1.5292 cailah      0  5:56  -698  126 
                                             2.5649 tonikay     0  4:22  -781   43 

On 1st draw, AQ(U)AE H4 28 --- AQUA water [n]
Other tops: AQ(U)AE H8 28
Other moves: AQ(U)AE H5 26, AQ(U)AE H6 26, AQ(U)AE H7 26, AQ(U)A H5 24, AQ(U)A H6 24
AQ(U)AE H4 28 PIThompson
AQ(U)A H8 24 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, BEGAN I7 22 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other tops: BEGAN G7 22, BESANG G7 22, BESANG I7 22
Other moves: BAGS G7 21, BAGS I7 21, BANGS G7 21, BANGS I7 21, BEGS G7 21
BEGAN G7 22 PIThompson
BANGS I7 21 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, HAEMIC H10 49 --- HAEMIC pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: HEMIC J10 41, ZECHIN 11D 40, HAZE J10 39, AMICE H11 38, HAEMIC J10 38
HAZE J10 39 Grace_Tjie
HAZE 10H 36 PIThompson
AMAZE 10G 36 dabbler

On 4th draw, DUECENTO 15E 62 --- DUECENTO the thirteenth century [n]
Other moves: QUOTED 5H 32, DONUT J6 31, NODE J8 29, NUDE J8 29, QUEEN 5H 28
QUOTED 5H 32 dabbler, PIThompson
QUEEN 5H 28 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, I(S)OTOPY J1 75 --- ISOTOPY the state of being an isotope [n]
Other moves: POT(B)OY 14A 52, PTOO(E)Y 14A 51, PO(B)OY 14B 50, T(E)POY 14B 50, PO(L)ITY J6 42
(N)OY J8 35 PIThompson
OY J9 33 dabbler
P(A)Y 14D 30 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, QUOINS 5H 30 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: GNUS G7 29, QUOIN 5H 28, ISOGON K6 27, ONOS K4 27, ISOGON 14J 26
QUOINS 5H 30 PIThompson, dabbler
GINS J10 23 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, AFGHANIS 11D 60 --- AFGHANI a monetary unit of Afghanistan [n]
Other moves: FAITHS 1H 48, FAITH 1H 45, FIGHTS M10 38, HAFT J10 38, FAITHS M10 36
FAITHS 1H 48 dabbler
HAFT J10 38 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, ELOGE 12A 25 --- ELOGE a funeral oration [n]
Other tops: GERLE 12A 25, LIEGE 12A 25
Other moves: GLOIRE 1G 24, LEIGER 1H 24, LOGIER 1G 24, OGLE G6 24, OGRE G6 24
LOGIER 1G 24 PIThompson
LOGE 12B 21 Grace_Tjie
GI J10 18 dabbler

On 9th draw, OYEZ 13B 63 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: DOZY 13C 59, ZOOEY 3I 54, DOZE 13C 53, DORIZE 1G 51, DOWERY 13A 51
ZOOEY 3I 54 PIThompson
ZEROED A8 48 dabbler
ZOO 3I 22 cailah

On 10th draw, FOILED 1H 33 --- FOIL to prevent the success of [v]
Other tops: FLIED 1H 33, FLITED 1H 33
Other moves: FOETID 12J 31, FOILED 12J 31, DEFILE A7 30, FOETID 1F 30, FOLIOED 3I 30
FOILED 1H 33 Grace_Tjie, raggedy01
FLIED 1H 33 PIThompson
DEFILE A7 30 dabbler

On 11th draw, VIDAME A7 36 --- VIDAME a minor nobleman [n]
Other moves: IMIDE J9 31, AIMED 14J 30, IMID J9 30, MAUVE A8 30, MAVIE A8 30
MAUVE A8 30 dabbler, raggedy01, Grace_Tjie
MOVED 3I 28 PIThompson
MADE 14L 18 cailah

On 12th draw, OWER 14A 37 --- OWER over [prep]
Other tops: OWES 14A 37, OWSE 14A 37
Other moves: IWIS J9 35, IWI J9 34, SEW B8 32, SOW B8 32, WIRE J10 32
OWES 14A 37 PIThompson, raggedy01
WIRE J10 32 dabbler
WISE J10 32 Grace_Tjie
SWORE 2D 15 cailah

On 13th draw, HAKEA 10H 40 --- HAKEA an Australian shrub [n]
Other moves: HAKA 10H 39, HAKE 10H 39, HAKU 10H 39, KORUNA 3I 30, UNRAKE L4 30
HAKE 10H 39 PIThompson
OAK I1 24 dabbler
KAE 2F 22 Grace_Tjie
RANKER(S) 2D 19 raggedy01

On 14th draw, OP 15A 27 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other moves: DOPANT 3I 22, PONTON 3I 22, ADOPT 14K 21, APOD 14K 20, DOPA 2L 20
ADOPT 14K 21 PIThompson
POND 14L 18 Grace_Tjie
POND 9L 12 dabbler
APT 10A 11 raggedy01

On 15th draw, LATRINE 2B 73 --- LATRINE a type of toilet [n]
Other tops: RATLINE 2B 73
Other moves: ALERTING F4 63, ALTERING F4 63, RELATING F4 63, ANTLIATE 4H 28, ANTLIAE 4H 24
MALTIER 13H 20 PIThompson
ANTLER(S) 2D 15 raggedy01
LINE 2L 13 Grace_Tjie
ANAL 10A 12 dabbler

On 16th draw, TADS 1A 26 --- TAD a small boy [n]
Other tops: LADS 1A 26
Other moves: DALS 1A 25, DALTS M11 24, DAUTS M11 24, DUALS M11 24, LAUDS M11 24
DAUTS M11 24 PIThompson
STUD M10 23 dabbler
STAT 12J 18 raggedy01
SAD 1A 17 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, WRITS M11 28 --- WRIT a written legal order [n]
Other tops: TWINS M11 28
Other moves: WINS M12 26, WITS M12 26, WRIST M7 26, WURST M7 26, WINS M7 25
WRITS M11 28 PIThompson
WITS M12 26 cailah
WINS M7 25 dabbler
STIR 12J 18 raggedy01
DAWNS C1 18 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, DATURIC C1 26 --- DATURA a flowering plant [adj] --- DATURIC relating to datura [adj]
Other moves: CORTIN 3I 22, URTICANT 4C 22, CORNI 3I 20, CORNU 3I 20, COUNT 3I 20
CORTIN 3I 22 PIThompson
DUCTS M1 16 raggedy01
TIC 2L 15 Grace_Tjie
C*NT L3 12 dabbler
TURN 9L 7 cailah
KIR J10 7 tonikay

On 19th draw, NIX B8 56 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: BRUX 12L 42, BOLIX 3I 34, AXIL 10A 33, LINUX 6B 30, BRUX 5B 26
NIX B8 56 PIThompson
XI 6B 25 cailah, dabbler
NIX 2L 25 Grace_Tjie
LUX 4B 20 raggedy01
XIS M3 20 tonikay

On 20th draw, JIB 6B 28 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: BRR G7 26, BRU G7 26, JIN 6B 26, NUB B4 25, BOURN 3I 20
JIB 6B 28 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie, dabbler
JUS M3 20 raggedy01
DRUBS M1 16 tonikay
JAGER D10 13 cailah

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