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Game of January 10, 2012 at 18:10, 3 players
1. 366 pts raggedy01
2. 268 pts kellybelly
3. 249 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeknss   H7    84    84   sandeks
 2. eilorsu  13H    68   152   soilures
 3. abcfgot  N10    36   188   facet
 4. ?aaeijn   7B    67   255   japanise
 5. afhmnor   8A    50   305   foram
 6. ?eeiipw  15L    50   355   weep
 7. aillnor  11E    82   437   allerion
 8. ?admpvw   O6    46   483   vamped
 9. bdegisy   9B    36   519   bys
10. eenotyz  F10    45   564   zloty
11. bdegrru   J2    33   597   burred
12. eghnrtu  10H    30   627   duh
13. aeghiot   4H    28   655   hirage
14. aeinott   B7    38   693   jobation
15. egoqrtw   3G    53   746   toque
16. degituv  A12    33   779   gied
17. ceiortw   2A    80   859   cowrite
18. egintuv   1E    38   897   given
19. eilntux   M3    40   937   telex

Remaining tiles: inou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6175 Fileraggedy01   1 18:58  -571  366     1.7308 kellybelly  0  6:22  -669  268 
  2.7308 Filekellybelly  0  6:22  -669  268            Group: intermediate
  3.5268 Filecailah      0 14:09  -688  249     1.6175 raggedy01   1 18:58  -571  366 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5268 cailah      0 14:09  -688  249 

On 1st draw, SANDEKS H7 84 --- SANDEK (Judaism) a man who holds a baby being circumcised [n]
Other moves: SANDEKS H2 76, SANDEKS H3 76, SANDEKS H4 76, SANDEKS H6 76, SANDEKS H8 76
KANES H4 28 kellybelly
DANKS H4 24 cailah

On 2nd draw, SOILURES 13H 68 --- SOILURE a stain or smudge [n]
Other tops: SOILURES 13A 68
Other moves: SOULDIER 10D 63, SOILURE G1 62, SOILURES 7A 60, SOILURES 7H 60, KEIRS 12H 18
ROILS I11 17 kellybelly
SOUL G5 10 cailah

On 3rd draw, FACET N10 36 --- FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v]
Other moves: FAG 14J 33, FAGOTS O8 33, FOG 14J 33, FAT 14J 31, CAGOTS O8 30
FAG 14J 33 kellybelly
FAGOTS O8 33 raggedy01
FOOT I11 18 cailah

On 4th draw, JA(P)ANISE 7B 67 --- JAPANISE to make Japanese [v]
Other moves: JANE(S) 15K 47, AJE(E) 15L 44, AJ(E)E 15L 43, INJE(R)A O5 41, JA(R)INA O5 41
JEAN O8 40 kellybelly
J(O)E O8 32 raggedy01
J(O)IN G8 25 cailah

On 5th draw, FORAM 8A 50 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: FOREMAN 11E 48, HOMA 8A 45, FAH 8A 41, FOH 8A 41, ROMAN 8A 41
FOREMAN 11E 48 cailah
HOMA 8A 45 kellybelly
HM 6I 18 raggedy01

On 6th draw, WEEP 15L 50 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other tops: (S)WEEP 15K 50
Other moves: W(E)EP 15L 47, WE(E)P 15L 46, WI(S)P 15L 46, P(H)EW 15L 44, P(L)EW 15L 44
WI(S)P 15L 46 kellybelly
SIP O13 17 cailah
PET 14L 11 raggedy01

On 7th draw, ALLERION 11E 82 --- ALLERION in heraldry, an eagle displayed without feet or beak [n]
Other moves: AILERON 11E 28, ALIENOR 11E 28, LORAL O7 22, LORAN O7 22, NORIA O6 20
LIAR O8 19 kellybelly
ROAN O8 19 raggedy01

On 8th draw, VAMP(E)D O6 46 --- VAMP to repair or patch [v]
Other moves: ADV(E)W O7 42, WAV(E)D O7 40, DWAM O8 39, MAW(E)D O7 37, PAV(E)D O7 37
WAV(E)D O7 40 kellybelly
W(E)M 9B 26 raggedy01

On 9th draw, BYS 9B 36 --- BY a pass in certain card games [n]
Other moves: BYDES J5 35, BYDE J5 34, BEIGY 12A 33, BY 9B 33, BEYS J4 32
BEY 9B 30 raggedy01

On 10th draw, ZLOTY F10 45 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ZLOTE F10 36, ZITI J10 33, TOLZEY F9 28, TOZE 12B 28, ZONE 12B 28
ZO N7 26 raggedy01

On 11th draw, BURRED J2 33 --- BUR to remove a rough edge from [v]
Other moves: BUDGE J5 27, REDUB J5 26, BEDU J5 25, BRED J4 25, BURD J4 25
BERRY 14B 20 raggedy01

On 12th draw, DUH 10H 30 --- DUH used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious [interj]
Other moves: HUNGER 3I 28, HUGER 3I 26, HUNGRY 14A 26, HUNTER 3I 26, HURTER 4H 26

On 13th draw, HIRAGE 4H 28 --- HIRAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other tops: GHERAO 4G 28
Other moves: EIGHTY 14A 26, HERIOT 4H 26, THORIA 4G 26, ABEIGH 2I 24, FAITH A8 24
ARIGHT 4I 20 raggedy01

On 14th draw, JOBATION B7 38 --- JOBATION a tedious scolding [n]
Other moves: OUTATE 3I 26, TITHE H1 24, EATH H1 21, NITRE 5G 21, NOAH H1 21
NATION L6 7 raggedy01

On 15th draw, TOQUE 3G 53 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other tops: ROQUE 3G 53
Other moves: OWER A12 34, GOER A12 30, OWER C12 28, W*G A13 28, OWE C12 26
QI 12A 21 raggedy01, cailah

On 16th draw, GIED A12 33 --- GIE to give [v]
Other moves: DIET A12 30, GIVED 2D 27, DEV A13 26, DIV A13 26, GUV A13 26
GIVED 2D 27 cailah
GIVE M1 16 raggedy01

On 17th draw, COWRITE 2A 80 --- COWRITE to collaborate in writing [v]
Other moves: COWRIE 2B 28, CROOK 12D 26, TERCIO 2C 22, TERCIO 5C 22, WET 3M 22
WET 3M 22 cailah
COWER M1 20 raggedy01

On 18th draw, GIVEN 1E 38 --- GIVEN something assigned as a basis for a calculation [n]
Other moves: GIVE 1E 35, VEG 1G 27, VIG 1G 27, VUG 1G 27, VENTIGE M3 26
GIVEN 1E 38 raggedy01
SIP O13 7 cailah

On 19th draw, TELEX M3 40 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other moves: ULEX 6D 34, LEX 6E 30, LUX 6E 30, NIX 6E 30, TEX 6E 30
TEX 6E 30 cailah
EXO 12D 29 raggedy01

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