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Game of January 11, 2012 at 07:12, 5 players
1. 561 pts fatcat
2. 536 pts jimbo
3. 479 pts dragons11

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efiioo   H4    24    24   footie
 2. ?acegnr   5E    90   114   acrogens
 3. abdentv   4A    29   143   vaned
 4. aenstuz   B2    70   213   stanza
 5. ilosttu   8A    25   238   iso
 6. ehilort   F5    73   311   chlorite
 7. abiltuw   C6    32   343   awol
 8. bcdelop   E8    31   374   lobed
 9. eflnpuv   6J    28   402   fe
10. eeginop   I9    65   467   epigone
11. ahstuvy  15H    54   521   heavy
12. aeiprrt  D11    29   550   pieta
13. deknruw  14F    45   595   drunk
14. eilmrwy  C12    38   633   wye
15. adiorsx   G2    31   664   ixora
16. aeimrrt   F2    29   693   ma
17. adijnou   L1    40   733   judos
18. eilqrst  15H    51   784   heavyset
19. egilnrt   M8    70   854   ringlets
20. cinrstu   O8    83   937   instruct
21. abimqru   3I    56   993   quidam

Remaining tiles: br

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5373 Filefatcat      2 24:36  -432  561     1.6510 dragons11   3 16:51  -514  479 
  2.5838 Filejimbo       1 18:18  -457  536            Group: novice
  3.6510 Filedragons11   3 16:51  -514  479     1.5373 fatcat      2 24:36  -432  561 
  4.5128 Filespellcheck  1 21:40  -527  466     2.5838 jimbo       1 18:18  -457  536 
  5.5112 Filestrykyster  0  4:58  -907   86     3.5128 spellcheck  1 21:40  -527  466 
                                             4.5112 strykyster  0  4:58  -907   86 

On 1st draw, FOO(T)IE H4 24 --- FOOTIE a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other tops: FOO(D)IE H4 24, F(L)OOIE H4 24
Other moves: FI(R)IE H4 22, FO(G)IE H4 22, FO(L)IE H4 22, FO(L)IO H4 22, FO(X)IE H4 22
FOO(D)IE H4 24 spellcheck, jimbo
FO(L)IO H4 22 fatcat
F(L)OE H5 12 dragons11

On 2nd draw, ACROGEN(S) 5E 90 --- ACROGEN a plant growing at the apex only [n]
Other moves: C(H)ANGER 10B 78, C(L)ANGER 10B 78, G(L)ANCER 10B 78, CAG(A)NER 10B 76, C(A)GANER 10B 76
REFAC(I)NG 4F 26 fatcat
GRACE(S) 10C 22 dragons11
CAGER(S) 10C 18 jimbo
C(H)ANGER 9C 15 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, VANED 4A 29 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [adj] --- VANED having a vane [adj]
Other moves: ADVERB G1 25, BANED 4A 25, BATED 4A 25, DAVEN 4A 24, VADE(S) L1 24
VEND(S) L1 24 fatcat, jimbo
BEAT(S) L1 18 spellcheck
BEND G9 17 dragons11

On 4th draw, STANZA B2 70 --- STANZA a division of a poem [n]
Other tops: STANZE B2 70
Other moves: A(S)SEZ L4 46, ZEST(S) L1 46, ZETA(S) L1 46, NAZES 10D 43, ZEST 10F 42
STANZA B2 70 fatcat
ZAS 10F 41 dragons11
ZA 3B 37 jimbo
ZEST 9G 24 spellcheck

On 5th draw, ISO 8A 25 --- ISO film replay facilities [n]
Other moves: LUTIST A7 23, IS 8A 22, OS 8A 22, SLUIT 8B 22, STILT 8B 22
ISO 8A 25 dragons11
IS 8A 22 fatcat
OILS C6 20 jimbo
TOILETS 9D 9 spellcheck

On 6th draw, CHLORITE F5 73 --- CHLORITE a mineral group [n]
Other moves: HOTELIER J2 71, CLOTHIER F5 67, HOTELIER 9E 63, HOOLIER C7 39, HOOTIER C7 39
HOLT(S) L1 22 jimbo
HERO(S) L1 22 fatcat
CHORTLE F5 22 spellcheck

On 7th draw, AWOL C6 32 --- AWOL one who is absent without leave [n]
Other moves: BAWL E10 31, ABOIL C6 29, ABOUT C6 29, BAWTIE 12A 28, WALI E8 27
BOWL C7 23 fatcat
WILT(S) L1 22 jimbo
BUILT 11B 14 spellcheck

On 8th draw, LOBED E8 31 --- LOBE a rounded, projecting anatomical part [adj] --- LOBED having a lobe [adj]
Other tops: LOPED E8 31, POLED E8 31
Other moves: BODE E8 27, DOPE E8 27, OPED E9 27, BLEEP 12D 24, BOEP 4J 24
CLOP(S) L1 22 fatcat
PLOD(S) L1 20 spellcheck
BOLD(S) L1 20 jimbo

On 9th draw, FE 6J 28 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: ENUF 4L 24, PE D6 24, PELF(S) L1 24, UN(S)ELF L3 24, FUEL 4J 23
VENU(S) L1 22 jimbo
PUL(S)E L2 12 spellcheck
PLU(S) L2 10 fatcat

On 10th draw, EPIGONE I9 65 --- EPIGONE an inferior imitator [n]
Other moves: OPING D10 34, OPINE D10 32, PINGO D11 31, GIPON D11 30, NEIVE A1 30
OPEN D12 22 fatcat
PING(S) L1 20 jimbo, spellcheck

On 11th draw, HEAVY 15H 54 --- HEAVY a villain [n] --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other moves: HAY H13 49, YAH H13 49, UNHASTY 14H 42, SAY H13 37, TAY H13 37
HEAVY 15H 54 fatcat
HAY H13 49 dragons11
YEAST 15H 27 spellcheck
HASTE 15E 24 jimbo

On 12th draw, PIETA D11 29 --- PIETA a representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the body of Christ [n]
Other tops: PIERT D11 29
Other moves: PRAI(S)ER L1 28, RIPER D11 27, PAGRI I3 26, PEAR(S)T L1 26, PIER(S)T L1 26
PARITY L10 22 fatcat
PARTY L11 20 spellcheck
PEAR(S) L1 18 jimbo
APER 14L 17 dragons11

On 13th draw, DRUNK 14F 45 --- DRUNK an intoxicated person [n] --- DRUNK intoxicated [adj]
Other moves: DUNK 14G 40, RENK 14G 39, WREAK 15A 36, NEUK C12 33, WEKA 15A 33
DRUNK 14F 45 dragons11
DUNK(S) L1 22 jimbo
KINDER 11H 22 fatcat
WAKE 15C 11 spellcheck

On 14th draw, WYE C12 38 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: RIMAYE 15A 36, WI(S)ELY L3 36, WEY C13 35, MI(S)ERY L3 34, WEM C13 32
WEY C13 35 dragons11
RELAY 15A 24 spellcheck
WILE(S) L1 22 jimbo
LIME(S) L1 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, IXORA G2 31 --- IXORA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: DIXY L12 30, DOXY L12 30, OXID 4L 30, OXID 14L 29, XI A1 29
DOXY L12 30 jimbo
AXIS 14L 27 dragons11
IXIAS 11I 24 spellcheck
AXI(S) L2 20 fatcat

On 16th draw, MA F2 29 --- MA mother [n]
Other tops: ME F2 29
Other moves: AMI B13 26, REARM 4J 25, AM B13 24, EM B13 24, MAE(S)TRI L2 24
ME F2 29 dragons11
MARRY L11 20 spellcheck
MEATY L11 20 jimbo
GRIME 12I 16 fatcat

On 17th draw, JUDO(S) L1 40 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other tops: JUDA(S) L1 40
Other moves: JA B14 38, JIAO(S) L1 38, JO B14 38, JOIN(S) L1 38, OUIJA 4K 31
JO B14 38 fatcat, dragons11
JOIN(S) L1 38 spellcheck, jimbo
JIN A7 23 strykyster

On 18th draw, HEAVYSET 15H 51 --- HEAVYSET solidly built; stocky [adj]
Other moves: REQUITS 2I 36, QI A1 35, REQUIT 2I 34, SQUIER 2J 34, SQUIRE 2J 34
QI A1 35 dragons11, fatcat, jimbo
SQUIRT 2J 34 spellcheck
QUITS 2K 28 strykyster

On 19th draw, RINGLETS M8 70 --- RINGLET a small ring [n]
Other tops: TINGLERS M8 70, TRINGLES M8 70
Other moves: GIRTLINE 11H 68, TINGLIER 11H 68, TIRELING 11H 68, TINGLIER A7 66, TIRELING A7 66
JILT 1L 33 spellcheck
GRUNT 2J 20 jimbo
GIN M2 19 dragons11
MITRE 2F 9 fatcat
TILE N12 8 strykyster

On 20th draw, INSTRUCT O8 83 --- INSTRUCT to supply with knowledge [v]
Other moves: JINS 1L 33, JUST 1L 33, JUTS 1L 33, SCRUNT 2I 28, CIRRUS 8J 27
JUST 1L 33 jimbo, dragons11, fatcat, spellcheck
CRUS 8L 27 strykyster

On 21th draw, QUIDAM 3I 56 --- QUIDAM a certain person [n]
Other moves: JAMB 1L 45, JUBA 1L 39, QI A1 35, QUA N6 35, AMIR M1 33
JAMB 1L 45 jimbo
QI A1 35 fatcat, dragons11
QUAD 3I 24 spellcheck

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