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Game of January 11, 2012 at 01:47, 1 player
1. 434 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeflmx   H4    42    42   xylem
 2. deiltwz   6F    33    75   zill
 3. ?abeegn   J1    79   154   rebegan
 4. addnost   K2    45   199   dados
 5. aeginow   1D    42   241   wagoner
 6. eeikmpr   2B    40   281   premie
 7. ceiosty   9H    78   359   society
 8. achipru   L3    41   400   cha
 9. adeenrs   7A    78   478   serenade
10. ailnorv   L7    80   558   overlain
11. gorsttu   3D    26   584   tugs
12. aaijoru  14J    58   642   junior
13. dilnopu   A5    89   731   lispound
14. beiorrt   8L    36   767   vibe
15. aaeorty  15F    33   800   yarto
16. aeiktuw  14B    63   863   tweak
17. afnottu  O12    33   896   fort
18. aenqrtv   F5    28   924   tzarevna

Remaining tiles: fhiiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6505 FileZweep       3 12:59  -490  434     1.6505 Zweep       3 12:59  -490  434 

On 1st draw, X(Y)LEM H4 42 --- XYLEM a woody tissue in trees or plants [n]
Other tops: L(I)MAX H8 42, MAL(A)X H8 42, M(A)LAX H8 42
Other moves: FLAXE(N) H4 38, FLAXE(S) H4 38, LA(T)EX H8 38, (R)ELAX H8 38, FAXE(D) H4 36

On 2nd draw, ZILL 6F 33 --- ZILL one of a pair of finger cymbals [n]
Other moves: L*Z 6H 32, ZEL 6F 32, WEIZED 7D 31, L*Z I7 30, DITZ(Y) 5D 28

On 3rd draw, (R)EBEGAN J1 79 --- REBEGIN to begin again [v]
Other moves: BA(R)GEMEN 8C 63, BEEGA(H) J2 32, BEGNA(W) J2 32, BEENA(H) J2 31, BE(L)GA J2 31

On 4th draw, DADOS K2 45 --- DADO an ornamental groove [n] --- DADO to set into a groove [v]
Other moves: DATOS K2 42, ADOS K3 38, TOSA K4 33, DOS K4 32, NOS K4 29
DOS K4 32 Zweep

On 5th draw, WAGONE(R) 1D 42 --- WAGONER one who drives a waggon [n]
Other moves: GNAWE(R) 1E 27, WINGE(R) 1E 27, AWNIE(R) 1E 24, WAGE(R) 1F 24, WANIE(R) 1E 24
WAGONE(R) 1D 42 Zweep

On 6th draw, PREMIE 2B 40 --- PREMIE a premature baby [n]
Other moves: PREMIX 4C 34, KIPE G5 29, PIKER 2A 29, MIREX 4D 28, REMEX 4D 28
PIKER 2A 29 Zweep

On 7th draw, SOCIETY 9H 78 --- SOCIETY an organized group, a fellowship [n]
Other moves: TOEY 3A 31, COSY 9F 28, CYST 9F 28, COYEST 9D 27, COYS 9E 27
COYS 9E 27 Zweep

On 8th draw, CHA L3 41 --- CHA tea [n]
Other moves: CH L3 35, CHERUP L7 34, CERIPH L8 32, HAIRCUT M3 30, PEACH L8 30
PIA 8L 22 Zweep

On 9th draw, SERENADE 7A 78 --- SERENADE to perform an honorific evening song for [v]
Other moves: SERENADE L8 72, DEANS 8K 34, DEENS 8K 34, DANS 8L 33, DEAN 8L 33
DEAN 8L 33 Zweep

On 10th draw, OVERLAIN L7 80 --- OVERLAY to lay over [v] --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other moves: OVERLAIN D5 74, NONRIVAL E7 72, NONVIRAL E7 72, OVERLAIN B5 71, SALVOR A7 30
SAVOR A7 24 Zweep

On 11th draw, TUGS 3D 26 --- TUG to pull with force [v]
Other tops: YOGURTS N9 26
Other moves: GOS M1 24, GROSS A4 24, GUS M1 24, STROUTS A7 24, TUTS 3D 24
OS 8E 16 Zweep

On 12th draw, JUNIOR 14J 58 --- JUNIOR one who is lower in rank or age than another [n]
Other moves: JURA 4A 52, RAJA 4A 38, SAJOU A7 36, SIJO A7 33, SOJA A7 33
JIN 14J 26 Zweep

On 13th draw, LISPOUND A5 89 --- LISPOUND a varying weight [n]
Other moves: DIPLON 15F 38, DUPION 15F 38, PULSION A4 36, DIPSO A4 30, LISPUND A5 30
PORN O12 27 Zweep

On 14th draw, VIBE 8L 36 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: BIRO 15G 27, BIRO O12 27, BIRR O12 27, BITO 15G 27, BORE O12 27
BORE O12 27 Zweep

On 15th draw, YARTO 15F 33 --- YARTO an endearment [n]
Other tops: TAYRA 15F 33, YARE O12 33, YARR O12 33, YARTA 15F 33, YORE O12 33
Other moves: EYOT 15H 32, RYOT 15H 32, YAAR 15H 32, YEAR 15H 32, OYE 15M 31
YORE O12 33 Zweep

On 16th draw, TWEAK 14B 63 --- TWEAK to pinch and twist sharply [v]
Other moves: WARK O12 45, EWK M1 44, WAKE 14D 42, WEKA 14D 42, KAE 14F 40
WARK O12 45 Zweep

On 17th draw, FORT O12 33 --- FORT a fortified enclosure or structure [n] --- FORT to fortify [v]
Other tops: FARO O12 33, F*RT O12 33, FORA O12 33
Other moves: FOUTRA O10 30, AFT 13C 29, OAF 13C 29, OFT 13C 29, OUTFAWN C9 28
FORT O12 33 Zweep

On 18th draw, TZAREVNA F5 28 --- TZAREVNA the daughter of a czar [n]
Other moves: VAE 15A 25, EARN 13B 24, ENERVATE D7 24, EREV D12 22, NAVEW C10 22
VAW C12 18 Zweep

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